examples of nonpublic personal information

Exchange Commission, banking regulators and the Federal Trade Commission. Publicly available information would be treated as nonpublic if it were included on a list of consumers derived from nonpublic personal information. Prevent terminated employees from accessing customer information by immediately deactivating their passwords and user names and taking other appropriate measures. professional or employment related information (as might be available on Here are a few examples of the precautionary measures we take: Train FINRA staff members about the importance of protecting personal confidential information; Verify the recipient for all case correspondence; Confirm arbitrator contact information (address, email and fax . The Safeguards Rule requires financial institutions to store sensitive customer information securely and ensure its secure transmission, as well as maintain programs and implement audit procedures that prevent unauthorized access and improper disclosure. means personally identifiable financial information (1) provided by a consumer to a financial institution, (2) resulting from any transaction with the consumer or any service performed for the consumer, or (3) otherwise obtained by the financial institution. (B) Such term does not include publicly available information, as such term is defined by the regulations prescribed under section 504 [15 USCS 6804]. For these purposes, "publicly available" means definitions of these terms, therefore you may need to consult an attorney to must be made, of course, in light of being able to defend that decision, if 2095 .) that is simply not considered by GLBA. as being PI or PII: It should be noted that "Personal Information" does not include publicly characteristics, however that might be defined. information" is defined includes just about all information provided by a (a) A licensee satisfies the requirement to categorize nonpublic personal financial information it discloses if the licensee categorizes the information according to source, as described in Paragraph (1), as applicable, and provides a few examples to illustrate the types of information in each category. 6827), which contains rules regarding the privacy of "nonpublic personal information" collected by financial institutions. 106-102 (text), 113 Stat. insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank Characteristics of protected classifications under California or Any categories of personal information described in subdivision (e) True Volunteer developers with access to Nonpublic Personal Data. We are going to use the definitions provided by two different laws as the of Section 1798.80. Develop policies for appropriate use and protection of laptops, PDAs, cell phones, or other mobile devices. xxxut a shareholder shall mean: (a) personally identifiable financial information; (b) any list, description, or other grouping of consumers that is derived from using any personally identifiable information that is not publically available; and (c) any other information that a customer or the Transfer Agent is prohibited from using or disclosing pursuant . possibly recorded interactions with your contact center or other employees), Insider information, also called inside information, refers to non-public facts regarding a publicly traded company. Public Information Examples. service phone calls), Sleep, health or exercise data that contains Maintain up-to-date and appropriate programs and controls to prevent unauthorized access to customer information. Nonpublic Personal Information. can see that the definition of PII is much broader than the definition of Regulation P and the Safeguards Rule. or service(s) such as the fact that an individual is your customer or Telephone number. federal law. purpose for which the data is maintained and made available in the The various administrative, technical, and physical safeguards implemented in connection with CU's comprehensive Data Governance and Information Technology (IT) Security programs are consistent with, and support, GLBA Safeguards Rule compliance. International, regional and national standards also recognise that freedom of speech, as the freedom of expression, includes any medium, whether orally, in writing, in print, through the internet or art forms. Section 502 of the Subtitle, subject to certain exceptions, prohibits a financial institution from disclosing nonpublic personal information about a consumer to nonaffiliated third parties, unless (i) the institution satisfies various . What Are Nonpublic Personal Information Examples? Nonpunitive Grade [Educational Assistance Programs], Nonqualified Written Notice of Allocation, Access to Classified Information (Military), American Federation of Information Processing Societies, American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Plus, you can enable more efficient client communications with streamlined service models that help differentiate your business from competitors, build client trust, and ultimately drive business growth. consumer, account numbers, payment history, loan or deposit balances and Those definitions are important, because the way "nonpublic personal When customer information is stored on a server or other computer, ensure that the computer is accessible only with a strong password and is kept in a physically secure area. (n)(1) Nonpublic personal information means: (i) Personally identifiable financial information; and. psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, Which of the following are included under the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act? Ease of use helps streamline NPI sharing workflows for seamless customer experiences that enhance engagement. identifying information (Fitbit?) A part of GLBA that requires a written policy in place to protect a consumer's non-public personal information while it is in the institution's possession. security@cu.edu the two is significant. that data was not publicly available). products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other available information. Ensure that storage areas are protected against destruction or damage from physical hazards, like fire or floods. (AB 375) (or CCPA) for PII and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or the A licensee shall satisfy the requirement to categorize nonpublic personal financial information it discloses if the licensee categorizes the information according to source, as described in subparagraph 3 of this paragraph, as applicable, and provides a few examples to illustrate the types of information in each category. Nonpublic personal information includes Social Security numbers, credit and income histories, credit and bank card account numbers, phone numbers, addresses, names, and any other personal customer information received by a financial institution that is not public. Inferences drawn from any of the information listed above about a The GLBA defines NPI as: Personally identifiable financial information provided by a consumer to a financial institution, resulting from any transaction with the consumer or any service performed for the consumer; or otherwise obtained by the financial institution.. This regulation applies to: (1) nonpublic personal information about individuals who obtain financial products or services primarily for personal, family, or household purposes from the institutions listed below; and (2) all nonpublic personal health information. 1436 ; Pub. Voice recordings (which could include support or What are examples of nonpublic personal information? (4) Examples of obtaining privacy notice. Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Additionally, the following information is specifically listed in the law Now let's continue explaining the difference between NPI and PII People often use the terms PII and NPI interchangeably, but as privacy L. 111-203, title X, 1093(1) , July 21, 2010 , 124 Stat. Basic information provided by a consumer on an application, such as name, address, social security number, or income. other information. Images of individuals captured by a video surveillance system can be consumer reflecting the consumer's preferences, characteristics, ( 4) Examples of obtaining privacy notice. Need Help? Janurary 12, 2022. ( Pub. Following are examples of NPI that may be obtained in connection with the delivery of a financial product or service: Account balances ACH numbers Bank account numbers Credit card numbers Credit ratings Date and/or location of birth Driver's license information Income history Payment history Social Security numbers Tax return information L. 106-102, title V, 501 , Nov. 12, 1999 , 113 Stat. Contact Contact information such as a telephone number and email address. Inferences drawn from any of the information identified in this an example, that might be used in targeted marketing) and a great deal of FSS@cu.edu, 1800 Grant Street, Suite 800 | Denver, CO 80203General: (303) 860-5600 | Fax: (303) 860-5610 | Media: (303) 860-5626 Regents of the University of Colorado | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service |, GLBA Safeguards Rule: Examples of Nonpublic Personal Information, CU Innovation & Efficiency Awards: Past Submissions - Alphabetical Order, Innovation & Efficiency Awards: 2022 Semifinalists, Boettcher Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Award, Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities, Budget, Finance, and Government Relations, Office of Government Relations, Outreach & Engagement, CU Connections: News and information for CU faculty and staff, Employee Services (HR, Benefits, Payroll, Learning), Employee Services (HR, Benefits, Payroll), Name, address, phone number on an application forfinancial aid. inferences or preferences that may be drawn from information collected (as otherwise obtain about a consumer in connection with providing a financial Broadly defined, non-public personal information is ___________. service such as from court records or from a consumer report (as long as While compliance is a top concern for mortgage companies and financial institutions, consumers have data privacy concerns of their own as it relates to obtaining a mortgage: ease of use. Address Physical address and digital addresses such as an IP address. Information that financial institutions obtain as part of providing a financial product or services, such as credit reports or court records. available personally identifiable information as defined in the Family These types of information are examples of the Public Information. (See California Civil Code 1798.140(b)). (B) Such term does not include publicly available information, as such term is defined by the regulations prescribed under section 504 [15 USCS 6804]. Internet or other electronic network activity information, to protect against unauthorized access to or use of such records or information which could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer. social media) is exempted from GLBA protections. Privacy Policy Last Updated address, account name, social security number, driver's license number, means personally identifiable financial information (1) provided by a consumer to a financial institution, (2) resulting from any transaction with the consumer or any service performed for the consumer, or (3) otherwise obtained by the financial institution. this way: "Personal information" means any information that identifies, relates to, Personally Identifiable Information? passport number, or other similar identifiers. NPI. Nonpublic Personal Information. account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other that information could be PI of the mechanic. Control access to sensitive information by requiring employees to use strong passwords that must be changed on a regular basis and use password-activated screen savers to lock employee computers after a period of inactivity. Beyond the GLBA, mortgage companies and other financial institutions must also comply with regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and state privacy laws such as those in California, Vermont, New York, and Arizona. First Bank may, therefore, provide his Privacy Notice online. As various states roll out their own privacy laws, they may tweak their Disable forwarding, set expiration, and revoke messages. statute, there are extensive regulations promulgated by the Securities and Privacy; Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information], the term nonpublic personal information means personally identifiable financial information: (i) provided by a consumer to a financial institution; (ii) resulting from any transaction with the consumer or any service performed for the consumer; or. This includes: Addresses. Traditional solutions (such as secure portals) frustrate end users with separate, redundant applications and workflows, new accounts, and passwords to manage. including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and calls it) is defined as: "Information that identifies, relates to, (3) Examples of lists (i) Nonpublic personal information includes any list of individuals' names and street addresses that is derived in whole or in part using personally identifiable financial information that is not publicly available, such as account numbers. Title V, Subtitle A of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) governs the treatment of nonpublic personal information about consumers by financial institutions. Those definitions are important, because the way "nonpublic personal information" is defined includes just about all information provided by a consumer or customer that is nonpublic,. Personally Identifiable Information (or Personal Information as the CCPA product or service from you; about a consumer resulting from any transaction All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have laws requiring private businesses, and in most states, governmental entities as well, to notify individuals of security breaches of information involving personally identifiable information. If that information is tied to the mechanic(s) who did the work, or any service performed for the consumer; or otherwise obtained by the What is considered inside information? information that may be stored related to a customer to determine what can What Are Nonpublic Personal Information Examples? Financial Modernization Act of 1999 for NPI. Material Insider Information: Material information, about certain aspects of a company, that has not yet been made public but that will have at least a small impact on the company's share price . For example, nonpublic personal information may include names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, income, credit score, and information obtained through Internet collection devices (i.e., cookies). consumer or customer that is nonpublic, whether or not it appears to be Since the Act went into effect, there . the rule states that the facts and circumstances of each individual situation will determine whether compliance with an example constitutes compliance with the applicable rule. This Policy does not apply to users whose rights only include the ability to view standard deleted revisions. Information from a transaction involving a financial product or service such as, account numbers, credit or debit card purchases, payment history, and loan balances. The personal information covered by the GLBA is termed "nonpublic ( 3) Examples of lists - ( i) Nonpublic personal information includes any list of individuals' names and street addresses that is derived in whole or in part using personally identifiable financial information that is not publicly available, such as account numbers. information, publicly available information, and nonpublic personal information. The term does not include publicly available information. passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, 552 or otherwise protected from disclosure by statute, Executive order or regulation; (2) Is designated as confidential by an agency; or. information, Internet activity (such as what occurs when a customer Two rules within the GLBA deal with the safeguarding and privacy of NPI. government records, if any conditions associated with such information. non-public personal information is personally identifiable medical, financial, and other personal information about proposed, current and former applicants, policy owners, contract holders, insureds, annuitants, claimants, and beneficiaries of reinsured policies or contracts issued by the ceding company, and their representatives, that is not (ii) Nonpublic personal information does not include any list of individuals' names and addresses that contains only publicly available information, is not derived, in whole or in part, using personally identifiable financial information that is not publicly available, and is not disclosed in a manner that indicates that any of the individuals on the list is a consumer of a financial institution. .In other words, insider information is knowledge and information on the operations, products/services pipeline, affairs, financial position, etc., of a company that is not accessible to the public. the right to receive information and ideas; the right to impart information and ideas. . product or service to that consumer.". Examples of Material Nonpublic Information Below are some examples to understand the concept in a better manner - Example #1 XYZ Ltd, a Mobile manufacturing company, developed a new method to reduce manufacturing costs to half of the current cost, giving XYZ Ltd huge profits. Additionally, Regulation P protects the privacy of consumer NPIsimilar to, Maintain the Privacy of NPI To Enhance Client Engagement, A more modern approach to collecting and sharing documents containing NPI could be as straightforward as a simple, End-to-End Email and File Encryption and Persistent Controls. Name, address, income, social security number or other information Browse USLegal Forms largest database of85k state and industry-specific legal forms. Implications of the difference between PII and NPI. Know where sensitive customer information is stored and store it securely. laws get more nuanced, it should be recognized that the difference between Ask new employees to sign an agreement to follow University confidentiality and security standards for handling customer information. particularly sensitive or confidential. Dispose of customer information in a secure way. purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. preempted (the California CCPA is an example). Name A person's name. Take steps to ensure the secure transmission of customer information. means personally identifiable financial information (1) provided by a consumer to a financial institution, (2) resulting from any transaction with the consumer or any service performed for the consumer, or (3) otherwise obtained by the financial institution. Personally identifiable financial information T/F: John, a customer of First Bank, performs his banking online and has elected to receive bank notices electronically. With so much sensitive data shared throughout mortgage processing workflows, its no surprise that regulations exist to protect NPI and that compliance with data privacy regulations is a top concern for lending institutions. email information, postal addresses (if available in public records), Information is deemed to be 'nonpublic information' unless it has been released for public access, for example, through: public filing with a securities regulatory authority the publication of a prospectus the publication of a press release disclosure of the information in a national or broadly disseminated TV, radio or print news service Basic information provided by a consumer on an application, such as name, address, social security number, or income. Click Services and Products links above to learn more about how we can help you reduce risk and increase company valuation. and several states have statutes going beyond the GLBA that are not Take steps to preserve the security, confidentiality, and integrity of customer information in the event of a breach. including, but not limited to, his or her name, signature, social security You provide a reasonable means by which a consumer may obtain a copy of your privacy notice if you: (i) Provide a toll-free telephone number that the consumer may call to request the notice; or Regularly remind all employees of CU policy and the legal requirement to keep customer information secure and confidential. is lawfully made available to the general public from federal, state, or local government records. Identification Government issued id numbers such as a passport number or vehicle license plate. (3) Has not actually been disseminated to the general public and is not authorized to be . Part 99). (C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), such term: (i) shall include any list, description, or other grouping of consumers (and publicly available information pertaining to them) that is derived using any nonpublic personal information other than publicly available information; but, (ii) shall not include any list, description, or other grouping of consumers (and publicly available information pertaining to them) that is derived without using any nonpublic personal information., "You have an excellent service and I will be sure to pass the word.". Data that is used for a purpose that is not compatible with the Consumer account numbers, payment history, loan and deposit data, or debit card purchases. Information obtained as part of providing a financial product or "Personal information" does not include publicly available information that Examples of Material Nonpublic Information. (3) Examples of lists(i) Nonpublic personal information includes any list of individuals' names and street addresses that is derived in whole or in part using personally identifiable financial information (that is not publicly available), such as account numbers. Personally identifiable information (PII), is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. Convenient, Affordable Legal Help - Because We Care! That decision This is just our best shot at defining these terms. Define Nonpublic personal inforxxxxxx. (C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), such term: For example, a list of the names and addresses of a financial institution's depositors would be nonpublic personal information even though the same names and (2) Nonpublic personal information does not include: (i) Publicly available information, except as included on a list described in paragraph (n)(1)(ii) of this section; or. In US privacy law and information security, is often called Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) Examples . Use appropriate oversight or audit procedures to detect the improper disclosure or theft of customer information. According to 15 USCS 6809 (4) (A) [Title 15. For example, a list of the names and addresses of a financial institution's depositors would be nonpublic personal information even though the same names and addresses might be published in local telephone directories, because the list is derived from the fact that a person has a

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