devextreme gantt scaletype

id: 24, resourceId: 2, progress: 31, taskId: 30, showResources={ganttConfig.showResources} id: 10, ], progress: 100, start: new Date('2019-03-19T10:00:00.000Z'), Right-click a task or a cell in the Gantt chart and select the "Add" context menu item to add a new task or subtask. end: new Date('2019-05-07T12:00:00.000Z'), }, { title: 'Test module integration', id: 49, setGanttConfig({ id: 34, parentId: 75, title: 'Analysis/Software Requirements', }, title: 'Develop user manuals', type: 0, width: 45%; Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v22.1.dll. .custom-task-edit-tooltip::after { taskId: 84, border-radius: 3px; main: 'index',

'devextreme-react': 'npm:devextreme-react@22.1.6', taskId: 44, end: new Date('2019-05-28T12:00:00.000Z'), id: 44, Set the showSortIndexes option to true to show the column sort index in the header. taskTitlePosition: e.value, parentId: 36,
Custom Tooltip Content You can display custom content within task tooltips. predecessorId: 65, A complete sample project is available at progress: 70, }, { Note that this mode can be applied only for the Series.ArgumentScaleType property. id: 8, scaleTypeRange: Configures zoom range settings. title: 'Training materials complete', }, { type: 0, // Prettier This demo illustrates the DevExtreme JavaScript Gantt component's appearance settings: scaleType - Specifies views to display tasks: hours, days, weeks, months, etc.
start: new Date('2019-02-21T05:00:00.000Z'), end: new Date('2019-03-18T09:00:00.000Z'), Specifies whether a user can update tasks. }, { sourceMaps: false, taskId: 21, taskTitlePosition={ganttConfig.taskTitlePosition} progress: 100, end: new Date('2019-03-08T09:00:00.000Z'), predecessorId: 84, type: 0, }, { id: 26, .value { Tasks, Dependencies, Resources, ResourceAssignments, Column, Editing, progress: 100, progress: 0, }, { taskId: 40, System.config(window.config); Drag & Drop for Hierarchical Data Structure. Check how it works in the Gantt - Overview demo. Get details on a selected row using the selectedRowKey option. parentId: 26, type: 0, id: 3, successorId: 61, resourceId: 7, return ( resourceId: 3, type: 0, id: 73, '@devextreme/runtime': 'npm:@devextreme/runtime@3.0.11', onValueChanged={onShowCustomTaskTooltip} progress: 100, Identifies the TimeSpan data scale. successorId: 70, parentId: 75, 'systemjs-babel-build': 'npm:systemjs-plugin-babel@0.0.25/systemjs-babel-browser.js', progress: 0, successorId: 4, }, { endDateRange: new Date(2019, 11, 1), You can add resources to a project and assign them to tasks. successorId: 72, progress: 0, resourceId: 6, TaskTooltipTemplate : undefined} All docs V 22.1.
} start: new Date('2019-07-04T12:00:00.000Z'), Specifies whether a user can update tasks. }, { id: 37,