risk communication strategies for public health preparedness

Other states and localities could benefit from formatting their risk communication materials for use across multiple at-risk populations. Enhanced training for those delivering messages about the special needs of different at-risk populations may increase trust among members of these populations. Thus, consistent with implementing PAHPA with a functional-capabilities approach, message tailoring for particular groups should be based on functional areas, including independence, transportation, need for supervision, communication, and medical care needs. The California Department of Aging serves in an intermediary role between the Office of Emergency Services and CBOs. To be included in the compendium, items needed to focus on each of three criteria: PHEP, including preparedness for natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorist events, and contagious public health exposures. Vulnerable populations are often not able to access and use the standard resources offered in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.[3] For example, people with physical disabilities may have mobility limitations and special needs related to access to emergency preparedness communications. Following an emergency, the emphasis for communicating risk to at-risk populations is on learning how to address gaps that were identified in previous events and on how to minimize future problems. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 4(3). The government, experts, and the public should be involved in time, contributing diverse views and fulfilling respective responsibilities. The message-centered approach offers scientific and systematic methods to achieve convergence and to avoid asymmetric information around issues of risk. Meet risk perception needs by remaining open and accessible to the public. We interviewed a total of 50 individuals working in emergency preparedness and risk communication with at-risk populations between May and July 2008. Frewer L. The public and effective risk communication. Current risk communication practices for at-risk populations (e.g., How were strategies developed? (2) Information about governments and experts responses and other actions come from Chinese authoritative media and mainstream Internet media including Xinhua News Agency, Caixin News, and Sina News [12,13,14]. Summarize the quality and content of the peer-reviewed literature and relevant statutes and regulations addressing public health emergency risk communication with vulnerable populations for all stages of emergency preparedness. Kotler, P. (1989). Having youth interact with senior citizens makes emergency preparedness more collaborative and enjoyable for those involved. Action at the Central level: The National Health Commissions initial action for organizing a group to investigate the outbreak. In addition, many aspects of communicating risks in the face of emergencies apply to all individuals, regardless of whether they are from an at-risk population. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 November 2022. We assembled a compendium of current emergency preparedness communication, outreach, and education materials and practices directed at senior citizens, PWDs, and other at-risk populations and their caregivers, including providers of long-term care services. (2005). CDC's CERC program provides trainings, tools, and resources to help health communicators, emergency responders, and leaders of . Informants said that the range of messages that need to be communicated to at-risk populations is broad because different at-risk populations may face different issues during emergencies. The compendium reaffirmed several findings of the literature review (Task 3 of this project). These particular practices have strong promise for increasing public awareness of risks in advance of an emergency, and increasing compliance with public health recommendations during and following an emergency. The NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) hosted a Risk e-Learning webinar series focused on strategies to communicate potential environmental health risks to reduce exposures and improve health. October 2005 Report for the PEW Internet and American Life Project. Some politicians, according to Viswanath, are not helping matters. This could be accomplished through the development of networks across states and localities to facilitate sharing of information. Oklahoma uses a 211 phone line to make information available statewide. Our literature review highlighted the central role of vulnerability assessment in program development. Specific partners for whom this report could be useful in developing further training activities are ASTHO and the National Association of City and County Health Officials. Just in Case: Emergency Readiness for Older Adults and Caregivers (retrieved from the Administration on Aging website). In closing, an impressive variety of risk communications were identified through a targeted search and compiled into the accompanying compendium. From over 1200 citations identified by our search strategy, 203 met Criterion A. A Fact Sheet for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Hurricanes-- Are You Ready? Thus, videophones, help lines, and mass phone alerts can significantly broaden the outreach of communications beyond what the print, Internet, radio, and television media can provide, particularly if some power sources are down. (2007). In over half of citations there were barriers mentioned that did not fall within the categories we used on the DAF. Lovett & P. Shah (Eds. Compendium sample. What can we learn from existing emergency preparedness efforts that might specifically support ASPEs role in the implementation of the PAHPA and enhance emergency preparedness for at-risk populations? Below we summarize some of the issues that were mentioned. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci, 364(1845), 2191-2216. Rep. ORNL-6609 Federal Emergency Management Agency). [5] In addition, less than 30 percent of a sheltered population had access to American Sign Language interpreters so that individuals with hearing impairment had no ability to receive information about risks and recovery. Can they be an active participant in this process? More recent guidance has focused on a framework that makes the CDCs emergency response efforts more congruent with efforts of DHS. Introduction to the IRGC Risk Governance Framework, Revised Version. Lemyre, L., et al. As with training, messages and messengers must also be culturally competent in order for communication to be successful. The goal was not to systematically review each resource, but instead to identify key exemplars that could be the focus of a more intensive review. Employing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA; P.L. Many available resources address some but not all of these domains. Design risk messages to be culturally sensitive. Communication Research, 34(6), 637-664. [(accessed on 5 February 2020)]; Tang B., Wang X., Li Q., Bragazzi N.L., Tang S., Xiao Y., Wu J. Estimation of the Transmission Risk of 2019-nCoV and Its Implication to Public Health Interventions. Dissemination of effective risk communication messages to at-risk populations during an emergency depends on the extent to which messages can be crafted so that they are locally relevant and culturally competent (Glik, 2007). This is particularly important for school-based exercises in which those at-risk are often excluded, despite the fact that they constitute the majority of individuals who will need help in that setting. For example, in Florida and Oklahoma, the local/county governments use the state templates for messaging and then add messages that may be relevant to their local communities. Are representatives from at-risk populations involved in the development and execution of plans/strategies?). These include the following activities before an event takes place: Establish planning committees that include representatives of at-risk populations. Those resources labeled other for vulnerable population include those with mental or cognitive impairments, service animals, those with environmental illnesses or chemical sensitivities, and those dependent on medical devices. They also mistrust messages from the government or from service messages assuring them that they will not be deported if they do seek assistance. The manual is the basis for all other CERC materials and trainings. Communication about the risks associated with large-scale hazards and emergencies is a critical component of individual preparedness, response, and recovery. It should be noted, however, that this compendium was not designed to capture all translated materials, but rather we flagged when materials that met other inclusion criteria were also translated. Risk communication is not only designed to deliver the knowledge, but also to change the publics attitude in order to make the public accept the general arrangement of outbreak management. McGough, M., Frank, L.L., Tipton, S., Tinker, T.L., & Vaughan, E. (2005). First, regarding the primary goal of this task, we provide a detailed report of the promising strategies for public health emergency risk communication with vulnerable populations that were identified in the review. Home. Ensuring the effective incorporation of at-risk populations into existing and future policy, planning, and programmatic documents at the federal and state levels. Recommendation #74: DHS should train and provide rapidly deployable Public Affairs teams. It specifically asks states to coordinate activities within and across state and local jurisdictions, community organizations, health care providers and facilities, tribal organizations, etc. (2007). You may notice problems with Results of this study, as summarized in this report, are intended to inform policy makers, federal/state/local public information officers (PIOs), others responsible for developing and disseminating risk communication messages, and other interested parties about the most promising activities focused on risk communication for at-risk populations. The evaluation, which was performed at two sites, revealed that health promotores do affect recipients actions with regard to emergency planning. Florida also works with a centralized ADA office and created a statewide disability position to help enforce ADA compliance. Commission on Risk Perception and Communication, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Physical Sciences, and Resources, & National Research Council. Retrieved December 17, 2008, from http://www.orau.gov/cdcynergy/. Last year, Montgomery County informants evaluated a program for pregnant women by reviewing records to assess whether case managers were engaging pregnant women in preparedness planning. Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel CoronavirusInfected Pneumonia. Heatwaves and public health in Europe. Then, a simplified model of risk communication was employed to illustrate a collaborative network for effective risk communication. One hundred and twenty-five recommendations are made at the end of the report, organized within 17 Critical Challenges. One of the Challenges is Public Communications, which includes five recommendations specific to risk communication. Community partners have enhanced this tool for use with specific at-risk populations, not by altering the content of Plan 9, but by adjusting the way this information is shared. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. American Journal of Public Health, 97 Suppl 1, S109-115. (The literature review also identified the Internet as a successful delivery method for those who do have access.). By utilizing this framework, one can then think about evaluating the relative importance of different factors and design interventions. From our literature review and interviews, we learned that there is little formal evaluation of past efforts to inform communities about risk. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. In many parts of the country, citizens are often well connected to their religious institutions, and the institutions stay in good communication with their members through the use of bulletins and volunteers. Montgomery County also readily involves the faith community to help with translation as with the Plan 9 materials (see section 3, Coordinating). children's activity book (#59), also from the American Red Cross, has a Words to Know section defining important words. Henderson, J.N., et al. The sites selected for our study were California, Florida, the Metropolitan Washington Area, and Oklahoma (see Table 1). Bulletins can be used to disseminate important messages, and volunteers can also be important for checking in on individuals who may be at-risk in the event of an emergency. Authoritarianism, outbreak, and information politics. Six propositions on public participation and their relevance for risk communication. 7273). Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In our discussion, we also identify challenges to and gaps in the development of risk communication messages and methods of dissemination. Efforts to address linguistic and cultural considerations should be examined in stakeholder interviews as part of the case studies (Task 5). For example, there are older adults or people with disabilities who may not speak English. Regarding vulnerable populations, the Guide suggests that emergency planners conduct needs assessments to identify vulnerable populations and to enlist members of vulnerable populations in planning and response activities, including drills and exercises. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Accepted manuscript, pp. A survey with 27 questions was developed. In addition, the state is partnering with Kaiser Permanente to develop three video public service announcements on seasonal and pandemic influenza. Chan, S.S., et al. Statistic of Rumors Refuting. Our discussion of study findings has five subsections. [7, 22, 26, 28, 36, 39, 44, 47, 67, 68, 71] Additionally, several studies addressed children,[7, 30, 33, 41, 46, 56, 62, 65, 68, 71] individuals with little or no English proficiency,[7, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 62, 70] those who are transportation disadvantaged,[7, 26, 28, 32, 34, 39, 43, 71] the elderly,[7, 36, 37, 39, 47, 56, 62] and disabled individuals. The construction of the compendium involved three progressive phases of review. In addition to GIS mapping, many states are using community-based participatory approaches to foster preparation, response, and recovery. Effectiveness evaluation. Messages should be empathetic, describe the scope of the problem, list how the health department (or other agencies) are responding, explain the risk to residents, and tell the intended audience what actions can/should be taken (e.g., be alert, seek medical treatment, where to go for more information). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging. This is the first pandemic of its kind in the age of social media. (2005). Training the public to address the needs of at-risk populations. (ed. Emergency communication and information issues in terrorist events involving radioactive materials. As part of home visits to pregnant women served by maternal and child health funding, the case workers in Montgomery County discuss Plan 9 in the context of pregnancy planning. (2006). The result is 242 resources in the final compendium.1 Forty-one (16.9 percent) of these were identified by Phase 2 reviewers as all-stars.2. Communication was the functional area was most commonly addressed in the literature,[7, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 57, 58, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72] followed by medical care,[21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 47, 58, 66, 67, 68, 71] transportation,[31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 47] maintaining independence,[27, 31, 71] and supervision. The use of community-based participatory methods is one way to identify some of these obstacles as well as potential solutions from community partners perspectives. Kovats, R.S., & Kristie, L.E. This guidance is organized around six CDC preparedness goals: Prevent, Detect and Report, Investigate, Control, Recover, and Improve (CDC and HHS, 2006). Our interviews with state and local informants revealed common themes regarding how communities are currently developing and implementing their risk communication strategies for at-risk populations. You can break that link, explains Viswanath. Her e-mail address is: Emily.Rosenoff@hhs.gov. As a tool for communication, the evidence-based approach has been used in quantifying and delivering uncertainty. Haddon, W. Jr. (1980). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Furthermore, reviewers were informed that the aim was to capture approximately the best 10 percent. Thus, across research and practice, use of GIS may play an increasing role in emergency risk communication for at-risk populations. Pediatrics, 116(6), e738-745. Emergency preparedness, response, and recovery are addressed in Chapter 68, and details are provided regarding associated communication between federal, state, and local government. Another example of tailoring is the Masters of Disasters suite of material for earthquakes (#39). The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned. The public always fails to understand the complex professional knowledge about the risk, so experts responsibility is to translate the professional knowledge into simple and explicit content which can be easily understood. However, based on the literature review and site visits, we found that there is currently little formal evaluation of past efforts to inform communities about future risk. [7, 23, 40, 44, 56] Only a few citations (less than five) were identified that addressed those who live in institutional settings[36, 39, 58, 71] or individuals with pharmacological dependency. We scanned and reviewed websites for communication materials that were at the intersection of three domains: PHEP), at-risk populations, and risk communication. Consensus on evidence-based analysis is the foundation of decision making. Educational Gerontology, 30(4), 275-285. Risk communication is critical to emergency management. [26, 27, 30, 35, 40, 41, 46, 47, 56, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 71] In one study, stage was not specified[37] and in another, the focus was broadly on threat, warning, impact, reconstruction, and resilience.[62]. States generally create broad messages for the population as a whole, which local staff tailor for their specific populations. Evaluating the impact of risk communication efforts and sharing lessons can inform future messaging. Additionally, 20 of the 242 resources were given Phase 2 review by two reviewers. We first summarize some of the key risk communication planning and implementation activities planned and underway across the site visits (III A). The lessons from the outbreak management in Wuhan suggested that the accessibility and openness of information should be enhanced to form convergent points in the whole communication process, especially when dealing with uncertain issues, should keep the public regularly and timely informed, and should take care of the communication strategies dealing with uncertainties. Two innovative strategies for reaching out to the faith community stood out in Montgomery County. Based on these principles and lessons from Wuhan's case, this paper employed a simplified Government-Expert-Public risk communication model to . Ambulatory Pediatrics, 7(5), 401-404. Mental health and psychosocial support aspects of disaster preparedness in the Maldives. Including representatives from at-risk populations in emergency planning can inform the types of risk communication strategies, as well as the approaches for message dissemination, that are needed. For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at http://aspe.hhs.gov/_/office_specific/daltcp.cfm or contact the ASPE Project Officer, Emily Rosenoff, at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. Many people used extreme methods for self-protection. Incipient risk external communication used a series of certain expressions, which conveyed the wrong perception of COVID-19 to the public. Web-based Training - Self-study. Risk Analysis, 6(3), 275-281. Share lessons learned across organizations and geographic regions. To address these barriers, site visit informants suggested that instead of implementing plans focused on knowing where to locate at-risk populations, emergency managers should integrate service providers from CBOs and local government agencies into a broader registry to address all phases of emergency management (planning, exercising, coordinating, training, and translation/cultural adaptation). Initial investigation: The Health Commission of Wuhan required that all medical institutions must investigate patients who have such unknown pneumonia privately. Joshi, P.T., & Lewin, S.M. Plescia, M., Groblewski, M., & Chavis, L., A lay health advisor program to promote community capacity and change among change agents. In accordance with the development of the COVID-19 outbreak, Table 2 illustrates the processes of internal and external communication with other events related to COVID-19 information. This study focuses on the following policy questions: What public health preparedness outreach and risk communications strategies are used with senior citizens, PWD, and other at-risk populations, including their caregivers and providers of long-term care services? An extensive search of web-based resources from 73 Federal Government agencies and national organizations uncovered 242 available risk communications. The findings should be of interest to state and local emergency managers, community-based organizations, public health researchers, and policy makers. Unlike in Montgomery County, where many efforts are housed in the Maryland Department of Health, the DC Departments of Homeland Security and Emergency Management coordinate Be Ready DC efforts. Their materials were also available in Braille. [(accessed on 10 February 2020)]; The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective. A strong focus of this guidance is on being more efficient and reducing the time to respond/act by improving coordination among different entities. (2007). Veland H., Aven T. Risk communication in the light of different risk perspectives. In collaboration with the Sheriffs Department, the California Department of Health and Human Services, through its PIO, conducts periodic exercises to ensure that responders are properly trained for helping at-risk populations during a disaster. General findings. Informants also noted the importance of factors emphasized in the compendium report (Appendix B): Messages should be crisp and easily understandable, and include actionable recommendations. Are cultural differences among non-dominant group members of the United States significant when attempting to communicate health and safety information during a public health emergency? ADHS may operate a VJIC or JIC for an internal crisis, disaster, or public health event in which neither the SEOC nor the DEMA JIC are activated. Served as spokespersons for response to the anthrax attack in 2001, H1N1 pandemic in 2009-2010 and a number of . Implications for Tasks 5: Continued work should investigate the chain of command and leadership structure around the steps involved with risk communication (e.g., message formulation, message delivery), and whether communication with vulnerable populations is specified in an organizations plan, and if leadership on this communication is designated to someone. For example, it is useful to talk slowly and clearly (e.g., on the radio) for those with hearing impairments to and provide appropriate color contrast and big type for print and Internet messages for those with vision impairments.

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