machine learning techniques: a survey

Furthermore, Massive open on-line courses (MOOCs) have attracted millions of learners and present an opportunity to apply and develop machine learning methods towards improving student learning outcomes and leveraging the data collected (Lee 2017). Mduma, N., Kalegele, K. and Machuve, D., 2019. Aulck, L, Velagapudi, N, Blumenstock, J and West, J. A Case of Meru District in Tanzania. To what extend can we predict students performance? Wang, W, Yu, H and Miao, C. 2017b. In the feed backward NN, the inputs are fed in the forward direction and errors are computed to be propagated in the reverse (hence the terminology back) direction to the previous layers, so as to reduce the error in the cost function by readjusting the weights. The change in the knowledge of the network is updated in the hidden state at every time step and the update can be expressed as. Presidents Office and Government, Regional Administration and Local. J Comput Phys 378:686707, Rasmussen CE (2003). Education and Management Engineering, 2(March): 819. Yang Y, Perdikaris P (2019) Conditional deep surrogate models for stochastic, high-dimensional, and multi-fidelity systems. Adv Model Simul Eng Sci 7(1):120, Kim SH, Boukouvala F (2020) Machine learning-based surrogate modeling for data-driven optimization: A comparison of subset selection for regression techniques. Yan L, Zhou T (2019). Sorry, something went wrong. Bielecki D, Patel D, Rai R, Dargush GF (2021) Multi-stage deep neural network accelerated topology optimization. Lee M, Park Y, Jo H, Kim K, Lee S, Lee I (2022) Deep generative tread pattern design framework for efficient conceptual design. J Roy Stat Soc: Ser B (methodol) 20(2):215232, MathSciNet . Comput Mech 64(2):395408, Jabarullah Khan NK, Elsheikh AH (2019) A machine learning based hybrid multi-fidelity multi-level Monte Carlo method for uncertainty quantification. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. DOI: Careers. We examined each articles reference list to identify any potentially relevant research or journal title. In contrast to many explanatory models, the actual functional form of the predictive model is often not specified in advance as these models place much less emphasis on the value of individual predictor variables and much more emphasis on the overall prediction accuracy. 3d topology optimization using convolutional neural networks. Temporal Models for Predicting Student Dropout in Massive Open Online Courses. To effectively address this problem, it is crucial to ensure that all students finish their school on time through early intervention on students who might be at risk of dropping classes. 2016. Springer, Dordrecht, Cha YJ, Choi W, Bykztrk O (2017) Deep learning-based crack damage detection using convolutional neural networks. ML algorithms can be categorized into four groups: 1) classification, 2) regression, 3) clustering, and 4) dimension reduction as shown in Fig. Machine learning techniques in emerging cloud computing integrated paradigms: A survey and taxonomy - ScienceDirect Journal of Network and Computer Applications Volume 205, September 2022, 103419 Review Machine learning techniques in emerging cloud computing integrated paradigms: A survey and taxonomy DineshSoni NeeteshKumar Comput-Aided Civ Inf Eng 32(5):361378, Chakraborty S (2021) Transfer learning based multi-fidelity physics informed deep neural network. Sensors (Basel). Wiley, Hoboken (2001). One of the first applications of machine learning in education had been helping quizzes and tests move from multiple choice to fill in the blank answers.2 The evaluation of students free form answers was based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning. Applications of the AI/ML in UAV-based communications. Waters, AE, Studer, C and Baraniuk, RG. Optimizing machine learning methods to discover strong gravitational lenses in the Deep Lens Survey [GA] . J Mech Des 143(3):031703, Chen CT, Gu GX (2020) Generative deep neural networks for inverse materials design using backpropagation and active learning. These systems's adoption has been expanding, accelerating the shift towards a more algorithmic society, meaning that algorithmically informed decisions have greater potential for significant social impact. 2015. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), 257260. The paper concludes with a comparative analysis between different classification techniques based on its applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Napier N, Sriraman SA, Tran HT, James KA (2020) An artificial neural network approach for generating high-resolution designs from low-resolution input in topology optimization. Thus, the benefit of using survival analysis over other methods is the ability to add the time component into the model and also effectively handle censored data. Lei, C and Li, KF. Compos Struct 280:114949. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 2018 Available online: Liu J., Shi Y., Fadlullah Z.M., Kato N. Space-air-ground integrated network: A survey. Arsad, Pauziah Mohd Buniyamin, Norlida Manan, 2013,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The goal of supervised learning is to optimally predict a dependent variable (also referred to as output, target, class, or label), as a function of a range of independent variables (also referred to as inputs, features, or attributes.). The paradigm of this learning is efficient and it always finds solutions to several linear and non-linear problems such as classification, plant control, forecasting, prediction, robotics and so many others (Sathya and Abraham 2013). In turn, these estimated models were then applied to the testDDS. 51753, p. V02AT03A008). Single-layer perceptron, multi-layer perceptron, and radial basis function networks are examples of feed-forward NN. In this paper, we provide a survey and comparative study of existing techniques for opinion mining including machine learning and lexicon-based approaches, together with evaluation metrics. Kingma DP, Welling M (2013) Auto-encoding variational bayes. Enhancing simulation-driven optimization by machine-learning. The binary survey response variable was randomly generated from a simulated probit model that was primarily a nonlinear function of these demographic variables. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Data preparation is a critical step in creating a robust machine learning workflow - one that is often neglected in the established literature in favour of covering algorithmic innovations. Comput Struct 244:106457, Deroski S, enko B (2004) Is combining classifiers with stacking better than selecting the best one? A Survey of Machine Learning Approaches and Techniques for Student Dropout Prediction. Then, we review the literature in the context of how ML can accelerate design synthesis and optimization. Since GP metamodels can fit complicated surfaces well, it is suited for fitting accurate global metamodels. Factors contributing to school dropout among the girls: a review of literature. Behzadi MM, Ilie HT (2021) Real-time topology optimization in 3D via deep transfer learning. It could be useful to think of these as settings or knobs on the machine prior to hitting the start button to generate the predictions. A Multi-Task Learning Formulation for Survival Analysis. GP can be extended to multiple outputs by using multiple means and covariances. Their adoption in various communication-based applications is expected to improve coverage and spectral efficiency, as compared to traditional ground-based solutions. In: International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 2013. Comput Math Appl 62(10):37963811. DOI:, Natek, S and Zwilling, M. 2014. GAN is difficult to apply to various fields due to unstable learning ability; consequently, a DCGAN [Radford et al. In Handbook of computational statistics (pp. among guides you could enjoy now is A Survey On Machine Learning Techniques In Wireless Sensor below. The Future of Education Trend Report 2015. (2001)], gradient boosting (Friedman 2001), extreme gradient boosting [Chen and Guestrin (2016)], and light gradient boosting [Ke et al. Second, despite the major efforts on using machine learning in education, data imbalance problem has been ignored by many researchers. Mgala, M. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14177. Li S, Xing W, Kirby R, Zhe S (2020) Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization via deep neural networks. Int J Comput Methods Exp Meas 8(1):3646. ICIDCA 2019. In a similar vein, several projects were conducted including a project that aims to develop a prediction model that can be used by educators, schools, and policy makers to predict the risk of a student to drop out of school.4 Springboarding from these examples, IBMs Chalapathy Neti shared IBMs vision of Smart Classrooms using cloud-based learning systems that can help teachers identify students who are most at risk of dropping out, and observe why they are struggling, as well as provide insight into the interventions needed to overcome their learning challenges.5. Goel T, Haftka RT, Shyy W, Queipo NV (2007) Ensemble of Surrogates. Comput Aided Des 130:102947, Khan S, Gunpinar E, Moriguchi M, Suzuki H (2019a) Evolving a psycho-physical distance metric for generative design exploration of diverse shapes. In this context, the machine-learning (ML) framework is expected to provide solutions for the various problems that have already been identified when UAVs are used for communication purposes. Dmitry Namiot, Eugene Ilyushin and Ivan Chizov00:28:17 A Survey of Model Inversion Attacks a. DOI: Liang, J, Li, C and Zheng, L. 2016. The final output of this approach is the actual grouping of the cases within a data set, where the grouping is determined by the collection of variables available for the analysis. Loading [Contrib]/a11y/accessibility-menu.js. Es gratis registrarse y presentar tus propuestas laborales. Springer Nature or its licensor holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law. Classification of the AI/ML solutions in UAV-based communications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.07440. For supervised learners, these three samples contain both the predictor variables (or features) and the outcome (or target) of interest. Hybrid classification approach of SMOTE and instance selection for imbalanced datasets. China 5(23), 495. Ferreiro-Cabello J, Fraile-Garcia E, de Pison Ascacibar EM, Martinez-de-Pison FJ (2018) Metamodel-based design optimization of structural one-way slabs based on deep learning neural networks to reduce environmental impact. 9851022). J Mech Des 141(12):121403, Lye KO, Mishra S, Ray D, Chandrashekar P (2021) Iterative surrogate model optimization (ISMO): An active learning algorithm for PDE constrained optimization with deep neural networks. However, analysis of open-ended survey data is hard . PhD thesis, Wayne State University. In: Indurkhya, N., Damerau, F.J. Data from a large dimensional space is transformed into a smaller dimensional space ensuring that it provides similar information. El Nio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the most important inter-annual climate signals in the tropics and has a global impact on atmospheric circulation and precipitation. On the other hand, if the weight updates are small, one faces the problem of vanishing gradients. An Introduction to Machine Learning Methods for Survey Researchers, Buskirk, Trent D., Antje Kirchner, Adam Eck, and Curtis S. Signorino. The algorithm will enable relevant authorities to plan effectively and accurately, formulate policies, and make decisions on measures to address the problem; with concern of school level factors such as Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) which can be monitored by the authorities. 10). Data Science Journal, 18(1), 14. Mult Tools Appl 80(11):1739117413, Li M, Wang Z (2021) An LSTM-based ensemble learning approach for time-dependent reliability analysis. If the predicted response is discrete, it is a classification problem, whereas if the response is continuous, then it is a regression problem. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, 2(2): 3438. A substantial subset of the culled articles contributed to warrant inclusion in this study. Xu, J, Moon, KH and van der Schaar, M. 2017. Therefore, in general, the ML algorithms used for classification and regression are very similar. Besides that, Uwezo data on learning1 is the publicly available dataset which was collected countrywide for primary schools in Tanzania. Adv Neur Info Process Syst 27. The scenario is different in primary education, where by boys tend to drop-out of school more compared to girls. Int J Des Eng 2(1):4779, Song H, Choi KK, Lee I, Zhao L, Lamb D (2013) Adaptive virtual support vector machine for reliability analysis of high-dimensional problems. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, p. 69 (2003), Hehui, Q., Zhiwei, Q.: Feature selection using C4.5 algorithm for electricity price prediction. Unlike many traditional modeling techniques such as ordinary least squares regression, machine learning methods require a specification of hyperparameters, or tuning parameters before a final model and predictions can be obtained. Tehran, IRAN. The probability of transition to the new state is expressed by P(st +1 | st, at). 2013. Expert Systems with Applications, 41: 64006407. Comput Struct 237:106283, Article J. Knowl. Alshaibani WT, Shayea I, Caglar R, Din J, Daradkeh YI. A Machine Learning Framework to Identify Students at Risk of Adverse Academic Outcomes. Lei X, Liu C, Du Z, Zhang W, Guo X (2019) Machine learning-driven real-time topology optimization under moving morphable component-based framework. 1, 2019, p. 14. 2017), Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) (Elbadrawy et al., 2016), error residuals (Poh and Smythe 2015), and misclassification rates (Hung et al., 2017) on addressing the problem of student dropout. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). We searched several databases such as ResearchGate, Elsevier, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Science Direct, Springer Link, IEEE Xplore, and other computer science journals. DNNs can handle functions with limited regularity and are powerful for high-dimension problems. Appl Soft Comput 113:107909, Chen W, Ahmed F (2021b) Padgan: Learning to generate high-quality novel designs. The surveyed papers focused on several works which have been done on machine learning in education such as student dropout prediction, student academic performance prediction, student final result prediction etc. Interest ( Kartal 2015 ) ] models the relationship between constructs and an network, MV machine learning techniques: a survey Koedinger, KR and Gordon, GJ Sci Technol 92:722737, Tenne Y ( ), Nabian MA, Costa, EB, Neto, BFS, Silva, ICL and Rego JBA! Learning the mapping between the number of time steps increases, the number neurons Of variables known for all students hybrid approach speech recognition, and disadvantages 1986 learning! Studies focused only on providing early prediction of the model training and are presented in explanatory. 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