spectrum reading grade 6 answer key pdf

. . They made room for Anytime I had a question about how we would Drew, who was carrying a covered casserole dish make this work, they had an answer prepared. . Today, almost all 9 Many lighthouses along Americas coastlines lighthouses are automated, which means that are no longer functioning. 5. options; choices ___________________________________ __a_lt_er_n_a_tiv_e_s__________________________ ___________________________________ Par. . _____ There are three basic styles of bonsai. Grade 6. . . . _____ Owls hunt at night. . 2 There are more than 175 species of owls, but they are generally divided into two 7 Owls symbolize wisdom in some cultures. . Could we go look at them? Ari looked hopefully at his mother. What problem do Drew, Emilio, and Michi ___________________________________ have at the beginning of the story? . How were Savannah and her mom able to Find the compound words from the selection identify the owls call? . _____ I cant believe were going to get a For example, ta/ble. Write O before the sentences that are opinions. . . . . Par. . . . . 3 _____ cheerful _____ unfriendly 5. proceeding, even in dangerous circumstances _____ artistic _____ adventurous ___________________________________ Par. married, he had to set three alarm clocks every night. _____ teaspoon a. oz. . . 7. . first came to me with the plan for starting a garden at Jefferson. . A professional Japanese baseball league was formed in 1936. Explain how Audubons bird-banding experiment worked. backpack. . Underline the compound word in each sentence. Where did Drew get the idea to start a school garden at his middle school? NAME ________________________________ Write the words from the passage that have the 1. . 7 _____ creative 7. . Why are exotic pets more likely to survive each sentence below. Maybe we can look Mom, she whispered urgently. 84 Getting Up to Speed . . ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Par. . 9 She likes fish that doesnt have a strong fishy taste to it, added her mom helpfully. . . . This standards-based workbook uses engaging text to support understanding key ideas, details, story structure, and knowledge integration. . . . . Latin and Greek roots Figurative language Reading comprehension Fact and opinion Predicting outcomes Answer key What have you been up to getting into. this afternoon? 11 Ari looked thoughtful, Mom, do you think 3 Ari took a sip of his moms iced tea. 6. unusual ____________________________ 7. . . Write the words from the story that have the NAME ________________________________ meanings below. . . If the explain maintain cancel words are antonyms, write A on the line. . NAME ________________________________ Write the words from the passage that have the 1. are stunning. Why doesnt Dante want to leave out any details of his day? . . . . . . Use a dictionary to help you divide these words ______________ ______________ into syllables. . ___________________________________ explanation resource custom 9. . 8. . ______________________________ match these pronunciations. If the noun is plural and ends in s, add the apostrophe 5. . . Par. . Why do you think that historians think it is important to preserve lighthouses? . decided to try one of the Japanese alternatives. _u_n___ healthy __n_o_t _he_a_lt_h_y______________ Spectrum Reading Grade 6 ___________________________________ 3 10. 3. d a n g e r o u s 4. h u r r i c a n e 8. . If everything grew. . . They have learned how to weed, prune, and harvest. . . . Why were melaleuca trees planted in the Everglades? . uninterested impressed disappointed ___________________________________ Par. We hebben geen reviews gevonden op de gebruikelijke plaatsen. . The wood places in the world. It may be passed down from your own, there is no need to go all the way to one generation of a family to the next as a Japan to find one. 3 _____ Adams was an environmentalist who was able to help the cause he 3. satisfying believed in through his photographs of natural places. 118 A Picture Perfect Day . . They also in the Everglades. 6. In college, she studied biology images ever recorded. The darker shades are deep and rich, while the whites are crisp and bright. But if you happen to live in southern Florida, there is a chance that 5 The problem with invasive species is that you could run into a number of nonnative scientists dont always know in advance which species that have settled in your hometown. 2. decided; fixed on an idea 1. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Par. . . She wasnt sure what was going to happen next, but she knew that if she just kept going, the story would continue to tell itself. 4 5. . 3 became a photographer? 3. left or deserted What are they? ___________________________________ _____ Horace Wilson brought baseball to Japan in the 1870s. . It is probably the most 6 The Audubon Society was founded in 1886, well-known environmental organization for the several decades after John James Audubons protection and conservation of birds and their death. Spectrum Reading Grade 6 46 . There is not could be far-reaching. . . 4 _____ for information _____ to form an opinion about bonsais The prefix mis- means badly or wrongly. . How do archaeologists know that ancient ___________________________________ Egyptians respected owls? Read each word below. . . He shot and stuffed birds to use as models for his artwork. lives in Washington. But the Japanese have been playing for nearly as 6 The Yomiuri Giants are not just the oldest long. Name two things the students did to ___________________________________ transform the lunchroom. Words that end in le are usually divided into syllables before the consonant that precedes it. . below. 12 Mrs. Stein patted Ari on the shoulder. . . . You will also need to be prepared to spend time caring for your plant. 16 You might want to try this kind first, Mr. Ito told Emily. . . community arts center in downtown Seattle, But documenting life and nature and beauty is Washington. Why does Wesley joke that photos of him 6. . . 2 8. 6. continuing to do something even when it gets difficult ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Par. . . 1 founded to honor John James Audubon. Paloma thought that would have been an interesting job to have, but she wanted to actually live in a lighthouse. . . 1 6. . Sprinkle with the remaining half of the Parmesan cheese. Rookie of the Year. . aggressive creatures. Combine that Jefferson Middle School. It measures only five inches and makes its home in 8 The next time you are out at night, listen the holes woodpeckers create in large cacti. . . . . They are still it on film. . . People who but if enough of them are released, they can live in most areas of the United States do not start breeding. pretty valuable, he joked. Circle the homophone that correctly completes each sentence below. . . . The 193-foot-tall lighthouse was in North Carolina history. 4 4. Sai-kei is a related art The tradition spread to Japan about 700 years form in which entire landscapes are reproduced ago, and it is still popular there today. An The word you look up in a dictionary is called opinion is what a person believes. . Strong reading skills are the basis of school success, and Spectrum(R) Reading for grade 6 will help children triumph over language arts and beyond. . . . They project lighthouse they have spotted. . They thought that candles would do an excellent job of creating an elegant mood, but Ms. Milano would not be swayed from her conviction that candles were too risky to use in a school. 5 4. Bonsai addition of rocks, small buildings, and miniature originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. Some people still look at the vacant spot on the beach 3 The coastline around the Outer Banks is where it stood for so many years and feel a sense known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic. 39 _____ Margaret Bourke-White was a talented photojournalist who traveled the world and broke new ground for women. . . Tigers are beautiful, wild creatures, could probably handle taking care of a dog or a she added. . The process was extremely slow. . There is a very timeless it later. and human aspect to his work. Some vendors sold pretzels, 4 I had no idea baseball was popular in popcorn, and hot dogs, but Alex and Emily Japan, replied Alex. to complete. in which they happened. Yakyu The military commanders who were in charge recognized that baseball was an important part Who is Sadahara Oh, and why is he so famous of Japanese culture, so they encouraged the in the world of baseball? . I have read that animals can sense changes in weather and will seek shelter from a tornado or hurricane. saw only presented one side of the story. He waltzed her across the kitchen and then dipped her deeply as she laughed. Allow the lasagna to cool for about 10 minutes before serving. . . . . 5 _____ Alice Waters founded the Edible Schoolyard, a program in which 5. grown without the use of chemicals and students learn to grow and prepare pesticides their own foods. Find more similar flip PDFs like SPECTRUM Reading Grade 6. . Check the sentence below that is the best summary for paragraph 7. . Someone that responsible busily. Find one sentence that shows Savannah was 4. well known for something unpleasant or frightened by the screaming she heard. . . He began to catalog the birds he drew, venturing farther and farther to locate new species. . . . 4 A publisher named Henry Luce was very impressed with Bourke-Whites photographs of American industry and hired her to work at his magazine, Fortune. Well, the sushi chef begins with a very thin sheet of seaweed. Spectrum Reading Grade 6 6 She also believes that there is a and finding out about how to start a garden at strong relationship between food, health, and the your school, visit www.edibleschoolyard.org. Then, she turned back 22 Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey laughed. . Do you like fish? she asked Alex and Emily. 4 Drew opened his notebook and prepared to record any ideas they had for convincing Ms. Milano, the school principal, that the garden was a good idea. . The baskets contained burning coal or wood. . . I didnt know at her side, and she held it up every once in a either, she said. . I hate to see people trying to cat. She took photos of the German siege on Moscow in 1941. alert sailors that land is near and warn them of They can be constructed of many different potential dangers, such as reefs or rocky harbors. 5 _____ In 1999, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved further 8. ft. ________________________________ inland to prevent its destruction due Par. In world and photographed much of what she saw. . ones will alter the environment or harm native populations. . Sometimes a piece of fish is placed on top of the rice-filled roll. 12 6. . _____ the creatures habitats species? 7. seldom ____________________________ ___________________________________ Par. also affected the balance of the ecosystem. _____ The owner of a bonsai must spend some time caring for the plant. . . They should have explained both sides of Bengal tiger cubs and raise them yourself? the story. asked Ari excitedly. . After I completed my photography degree, I 1 Thanks for taking the time to meet with me, had a year-long internship with a very talented Mr. Salinas, said Dante, reaching out to shake photographer named Elizabeth Chu. 3. Why is the owls sense of hearing important 2. a quality or characteristic to its survival? 148 The Mega-Museum . The two main devices that control light are the shutter and the aperture. ___________________________________ 3. people who act as guides or teachers ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 4. . . . bags of the girls would be written as the girls bags. . What will Dante learn in his interview with 8 ES: Well, I have been lucky to have had several Mr. Salinas? Without thinking about it any longer, Paloma began to write the story. dotted line. spilled some of the orange juice she was I forgot who I was talking about here, she said, pouring. . Par. Her goal at the middle school was to show children the pleasure in gardening and in preparing the foods that they cultivated. Why does Dante want to record his meanings below. Nearly any type of tree or plant can be cascade, and semi-cascade. in which they happened. Among his the game yakyu, which means field ball. During the 20th century, canals were built which lowered the level of Lake Okeechobee. . Why do you think Ms. Milano was skeptical A synonym is a word that has the same meaning when the students first presented her with as another word. 29 _____ extra able _____ not able _____ the act of being able All rights reserved. 20 Blocking Water. 4 Dad, its in Japanese, said Alex. What is the home team for the Nagoya Dome? . They will be playing the Hiroshima Toyo Carp, said Mrs. Ito. Many of his photos were taken in Yosemite National Park, the site of his first experience with a camera. . . . . . . 7. grass ______________________________ Par. . . . . wouldnt feel as though she were committing to The air around them was filled with the sounds something unknown. of children playing, dogs barking, and people laughing or calling to one another. . . . . Then, youll have a chance to sample that serves sushi, she added. floods after heavy rains, the water level in the Everglades rises as well. . 3. scanning ___________________________ 4. . _____ things being studied _____ the word or group of words in a sentence that performs the action. . . . She was referring to a group of men on the ball field who led the crowd in chants and cheers. Black more than 50 inches per year. . For example, misunderstand means to understand Read the dictionary entry below, and answer the wrongly. in this lush landscape, the ecosystem of the Everglades must maintain its delicate balance. _____ Kelly and Amy are planning a trip to 4. Different patterns and lengths and ship captains, they are a sign of safety. 5 than for men to be lighthouse keepers. . . . . . A summary is a short sentence that tells The suffix -ly means in a certain way. Sailors can observe a sequence and then look it 2 Lighthouses are structures located along the up in a reference book that will tell them which shorelines of large bodies of water. What is the one piece of information that is 2. 11. Spectrum Reading Grade 6 18 . Why or why not? . Hundreds of the trees would dry up the land and make the species of plants and animals make their homes Everglades suitable for development. From 1965 through 1973, the Giants won nine consecutive national championships, partly 2 In the early 1870s, Horace Wilson, an because of the legendary player Sadahara Oh. . . sailors from harm. NAME ________________________________ Write the words from the story that have the The point of view tells the reader whose view of meanings below. . concept of lighthouses is more than 3,000 years If you ever have a chance to visit one, getting a old. 3 4. _____ New York d. stats Use the table below to answer the questions that follow. . . . . . . . Write the words from the story that have the NAME ________________________________ meanings below. Spectrum Reading Grade 6 24 NAME ________________________________ Write the words from the story that have the 1. 36 A Desert in Bloom . Par. Par. 4. . . environment. . . 1 ___________________________________ 8. fall _______________________________ Circle the word that best completes each sentence. . ___________________________________ _____ Horace Wilson introduced baseball 3. example, gently means in a gentle way. This was time. _____ Margaret Bourke-White was one of LIFE magazines first four photographers. 7 8. . 2. _____ Ida kept the light at Lime Rock for 5. to praise 39 years. . Par. . . . . Write the entry word you would look for in a dictionary next to each word below. . Are most of the 8 Ms. Milano handed Drew, Michi, and Emilio parents here yet? 5 Dante Carter: When did you first know that 11 DC: What do you find most rewarding about you wanted to be a photographer? Many people have not fruits and vegetables that they had never before had the pleasure of this experience. Japanese leaders also embraced baseball than Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Mark McGuire, because they thought that it contained elements and Sammy Sosa. . ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Par. . . . What purpose would a reader have for ___________________________________ reading this selection? . . . Owls feed on live prey, contain images of owls. Others are just relieved that the estimated that more than 230 ships sank there lighthouse was saved so that future generations between 1866 and 1945. IN COLLECTIONS. . 54 A Slice of Sea Island Life . . 4. to set aside for later use _____ Boil a pot of water. . . . Download SPECTRUM Reading Grade 6 PDF for free. . Current martial arts. Alfred Stieglitz was influential in promoting the work of 4 That sounds good to me, said Mr. Salinas. . Write a synonym from the story for each of the 6. . . . _____ Alice Waters owns Chez Panisse 4. to make richer or improve the quality of Restaurant in California. (based, baste) ___________________________________ Find an antonym in the story for each of the words below. . . ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 7. . When Alex after lunch one day. Write the words from the story that match the _____ The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in abbreviations below. The students prepared the entire meal themselves, 2 A moment later, Kent and Alyssa added with some guidance from Mr. Hasselbach. another steaming dish to the table. 2. She was the eyes and ears of the world in places most Americans had never visited and 3 After graduating from college, Bourke-White never would. . . whole row will tumble. 28 A Writers Life. ___________________________________ _____ Savannah and her mom saw the owls Par. In reality, it took only about three weeks to complete the job. _____ Junior c. yr. 9. 7 11. ___________________________________ Par. ii, 170 pages : 28 cm Grade 6 "Aligned to state & national standards"--Cover Notes. . _____ beneath d. totally ___________________________________ Fill in the blanks below with the possessive form of the word in parentheses. . . Why did Ms. Milano give Drew, Michi, and Emilio stepping stones? . _____ Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig played baseball in Japan. 2. held tightly together _____ Savannahs dad poured himself a glass of orange juice. that best describe what type of nonfiction passage this is. _____ I hope Ms. Milano likes our idea. Check the phrase that best describes the meanings below. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Grade 3 reading, Staar grade 3 reading answer key paper, Spectrum reading grade 5 by spectrum, Grade 6 reading, Spectrum reading grade 3 by spectrum, 3 978 1 62057 598 7, Literary passages close reading, Reading comprehension work and kids fable. . . Its a Birds Life Nothing so detailed had ever been created to document the variety of birds in America. . customary for women to work mostly in the home, taking care of a family and a household. . . . Place three lasagna noodles lengthwise in the dish. . 14 ES: I wish you the best of luck, Dante. As a thank-you to these students for their into the hallway. . . . . . . He showed a great deal of interest in natural history and conducted the first bird-banding experiment in the country. . materials, such as wood, stone, brick, steel, and aluminum. Each table held a small glass vase 10 Drew, Emilio, and Michi held up their with fresh flowers from the schools garden. 4. Why did all the attention make Ida Par. 86 A Mysterious Glow. _____ My cousin P.J. . 42 A Paper Surprise . Publication date 2007 Topics Reading . 9. Number the events below to show the order meanings below. . Just freeze the leftovers, and enjoy them on another day. Number the events below to show the order meanings below. . 3 2. . are different. Check the phrase that best describes the authors purpose. . ___________________________________ ______________ ______________ 6. . . Cook the noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. . ___________________________________ _____ talented Par. . Instead, Audubon found an audience in England and Scotland where people were fascinated by the concept of the American wilderness. They can protect a boat from running 8 During the day, sailors can identify aground at night or other times when visibility is lighthouses simply by their appearance. (Drew) 12. 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