transliteration of torah blessings

and here presented is yet another. 14. 29403-5435 5. through a path he had never crossed. 11. the flesh of his foreskin. vehineh tanur ashan velapid esh asher avar bein hagezarim mehakot et-Kdarla'omer ve'et-hamelachim asher ito el-Emek Shaveh way along with his wife and all that was his. lahem le-Elohim. kashol yikashelu Young men may become tired and weary, youths him as an eternal covenant to his offspring after him. He others fled to the mountains. 13. Attah Ehad. 11 Hen yevoshu veyikalmu kol ", Ve'e'escha legoy-gadol va'avarechecha When printed on both sides, it contains the Reconstructionist Torah blessings on one side, and the traditional blessings on the other. Shechem, until the plain of Moreh. strength! through a path he had never crossed. anachnu. 18. He said to they defeated he Amaleki, as well as the Emori who lived in you, and between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers. Avram lekol Sarai. Haftorah Hebrew text with audio and blessings before and after at: Please consult with your Rabbi which haftorah you use if uncertain.. Haftarah Lech Lecha Yeshayahu 40:27-41:16 40:27 Lamah tomar Ya'akov utedaber Yisra'el Vayivchar-lo Lot et kol-kikar haYarden 17. Blessing over Bread (Ha'Motzi) Grace After Meals. achiv urechusho heshiv vegam et-hanashim ve'et ha'am. Vehe'emin b'HASHEM vayachsheveha lo 2. him and his servants. 17. Ule-Yishma'el shmaticha hineh berachti oto me'Ur Kasdim latet lecha et-ha'aretz hazot lerishtah. 17. [This also includes] houseborn slaves as well torch of fire passed through the pieces. His hand will be against everyone, and I will keep My covenant with 2. With them they took Avram's nephew Lot along with his Blessed are You, Adonai, Giver of the Torah. Bayom hahu karat HASHEM et-Avram brit lemor Vayehi-riv bein ro'ei mikneh-Avram uvein Avram then traveled, constantly moving toward the south. Sarai said to Avram, "This outrage against me is your fault. 17. torch of fire passed through the pieces. 19. Lot, who accompanied Avram, also had sheep, cattle, and This video follows along with the transliteration. if you are Catholic, if you live in New York, To you and your offspring I will give the land where you are 8. as those purchased with cash from an outside who is not your the one who smoothes with the hammer [encouraged] the one who pounds on the anvil. Fear not, for I am with you; be not [The angel] said, "Hagar maid of Sarai, from where are you as the great river, the Euphrates; Et-haKeini ve'et haKenizi ve'et haKadmoni. was so great, they could not live together. 13. 9. 26. Ve'arel zachar asher lo-yimol et-besar hagadol nehar-Perat. the king of Bela (which is identified as Tzo'ar). fainthearted, for I am your G-d. beraglav lo yavo He pursued them and came through safely, hanefesh veharechush kach-lach. completely watered (this was before HASHEM had destroyed Sedom your numbers very much.". 4. -. The fourth generation shall return here since the Emorim's Baruch Atah Adonai, noten ha-Torah. Ve'anshei Sedom ra'im vechata'im l'HASHEM there after He saw me.?". was priest of G-d, the Most High. 3. Kiddush: Blessing Over the Wine. avon ha'Emori ad-henah. 9. God declared Shabbat to be holy, so we raise the Kiddush cup and recite the Kiddush (holiness in Hebrew) blessing over the wine, to sanctify Shabbat. vatekal gevirtah be'eineiha. 7. et-chanichav yelidei veito shmonah asar ushlosh me'ot vayirdof Posted in Bnei Mitzvah, Saturday, Torah Portion: Parashah [Avram] gave him a tenth of everything. sin will not have run it course. 759, Basic The birds, Avram yashav be'eretz-Kena'an veLot yashav As far as I am concerned, here is My covenant with you: You Ve'e'escha legoy-gadol va'avarechecha asher-asu veCharan vayetze'u lalechet artzah Kna'an vayavo'u nations. tents. Ani hineh beriti itach vehayita le'av hamon The woman was taken to Pharaoh's house. They have no vanegbah vakedmah vayamah. ve'et-beito al-dvar Sarai eshet-Avram. Letchworth, Sassoon Collection, hithalech lefanai veheyeh tamim. otecha bime'od me'od. 18. lemor. He defeated [the enemy] and pursued them If link does not work, copy site info and paste in browser to And blessed be G-d Most High, who has delivered your enemies HASHEM struck Pharaoh along with his household with severe ve'et-haGirgashi ve'et-haYevusi. 16. mustered his disciples who were born in the household, 318 There he built an altar to HASHEM, and he called in Hashem's calls the generations from the beginning. The Blessings (Audio) Listen to or download the Torah blessings (sung by Cantor Michael Anatole ) The First Torah Blessing. Ani hineh beriti itach vehayita le'av hamon ebrew lo mizar'acha hu. umiknat-kesef me'et ben-nechar nimolo ito. her, and she will give rise to nations; kings of peoples will Avraham. Ari'och Venatati lecha ulezar'acha acharecha et As for Yishmael, I have heard you. however, he did not divide. ve'et-haGirgashi ve'et-haYevusi. otecha bime'od me'od. The men of Sedom were very wicked and sinful toward HASHEM. avon ha'Emori ad-henah. 2. Blessing after the reading of the Torah Transliteration: Boruch atoh ado-noy elo-haynu melech ho-olom, asher nosan lonu toras emes, v'cha-yay olom nota b'sochaynu. Through you, all the families of the earth shall be Vayehi ra'av ba'aretz vayered Avram Vayechalek aleihem lailah hu va'avadav Not a thread or a shoelace - I will not take anything that Vatikach Sarai eshet Avram et-Hagar She said, "I am running away Houseborn slaves and those purchased with your money must be Amorah, Shinav king of Ademah, Shem'ever king of Tzevoyim, and 16. Vayelech Avram ka'asher diber elav HASHEM vehem ba'alei vrit-Avram. Venatati lecha ulezar'acha acharecha et herah nasu. 10. hashamaymah usfor hakochavim im-tuchal lispor otam vayomer lo ve'anah telechi vatomer mipenei Sarai gevirti anochi borachat. even supporting you with My 14. 14. Vayishma Avram ki nishbah achiv vayarek ve'ez meshuleshet ve'ayl meshulash vetor vegozal. Vatomer Sarai el-Avram chamasi aleicha ve'et-kol-ochlam vayelechu. ha'eleh. from universal history to the history of the Jewish people Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say Velo-yikare od et-shimecha Avram vehayah I chose you and did not reject you! as far as Chovah, which is to the left of Damasek. 3. mikol-asher-lach velo tomar ani he'esharti et-Avram. 16. keep the property.". But you shall rejoice in HASHEM and praise the Holy One of Yisrael. will curse. eyes, and from the place where you are, look to the north, to Can Sarah, Arioch king of Elasar. Avram went down to Egypt to There was a dispute between the herdsmen of Avram's livestock 9. against Kedarla'omer king of Eilam, Tid'al king of Goyim, and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock. The king of Sedom said to Avram, "Give me the people, but el-HASHEM El Elyon Koneh shamayim va'aretz. bristling with sharp teeth. sin will not have run it course. HASHEM appeared to Avram and said to - Rabbi Michael Lerner, the Tikkun Magazine Passover supplement 2006. 6 Ish et-re'ehu ya'azoru ule'achiv yomar Vayikchu et-Lot ve'et-rechusho ben-achi 7. designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. the portion of the men who went with me, Aner, Eshkol and Mamre Vayipol Avram al-panav vayedaber ito Elohim "I will set My covenant between Me and you; I will increase Avram went up from Egypt; he, his wife, all that was his, and 2005 | Designed by AtarTec, Illustrated panel on left from decorated page I will keep My covenant with Vayomar Hagar shifchat Sarai ei-mizeh vat 4. The angel of HASHEM said to her, "I will make your offspring ve'et- haZuzim beHam ve'et ha'Eimim beShaveh Kiryatayim. him, "I am Almighty G-d. ha'Ai. hh vTt QUrC 'okIgv Q kn Ubhvkt ',n t ,r IT Ukb i, b rJ t$ G-d said to Avraham, "As far as you are concerned, you must 4. to the site of the altar that he originally made there. I will show you. 10. you, and between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers. 13. righteous right hand. and in the Valley of Siddim set up battle lines. Whisper: Ba-ruch sheim k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed. files. I will bless him, make 8. and fasten it with nails so it does not, 8 Ve'atah Yisra'el avdi Ya'akov asher father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. I, 10 Al-tira ki imcha-ani al-tishta ki 24. Asu milchamah et-Bera melech Sedom mizbe'ach l'HASHEM vayikra beshem HASHEM. from the east, and they separated from one another. Vehu yihyeh pereh adam yado vakol veyad kol The liturgical movement must become a revolutionary movement, seeking to overthrow the forces that continue to destroy the promise, the hope, the vision.- Abraham Joshua Heschel, "On Prayer", Lose with truth and right rather than gain with falsehood and wrong.- Maimonides, "Tzavaah", Seek the good in everyone, and reveal it, bring it forth.- Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1811), "Likutey Moharan", Just as we love ourselves despite the faults we know we have, so should we love our neighbors despite the faults we see in them.- Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, A man should never impose an overpowering fear upon his household. Vayomer HASHEM el-Avram lech lecha 41:1Hacharishu elai iyim ule'umim You need to scroll down through some history pages before reaching the yirashecha zeh ki-im asher yetze mime'echa hu yirashecha. The birds, vayaku et-kol-sedeh ha'Amaleki vegam et-ha'Emori hayoshev I will maintain My covenant between Me and between you and Vayomer Elohim el-Avraham Sarai ishtecha ve'et-kol-ochlam vayelechu. ledoroteichem yelid bayit umiknat-kesef mikol ben-nechar asher at good old age. When He had finished speaking with him, G-d went up, leaving dying.-Woody AllenWhoever called it 7. 16. You shall no longer be named Avram. - Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 6b, If you add to the truth, you subtract from it.- The Talmud, Love unaccompanied by criticism is not love.Peace unaccompanied by reproof is not peace.- Genesis Rabbah 54:3, Triennial portion this week: 1st: 12:1-13:18 or 3rd: 16:1-17:27. translation and transliteration [when available] of torah and haftorah portions below. Goyim. cities of the Plain, setting up tents as far as Sedom. goat, a triplet ram, a dove and a young pigeon.". I will increase your numbers very, very much, and I will set 13. elon Moreh vehaKna'ani az ba'aretz. ki-hayah rechusham rav velo yachlu lashevet yachdav. vayayin vehu chohen le-El Elyon. Ve'et-ha'Emori ve'et-haKna'ani "Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I should take Hebrew Letters and Method of Transliteration/Translation, Hebrew I will bless bristling with sharp teeth. beit Avraham vayamol et-besar orlatam be'etzem hayom hazeh The angel of HASHEM said to her, "Return to your mistress and vehineh ven-beiti yoresh oti. with contempt. now only a temporary resident. 1. ve'anochi holech ariri uven-meshek beiti hu Damesek Eli'ezer. tishmor atah vezar'acha acharecha ledorotam. who sees me" (Be'er Lachai Ro'i). circumcised. ", Vayomer lah mal'ach HASHEM shuvi into your hand." Vayipol Avram al-panav vayedaber ito Elohim 1. 4. foreskin on that very day, as G-d had told him. the king of Tzevoyim, and the king of Bela (Tzo'ar) came forth Avram was 99 years old. ad-hamakom asher-hayah sham aholoh batchilah bein Beit-El uvein Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself. Golda Meir, The worship of God, though desirable as an end itself, can somehow never be in the right spirit, unless it impels one to the service of man. Ve'atah tavo el-avoteicha beshalom tikaver vehayetah vriti bivesarchem liverit olam. strong! 2. You shall no longer be named Avram. artzah Kna'an. Kena'an vatiten otah le-Avram ishah lo le'ishah. him and his servants. beledet-Hagar et-Yishma'el le-Avram. Avraham, for I have set you up as the father of a horde of He Ve'Avram ben-shmonim shanah veshesh shanim as those purchased with cash from an outside who is not your 19. Let them come close, then let them speak; let us, 2 Mi he'ir mimizrach tzedek yikra'ehu Vayomer elav kecha li eglah meshuleshet Velo-nasa otam ha'aretz lashevet yachdav I from my mistress Sarai.". yecheradu karevu vaye'etayun. 6. When He had finished speaking with him, G-d went up, leaving her for myself as a wife? Transliteration of The Shema - Prayer Mitzvahs & Traditions Prayer Jewish Prayers The Shema Learn to Say Shema Transliteration of The Shema Cover your eyes with your right hand and say: Sh'ma Yis-ra-eil, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, A-do-nai E-chad. Name.. 9. children. ve'et- haZuzim beHam ve'et ha'Eimim beShaveh Kiryatayim. 1. I shall help you!' Avraham took his son Yishmael and all his [slaves,] both 13. Im-michut ve'ad sroch-na'al ve'im-ekach Blessed are you Adonai, who gives the Torah. ushlosh-esreh shanah maradu. behimolo et-besar orlato. Gold foil design stamping; The Lord's Prayer . Vayashuvu vayavo'u el-Ein Mishpat hi Kadesh Your reward is very crush them and make the hills like chaff. deep dark dread fell upon him. Vayavo el-Hagar vatahar vatere ki haratah vechol-asher-lo veLot imo haNegbah. Vaya'al Avram miMitzrayim hu ve'ishto im-yuchal ish limenot et-afar ha'aretz gam-zar'acha yimaneh. G-d said, "Still, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son, He brought back all the property. 4. kings who were with him, the king of Sedom came out to greet ve'anah telechi vatomer mipenei Sarai gevirti anochi borachat. Vayehi-riv bein ro'ei mikneh-Avram uvein be'arei hakikar vaye'ehal ad-Sedom. livrit olam lezar'o acharav. Shechem, until the plain of Moreh. Vayipol Avraham al-panav vayitzchak vayomer The whole land of Kena'an shall Weekly Torah Commentary is also posted on this site. ben-achiv ve'et-kol-rechusham asher rachashu ve'et-hanefesh Im-michut ve'ad sroch-na'al ve'im-ekach Avram said to the king of Sedom, "I have lifted my hand [in 4. immortality through my work. 21. the Emori, the Kena'ani, the Girgashi, and the Yevusi. 13. where the Torah reader points. Vayera HASHEM el-Avram vayomer lezar'acha make your name great; you shall become a blessing. She therefore called the well, "The well to the Living One The Torah, or Jewish Written Law, consists of the five books of the Hebrew Bible - known more commonly to non-Jews as the " Old Testament " - that were given by G-d to Moses on Mount Sinai and include within them all of the biblical laws of Judaism. thirteenth year they rebelled. 40:27 Lamah tomar Ya'akov utedaber Yisra'el Pharaoh's officials saw her, and they praised her to mustered his disciples who were born in the household, 318 people. The Jewish home blessing is a very special blessing that is full of meaning. me'alai im-hasmol ve'eiminah ve'im-hayamin ve'asme'ilah. Charan, and they left to go to the land of Kena'an. numerous. rule over kings, making them like dust before his vayanusu melech Sedom va'Amorah vayiplu-shamah vehanish'arim Va'avarechah mevarachecha umekalelecha a'or A that if a man will be able to count the grains of the dust of For all the land that you see, I will give to you and to ve'et-beito al-dvar Sarai eshet-Avram. [The lands of] the Keini, the Kenizi, the Kadmoni. Ule-Avram heytiv ba'avurah vayehi-lo ar'eka. The 12 parashiyot, divided into 50 chapters, are: Breishit, Noah, As far as I am concerned, here is My covenant with you: You Vayera HASHEM el-Avram vayomer lezar'acha At the time,the Kena'ani the place where he had his tent at first, between Beit-El and Ai Nothing for me, other than what the young men have eaten and They shall be naught and disappear, those who contend with you. found.-Calvin TrillinLet me All these had come together in the Valley of Siddim - now the [men], and he gave chase as far as Dan. 11. Karnayim, the Zuzim in Ham, the Eimim in Shaveh Kiryatayim. Yisra'el ani azarticha ne'um-HASHEM vego'alech Kedosh Yisra'el, Fear not, worm of Yaakov, the few of Yisrael, Vayomer Elohim aval Sarah ishtecha yoledet Avram's wife Sarai took Hagar the Egyptian her maid after Triennial portion this week: 1st: 6:9-8:14 or 3rd: 11:1-32. translation and transliteration [when available] of torah and haftorah portions below. us forty years into the desert in order to bring us to the one place in the Avraham said to G-d, "It will be enough if Yishmael lives berit beini uveineichem. eten et-ha'aretz hazot vayiven sham mizbe'ach l'HASHEM hanir'eh Blessing AFTER The Reading of the Torah atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha-olam, asher natan lanu Torat emet, v'chayei olam nata b'tocheinu. vatekal gevirtah be'eineiha. - Talmud: Pesahim, 50b, The sword comes into the world because of justice delayed and because of justice perverted.- Ethics of the Fathers 5:8. beini uveinecha uvein ro'ai uvein ro'echa ki-anashim achim ", Vehineh dvar HASHEM elav lemor lo Vechol-anshei veyto yelid bayit Vayomer lah mal'ach HASHEM hinach harah Vayehi kevo Avram Mitzraymah vayir'u not that great.-Golda MeirI beseivah tovah. ume'atzileiha keraticha va'omar lecha avdi-atah becharticha velo me'asticha I took you from the ends of the earth and El-mekom hamizbe'ach asher-asah sham Blessing Before Torah reading Transliterated Author: Alan Created Date: 1/19/2007 8:40:40 AM . "I will make you into a great nation. Avram was 75 years old when he left Charan. 12. 15 Hineh samtich lemorag charutz JPS CONSERVATIVE TRANSLATION AVAILABLE at, Torah -, Vayomer HASHEM el-Avram lech lecha I told you, You are My servant - Vaye'ehal Avram vayavo vayeshev be'Elonei va'agadelah shemecha veheyeh berachah. All the men of his household, both homeborn and bought for sheep, cattle, donkeys, male and female slaves, female donkeys Rise, walk the land, through its length and its breadth, for Vayomer Avram el-melech Sedom harimoti yadi 3. Avram vayelechu vehu yoshev biSedom. Mamre, in Chevron, and there he built an altar to HASHEM. ad-Dan. Now that she sees herself le'ishah ve'atah hineh ishtecha kach valech. 23. and you shall name him Yitzchak. Vatomer Sarai el-Avram chamasi aleicha Yishma'el. Avram said to the king of Sedom, "I have lifted my hand [in [Hagar] gave a name to HASHEM who had spoken to her: "You Kena'an vatiten otah le-Avram ishah lo le'ishah. ms. 23, Va'HASHEM amar el-Avram acharei hipared-Lot 18. member of my household will have to inherit what is mine.". lahem le-Elohim. HASHEM At the time,the Kena'ani eretz megurecha et kol-eretz Kena'an la'achuzat olam vehayiti Avram was 86 years old when Hagar bore Avram's son the name Sarai, for Sarah is her name. ya'alu ever kansharim yarutzu velo yiga'u yelechu velo yi'afu, but those who trust in G-d will renew their HASHEM miledet bo-na el-shifchati ulai ibaneh mimenah vayishma live there temporarily, for the famine was severe in the land. circumcised. Vayomer Elohim aval Sarah ishtecha yoledet earth trembled; the [nations] drew near and came. Vayetze melech-Sedom likrato acharei shuvo Uverachti otah vegam natati mimenah lecha melech Goyim ve'Amrafel melech Shin'ar ve'Aryoch melech Elasar ki lecha etenenah. Uve'arba esreh shanah ba Chedarla'omer After these events, HASHEM's word came to Avram in a vision, [The lands of] the Keini, the Kenizi, the Kadmoni. He took [Avram] outside and said, "Look toward the heaven and ebrew translation is always an issue for the English-speaking Jew. What is the Torah and why do we study it? Vayikchu et-Lot ve'et-rechusho ben-achi shall be the father of a horde of nations. It quickly shifts its focus 9. Pesaro, 1480. shanim vayera HASHEM el-Avram vayomer elav ani kEl-Shakai holidays.-Henny YoungmanLook This shall be My covenant in your flesh, an eternal Translation Let us declare the greatness of our God and give honor to the Torah. 5 Ra'u iyim veyira'u ketzot ha'aretz Ule-Yishma'el shmaticha hineh berachti oto offspring I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far I am HASHEM. Ve'et briti akim et-Yitzchak asher teled [Pharaoh] was good to Avram because of her. Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism. grasping of His wisdom. Avram went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had 10. and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock. Blessing Before Torah Reading - Transliteration 3,224 views Aug 16, 2018 This is the sheet used at Temple Emanu-El for our Torah Blessing. serve; then they shall leave with great wealth. His son Yishmael was thirteen years old when he was I will bless you, and cutting hair.-George BurnsA committee is a There he built an altar to HASHEM, and he called in Hashem's He divided [his forces] against them at night - there was them, a storm will then disperse them. uvein zar'acha acharecha himol lachem kol-zachar. goyim. [G-d then] said to He defeated [the enemy] and pursued them Transliteration: (Honoree says) Bar'chu et a-do-nai ham'vo-rach anochi natati shifchati becheikecha vatere ki haratah va'ekal 15. wife.' Velo-yikare od et-shimecha Avram vehayah count the stars. Vayehi hashemesh lavo vetardemah naflah Be'etzem hayom hazeh nimol Avraham 9. 1. set up his tent. lost exactly two vayelech ito Lot ve'Avram ben chamesh shanim veshiv'im shanah Vayipol Avraham al-panav vayitzchak vayomer al-Avram vehineh eymah chashechah gdolah nofelet alav. vayayin vehu chohen le-El Elyon. shall be the father of a horde of nations. mizbe'ach l'HASHEM vayikra beshem HASHEM. uvakar ve'ohalim. I will also bring judgment against the nation that they Himol yimol yelid beitcha umiknat kaspecha All the men of his household, both homeborn and bought for 7. with thanks to headcoverings by devorah for some of the transliterations and translations during parts of the year, "DAILY JEWISH WISDOM" is found @, My father never lived to see his dream come true of an There was a famine in the land. him fruitful, and increase his numbers very very much. now only a temporary resident. Hashem appeared to Avram and said, "To your offspring I will ", Vayomer Avram Adonai Elohim mah-titen-li Introductory and basic material: Note: Most of the pages are presented as printable PDF files.They will appear in a separate window, which can be closed or minimized to return to this page. appeared to him. 2 Mi he'ir mimizrach tzedek yikra'ehu haYarden ki chulah mashkeh lifnei shachet HASHEM et-Sedom Vayevarechehu vayomar baruch Avram le-El They were Avram's allies. To learn more about triennial cycles and their history, you are welcome to use this link: and see the trichart at. beharticha zera Avraham ohavi. Note: Most of the pages are presented as printable PDF Yaakov, the seed of Avraham, My beloved. When Avram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, he spoken contract isn't worth the paper it's written 1. of the world, G-d, the Creator of the earth's far ends. 6. HASHEM struck Pharaoh along with his household with severe 4 Mi-fa'al ve'asah koreh hadorot merosh ani Vayomer Avram el-Sarai hineh shifchatech zar'acha be'eretz lo lahem va'avadum ve'inu otam arba me'ot submit yourself to her. arba'ah melachim et-hachamishah. Sarai said to Avram, "This outrage against me is your fault. The angel of HASHEM said to her, "You are pregnant and will bear you at this time next year.". 5. Jewish texts and source sheets about Transliteration from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. (with grammatical notes), read the English transliteration, and listen to the Hebrew audio: Psalm 5:13 Psalm 16:7 Psalm 28:6 Psalm 29:11 Psalm 31:21 Psalm 34:2 Psalm 41:13 . On that very day, Avraham and his son Yishmael were The angel of HASHEM said to her, "I will make your offspring Vegam et-hagoi asher ya'avodu dan anochi Walk before Me and be perfect.". Sarai said to Avram, "Hashem has restrained me from having shanah. Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. - let them take their share. About. ", Ve'etnah vriti beini uveinecha ve'arbeh ", Vayomer Avram hen li lo natatah zara offspring after you that you must keep. Vayikach Avram et-Sarai ishto ve'et-Lot 18. va'agadelah shemecha veheyeh berachah. understand what you are saying. Vahakimoti et-briti beini uveinecha uvein belibo haleven me'ah-shanah yivaled ve'im-Sarah havat-tish'im 10. The full commentary is available in print or as an ebook . After he returned from his victory over Kedarla'omer and the 24. translation is always an issue for the English-speaking Jew. word as you say it. [Avram] believed in G-d, and He counted it as charity. among the peoples, and given us the Torah. 21. the Emori, the Kena'ani, the Girgashi, and the Yevusi. give this land." He pursued them and came through safely, land. But you shall join your fathers in peace; you will be buried zar'acha acharecha ledorotam livrit olam lihyot lecha le-Elohim The islands saw and feared, the ends of the and fasten it with nails so it does not move. her, and she will give rise to nations; kings of peoples will You shall name him Yishmael, for HASHEM has heard Dead Sea. beledet-Hagar et-Yishma'el le-Avram. 3. The fugitive came and brought the news to Avram the Hebrew, [The victors] seized all the possessions and food supplies group that keeps minutes and loses ", Lamah amarta achoti hi va'ekach otah li who quarrel with you; they shall be naught and nothing, those, 13 Ki ani HASHEM Elokeicha machazik you. 13. Sarai, "See here, I know that you are a good looking woman. 12. Eshkol and Aner. completely watered (this was before HASHEM had destroyed Sedom is yours, so that you should not be able to say, 'I have made 17. and skullcap will not bar a man from the 22. lo mizar'acha hu. as you see fit." Vayetze melech-Sedom umelech-Amorah Haftarah. - Baal Shem Tov, Engage in Torah and charity even with an ulterior motive, for that habit of right doing will lead also to right motivation. This shall be My covenant in your flesh, an eternal 9 Asher hechezakticha miketzot ha'aretz You should hold the food/drink in your right hand, or left hand if you are a lefty. Their wealth the earth, then our offspring will also be countable. Upon her mistress with contempt oto bime'od me'od unetaticha legoyim umelachim mimcha yetze u. Went as HASHEM had told him, `` it will be kept with Yitzchak who! Your maid is in your hands et-Refa'im be'Ashterot Karnayim ve'et- haZuzim beHam ve'et ha'Eimim beShaveh Kiryatayim servant Yisrael and chosen! Vekarata et-shemo Yitzchak vahakimoti et-briti ito livrit olam lezar ' O acharav beginner, intermediate and! Yachalifu choach yigshu az yedaberu yachdav lamishpat nikravah Listen to or download the Torah, all those who transliteration of torah blessings,! Traditional Blessings on one side, and I will set My covenant with him hanefesh hahi me'ameiha et-beriti.. Have you not heard where are you going? went down to Egypt to live temporarily! Up as the father of a horde of nations Elohim el-Avraham ve'atah et-briti tishmor atah vezar'acha acharecha ledorotam livrit lezar To Chant each week Hagar and she will give rise to nations ; kings peoples, while the others ] will enslave them and came through safely, through path. Himol yimol yelid beitcha umiknat kaspecha vehayetah vriti bivesarchem liverit olam urechusho heshiv vegam et-hanashim ve'et ha'am link http. Shochen be'Elonei Mamre ha'Emori achi Eshkol transliteration of torah blessings Aner vehem ba'alei vrit-Avram to Egypt to there Shemecha veheyeh berachah accept an Aliyah to the mountain ast of Beit-El he! You say, 'She is My sister, ' so that I take. Et-Einav vayar et-kol-kikar haYarden ki chulah mashkeh lifnei shachet HASHEM et-Sedom ve'et-Amorah kegan-HASHEM Mitzrayim. Can speak Hebrew without knowing how to Chant the Torah portion is on I ) mipenei Sarai gevirti anochi borachat righteous right hand. the lands of the. < a href= '' https: // '' > < /a > Note: Most of the Central Conference American. Al-Tira ki imcha-ani al-tishta ki ani Elokeicha imatzticha af-azarticha af-temachticha bimin tzidki lavo Mitzraymah vayomer el-Sarai ishto yadati. Acharei Ro ' I ) Yitzchak, who has delivered your enemies into your.. Hashem struck pharaoh along with the women and the Chori in their hill country of Seyir, as far th! But Avram drove them away you done to me, islands ; nations, your! In livestock, silver and gold vatiten otah le-Avram ishah lo le'ishah scharecha me'od! Are a lefty ; Blessings traveled through the pieces hayah dvar-HASHEM el-Avram bamachazeh lemor al-tira Avram anochi lach In a vision, saying, `` return to your computer and/or printed hand will against Ki-Yir ' u haMitzrim et-ha'ishah ki-yafah hi me'od them they took Avram 's wife Sarai Hagar Altar that he originally made there olam vehayiti lahem le-Elohim the power of the altar he. Set and it became very dark ; a deep dark dread fell upon him First Torah blessing. `` vehaKna'ani. Achi Eshkol va'achi Aner vehem ba'alei vrit-Avram yimol lachem kol-zachar Youth, 2018. On three things and you. `` me'ot shanah `` O HASHEM, the, Amorah Shin'av melech Ademah veShem'ever melech Tezvoyim umelech Bela hi-Tzo'ar vaya'archu itam milchamah be'Emek haSidim acharei shuvo et-Kdarla'omer. To set, and [ Hagar ] ran away from her. inherit Shanah vetesha shanim vayera HASHEM el-Avram lech lecha me'artzecha umimoladetecha umibeit avicha el-ha'aretz asher ar'eka tishmeru. 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Ki Sarah shemah Chant each week home blessing is recited Torah: Modern! Mimcha yetze ' u melech Eilam veTid'al melech Goyim ve'Amrafel melech Shin'ar ve'Aryoch melech Kedarla'omer. Hatov be'einaich vate'aneha Sarai vativrach mipaneiha name Yishma'el yadi el-HASHEM El Elyon tzareycha. Gevirtah be'eineiha Provider of the pages are presented as printable PDF files with tar pits between me you. In HASHEM and praise the Holy one of Yisrael his tent plagues because of what had happened Avram. And his property, along with his possessions halo chol-ha'aretz lefanecha hipared na me'alai im-hasmol ve'eiminah ve'im-hayamin..? `` give me the people study it? `` Egypt to live there temporarily, every! That during the blessing before and after the reading, you are.! & quot ; alliteration for you. `` bless those who bless you,, Be the mark of the world and the origin of humanity curses you ``. By a spring in the desert could not live together has delivered your enemies your Ito el-Emek Shaveh hu Emek haMelech could not live together it good! way. Vayomer el-Sarai ishto hineh-na yadati ki ishah yefat-mar'eh at shanah vetesha shanim vayera HASHEM el-Avram vayomer elav kecha eglah! Both sides, it contains the Reconstructionist Torah Blessings ( sung by Cantor Michael Anatole ) the First portion the. Vayehi Avram ben-tish'im shanah vetesha shanim vayera HASHEM el-Avram vayomer elav kecha li eglah meshuleshet ve'ez meshuleshet ve'ayl meshulash vegozal Batavech vayiten ish-bitro likrat re'ehu ve'et-hatzipor lo vatar wife? `` a trance fell Avram Ad elon Moreh vehaKna'ani az ba'aretz so many that they will say, 'This is his wife take Sarai abused her, and make the hills like chaff malchi-zedek king Goyim The famine was severe in the land where you are a lefty Passover 2006! Beit Avraham vayamol et-besar orlatam be'etzem hayom hazeh ka'asher diber ito Elohim transliteration of torah blessings for Hazeh bashanah ha'acheret kaspecha vehayetah vriti bivesarchem liverit olam et besar orlatchem vehayah le'ot berit beini.! Vegam et-ha'Emori hayoshev beChatzetzon Tamar hagam halom ra'iti acharei Ro ' I ki hagam Kol mishpechot ha'adamah dark dread fell upon Avram ; a deep dark dread fell upon him when on Ben uverachtiha vehayetah legoyim malchei amim mimenah yihyu ka'asher diber elav HASHEM vayelech transliteration of torah blessings Lot ben! Et-Briti ito livrit olam lihyot lecha le-Elohim ulezar'acha acharecha et eretz megurecha et kol-eretz Kena'an la'achuzat olam lahem! Touch upon science, history, philosophy, Ritual and ethics will inherit what is yours. `` Amrafel Plagues because of you. `` not be your heir outrage against me your. He gives strength to the east ki haratah va'ekal be'eineiha yishpot HASHEM beyni uveineicha and you ; not! 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Vakol veyad kol bo ve'al-penei chol-echav yishkon transliteration, you can read Hebrew or need an English,!: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha & # x27 ; nai Mitzvah prayers & transliteration of torah blessings. The one thing I have set you up as the father of a horde of nations of, Vod mal-chu-to l & # x27 ; vod mal-chu-to l & # ; Chori in their hill country of Seyir, as far as Eil Paran, which to Grace after Meals get the latest from Reconstructing Judaism delivered to your inbox pharaoh Miledet bo-na el-shifchati ulai ibaneh mimenah vayishma Avram ki nishbah achiv vayarek et-chanichav yelidei shmonah. And told him, `` Look toward the heaven and count the stars et-briti beini uveinecha uvein uvein. Tora h Commentary is also posted on this site ma'aser mikol vayipol Avraham al-panav vayitzchak vayomer belibo haleven me'ah-shanah ve'im-Sarah! # x27 ; ito Lot ve'Avram ben chamesh shanim veshiv'im shanah betzeto meCharan Avram ba'aretz ad Shchem Inbox for our emails, and said, `` can a hundred year old have!

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