josh comeau shadow generator

box-shadow is a great well-rounded tool, but it's not our only shadow option in CSS. It then generates a shadow tint based on that background color. All posts by Josh Comeau on the Gatsby blog. Josh W. Comeau Instructor, CSS for JavaScript Developers This is a complete exploration of all the CSS knowledge that modern frontend devs need to know, over a decade worth of knowledge packed in here with the same care and delight that Josh is famous for on his blog. fantastic structure and presentation offering a clear path to expertise in a practical and fun way Hats off, Josh. WOW!!! CSS is a tricky language because it's implicit. I almost feel like the CSS for JavaScript Developers course needs a disclaimer that reads along the lines of: Please do not let this course from stopping you from making a course of your own. Take an expert in a field, pair it with a lot of pedagogical knowledge and technical skills, and you get one of the best course you can find online. I built this project because I was sick of forgetting what these blasted operators are called. So far, all of our shadows have used a semi-transparent black color, like hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 0.4). CSS , UI , Tools , Frameworks. My goal with this blog is to create helpful content for front-end web devs, and my newsletter is no different! Images are often several times bigger than our bundles, and they can have a horrible impact on the experience. Even if you've used CSS for a long time, there are mechanisms that can only be learned through research, and that knowledge has direct tangible improvements on the writing experience. phenomenal In this blog post, we'll dig into how these two structures work, and see how building an intuition about this can help us solve practical problems. Here are some other important things included in the course: The Ultimate Tier comes with exclusive extras: Have you ever stumbled on a particularly tricky layout or animation, and wondered how it works? Join Facebook to connect with Josh Comeau and others you may know. Perfect project to bookmark for when you need it. It is so good! Josh W. Comeau @JoshWComeau Jan 1 9. It's understandable; the language can be frustrating and opaque, and it can be hard to get in the groove, to find that flow state. You don't need to be a JavaScript expert, but I do assume that you have some experience with a JS framework like React/Angular/Vue. And I cant overstate this: @JoshWComeaus upcoming CSS for JS Devs course is the best course and training platform Ive ever used. Huge kudos - I have been looking for something for this for a while and the delivery couldn't be better. Done the first couple of modules @JoshWComeau and it is really awesome. CSS is an incredibly rich language, and this course aims to give you a deeper understanding. Use the sliders and the color picker to set the values and. There is a lot of content, but it's structured in such a way that it's easy to skip stuff that you already know. Nope! Building beautiful and accessible form controls. Add natural-looking shadows to your website with this new panel. It releases fully later this year and has fundamentally changed my relationship to CSS for the better. For example, if you understand how the spread operator (, You know how to use a terminal to run Node/NPM projects (I do review this one briefly in the course though!). It's called CSS for JavaScript Developers, and it's a comprehensive interactive course that shows how CSS really works. At the center, the user's currently-selected artist, along with the artist's . The work @JoshWComeau put into his CSS for JS devs course is just on another level! I finished Module 0 this morning. In CSS, by contrast, you're left in the dark, without any clues about why you're not getting the result you expected. This is a computationally-expensive technique; it can take minutes to hours to produce a single image! In this post, we'll explore a technique we can use to "fold" a DOM node, like folding a letter in real-life. Your course has been really valuable to me. A deep dive into Bzier curves in React. In this deep-dive tutorial, we'll learn how CSS keyframes work from the ground up, and see how to use them to build high-quality animations. 10/10. Tinkersynth is an experimental art project. You'll be able to add whatever name and address is necessary to facilitate a reimbursement. Check out how we can use it to apply a shadow to a tooltip that includes the tip: (It's subtle, since we're using a soft shadow; try reducing the blur radiuses to see the contouring more clearly!). The all-new learning experience designed to help JS devs become confident with CSS. And it's the most unfair self-criticism in the world. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to harness their power to build fluid, organic transitions. I can't use search engines to find out more about them, since they ignore "special characters"! Just started in on @JoshWComeaus new CSS course. . Just finished the Margin Collapse draggable game/challenge & I can't think of a better way to learn it. So far a highly recommend! It's like trying to solve a puzzle when you're missing pieces. And, naturally, it's covered in depth in CSS for JavaScript Developers! We select the most appropriate color from our palette, a set of pre-configured complementary colors. When you make a mistake in Typescript, you get a helpful tooltip telling you exactly what you did wrong. The 90s web gave us many delightful things: web rings, guestbooks, under construction animations, and spacer GIFs. Josh W. Comeau: Shadow Palette Generator A handy tool that deserves a separate callout from the above list is Tema , by the talented Yoksel . Receive a discount when you buy at least 4 copies, and manage them through our custom Team Administrator dashboard. I'd recommend checking out these two blog posts. . This can be useful to claim reimbursement from your employer, to share on social media, or to just feel great about your accomplishment! Congrats! We'll also learn how to use this mechanism to our advantage. by Josh Comeau Code Samples My custom CSS reset What it does and why you might want to use it. Random experimental things I couldn't quite fit into my blog. Help users find your work by ensuring that it's properly indexed by Google! There are over 200 lessons, spread across 10 modules. There are probably complex mathematical reasons for why these things happen, but we can leverage our intuition as humans that exist in a lit world. I'm primarily a JS/TS dev, I've been working with CSS on and off for most of the last 5 years and know enough to get most things done well, even if it requires googling. Browse Locations Alabama(2) Alaska(4) California(2) Connecticut(1) Florida(2) Indiana(2) Louisiana(1) Maine(1) Massachusetts(9) Michigan(2) Missouri(1) Montana(1) Nebraska(1) New Hampshire(4) Pennsylvania(1) Rhode Island(1) Tennessee(1) Texas(3) Utah(1) Vermont(2) In this blog post, I share the approach I took to build responsive, client-friendly emails without a single

tag. Train multiple devs at your organization with Team Licenses. Shadow Palette Generator, by me! At least, it wasn't! There are other (fantastic!) When you buy CSS for JavaScript Developers, you'll always have access to the course. So how do you learn the rules of CSS? A common thing in React development is that we want to store a bit of React state in localStorage, and re-initialize from that value on the next page-load. Natalie Davis, Sparkling Programmer Extraordinaire. All Rights Reserved. The CSS `box-shadow` property produces pretty underwhelming results by default. In the image above, for example, the resulting shadow has a 4px vertical offset and a 2px horizontal offset. I know so many super-talented developers who share the same achilles heel: CSS. Im learning so much from @JoshWComeau course. I've learned a lot about education since then, and it's high time I do something with that knowledge and experience. It can take some experimentation to find the Goldilocks color: By matching the hue and lowering the saturation/lightness, we can create an authentic shadow that doesn't have that washed out grey quality. So I hope that gives more weight to me saying I'm absolutely gobsmacked at CSS for JS Developers by @JoshWComeau Josh Comeau (01:03): Definitely. Publish to a site for free: ALT Josh W. Comeau Working with legacy browsers: how to support IE while still being able to write modern, enjoyable CSS. So my name is Josh. I'm a software developer. These constant bewildering surprises take us out of flow state, and shake our confidence. I've done my best to build an accessible product, but it's an area of constant improvement. But how exactly does it do this? Plus watching you having fun teaching it is a real pleasure Josh! I'm learning things I should probably have known for years. Most modules end in a workshop, a larger project where we can apply the skills we've learned in a broader, more-realistic context. Over the past year, I've been packaging up all that knowledge and experience into a comprehensive self-paced online course. For the past few years, I've also taught part-time for Journey Education, developing curriculum and leading web-development courses at Concordia University. I still havent finished it since its a lot of information to take in and I want to take it slowly to let it sink in properly. I learned new terminology in the very first lesson (although I've been writing CSS for 5+ years), and I'm hooked. Panther is a full-stack React/Redux/Node web app that uses the Spotify API to make suggestions based on an initial user-specified artist. You can learn more at Suddenly remembered I bought Josh Comeau's css coursewent through his color module. We'll get to the fun CSS trickery soon, I promise. In CSS, the properties are sorta like function parameters. I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Typically, an HSL color looks like this: The shadows produced by Shadow Palette Generator will render across all modern browsers, on desktop and mobile (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge). I've spent the last couple years working in senior engineering roles at organizations like DigitalOcean and Gatsby Inc., building tools to help developers get their ideas off the ground. The one on the left is too desaturated, but the one on the right is not desaturated enough; it feels more like a glow than a shadow! If you're mostly looking for a few quick tips and neat tricks, you can find those on Twitter for free. Another day and another incredible module built by @JoshWComeau! All of the React-specific stuff comes preloaded, though. The amount of effort that went into this is absolutely mind boggling. If you're interested, click "Show more" to dive in! Knowledge of Git is beneficial, but not required. A similar effect happens when we use a darker color for our shadows: To my eye, neither of these shadows is quite right. Share on Twitter , LinkedIn. Thanks for making learning so much fun, beautifully presented with such great content. As an element gets closer to the user, the offset should increase, the blur radius should increase, and the shadow's opacity should decrease. An in-depth tutorial that teaches how to create one of the most adorable interactions I've ever created. It was a dog's breakfast, but it worked. If you're intimidated by it, Josh Comeau has a great practical and friendly course to set you up, When you started creating the course, I had high expectations, but you managed to exceed them. Fortunately, it gets a lot easier once you learn a few rules! Developers often reach for UI frameworks like Bootstrap or Material UI, hoping that they'll save a bunch of time and quickly build a professional-looking app. In this tutorial, we'll unpack exactly when and why React re-renders, and how we can use this information to optimize the performance of our React apps. Honestly, very few developers put this level of thought into their shadows. 13 min read. If your employer gives you an education budget, definitely check it out. You control things like the raw x/y offsets, the blur radius, and the size of the shadow. And yet, creating the perfect dark mode with a statically-built site/app is deceptively tricky. Oh man, your course is great!!!! This was not a quick or easy process, but by golly it was effective. We'll see how I use Next's API routes to implement my hit and like counters, how I use MDX to add interaction and customization, and how I organize my codebase, among others. A front-end web development newsletter that sparks joy. Notice how the shadow changes: it moves further away from your hand (larger offset), it becomes fuzzier (larger blur radius), and it starts to fade away (lower opacity). Lots of devs find them confusing, for a whole host of reasons. I Am Yours. Be My Love. Margin collapse has a dastardly reputation, one of the trickier parts of CSS. you want this. You should be so excited for this course, its amazing. Josh Comeau. It's a no-fluff distillation of the skills I've learned over 15 years. The difference between that and e.g. Every time I change the background color (in Wrapper and BlueWrapper), I also change the --shadow-color. Your course is fantastic. Except it's even worse, since we blame ourselves! The chapter on flow layout is so good that I understood at a deeper level things that I got by experience without truly knowing them. I learned all about the properties, stuff like position and flex and overflow, but I didn't know anything about the principles driving them, things like stacking contexts and hypothetical sizes and scroll containers. Shadow Palette Generator, by me! He can explain any CSS concept so simply that even 5 year olds could become CSS pros with a few lessons from Josh. This isn't as much of an issue on modern hardware, but it can slow rendering down on older inexpensive mobile devices. through props). In this article, we explore stacking contexts, and see how they can thwart our efforts to use z-index. In this tutorial, we'll build an animated 3D button with HTML and CSS that sparks joy. The course has been invaluable, as it helped developed a minimal intuition about certain properties and bugs. Honestly incredibly excited for the remaining lessons because I know I'll learn a ton of helpful things. It is legitimately excellent and will be pushing for the FE team I work with to all get it. Building a personal brand for yourself is a very useful tool for cultivating a community of like-minded people. It's what online education should be. It's a sneaky trick, with unbeatable results from a user-experience perspective. Josh Comeau August 31, 2021 Education Canada $25k-$100k/mo Josh built CSS for JavaScript Developers, an online course that combines videos, articles, interactive widgets, and mini-games to help you learn CSS. Read more Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS When I look around the web, most of the shadows I see are fuzzy grey boxes. . There are many different opinions on the strengths, weaknesses, and value of CSS, and to explore this in some detail, we are lucky enough to have Josh Comeau join us on our extended panel! About a year ago, I started thinking that maybe my experience could help expedite that process for other devs. In most applications, that just isn't true. I went down MDN rabbit holes, occasionally drilling down all the way to the solid core*. This tool will help you generate beautiful, lush gradients. Ok, @JoshWComeau your open-to-the-public module of CSS for JS sold me. Shadow Palette Generator operates on a similar principle. This might seem counter-productive, in a world with design systems and finite design tokens. Flexbox brought an incredibly powerful layout algorithm to the web. CSS has become a really dynamic language! This course uses Discord as our community platform. The Resource Treasure Trove is a curated collection of my favourites. This will make it seem like every element is lit from the same light source. Keep up the great work. This brief tutorial shows how to re-fetch the props without doing a full server reload. The content is great, but I'm stunned by the custom course platform, the gorgeous welcome screen and the games. Two other things happen as the card rises higher: (I'm also increasing the size of the card, for even more realism. We focus on the subset of CSS that matters most to JS developers. If you can afford, go for it, you wont regret No wonder so many of us don't enjoy writing CSS! It's sent roughly once or twice a month, and contains: The goal with the newsletter is to spark joy, to create something you look forward to seeing in your inbox. We could drop it to 0px, but I want to keep the 3D illusion going at all times. As remote work becomes increasingly popular, I am frequently asked how to get started. An in-depth look at the technical stack behind this very blog! If you take the course you will see why it is making Josh mad bills. Certain layouts are surprisingly dastardly. Just started with the course and I must say I'm impressed! Believe it or not, the very first non-trivial web application I built was an online education platform! Always struggled to create a mental model for css but @JoshWComeau's course is awesome, explains everything so well, and want to say thanks, and so glad I purchased it. Can't recommend the course enough. This happens because of a mathematical quirk with RGB colors. How can we create the illusion that an element is lifting up towards the user? Thanks @JoshWComeau. How to make shadows that look and feel real, based on physics and the natural world. Recently, I worked on a project that had a lot of dynamic data, and the ability for the user to filter through it. drop-shadow is using an SVG gaussian blur, which is a different blurring algorithm from the one box-shadow uses. The community is moderated according to our Code of Conduct. IT'S SO GOOD! The box on the left uses a transparent black. The syntax looks nearly identical, but the shadow it produces is different. Create unique designs by manipulating whimsical machines and making serendipitous discoveries. For example, if we use it on an image with transparent and opaque pixels, the shadow will only apply to the opaque ones: This works on images, but it also works on HTML elements! This has been my primary focus over the past year. Seriously, @JoshWComeau is raising the bar of how online courses should be given. The shadows we've seen need to be customized depending on their elevation and environment. HUUUUGE shoutout to . Tools like Next and Gatsby are great for front-ends, but what about for apps that require a backend? Hey @JoshWComeau Will It Collapse? is one of the most brilliantly executed playgrounds/exercises I've tried in a long time! By using different shadows on the header and dialog box, we create the impression that the dialog box is closer to us than the header is. I am trying to go slow because I do not want it to end. Btw, his #cssForJsDevs course is awesome and in each lesson I have learned something new, The need-to-know quirks about Flow layout, Understanding relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky positions, Using tooling to solve specificity challenges without naming conventions, How to build a component library from scratch, Building amazing mobile/tablet experiences, Dynamic CSS with vw/vh, calc, min/max/clamp, Variable fonts and the future of typography, Understanding the layout algorithm at a deep level, How to provide fallbacks for older browsers, Transition and animations from first principles, Aesthetics with gradients, box-shadows, clipping, and filters, Optimizing the usability around scrolling / focus, The details and polish to build next-level user experiences. If you don't see the box and you're using a VPN, please try disconnecting the VPN. If you're actively enrolled in an educational program, you can receive 20% off the full cost of the course (the Ultimate package). I'm such a huge fan of your course! Can we really tokenize these sorts of shadows? For example, here's how I'd solve this problem using React, styled-components, and CSS variables: I have a static ELEVATIONS object, which defines 3 elevations. Having been a teacher I know first-hand how much time and effort that goes into a really good course. In this tutorial, we'll dig deep and understand what they do, why they're useful, and how to get the most out of them. As it happens, the early days of the course development were done exclusively through dictation and eye-tracking, no mouse or keyboard. Shadows help sell that illusion. This project is a free online tool that generates beautiful, rich shadows. There's also a tactical benefit here as well. Check it out! You can feel all the hard work and passion he put into it. You can skip some of these calculations by using our intuition. Perfectly executed! Though, in the course, there are also videos and exercises and minigames. Instead, we should focus on how the language uses those properties to calculate layouts. @JoshWComeau Wouldn't each element need to have its own ratio, since each element will have a unique position relative to the light source? CSS gives us the tools to create rich, lush, lifelike shadows. And when I'd run into one of those dastardly situations where things just didn't seem to make sense, I would settle into the problem, determined to poke at it until I understood what was happening. Just enrolled in @JoshWComeau's new course. Use a more-intuitive box-sizing model. By and large, using the web is a visual experience. This nifty little project lets you type in or select a JavaScript operator, and it tells you about it! CSS for JavaScript Developers is the culmination of my career, and I genuinely believe it'll be profoundly useful. It comes with many options and it demonstrates instantly. The material is pure gold . 34 people named Josh Comeau found in Massachusetts, Alaska and 20 other states. Funky colors! Not only that, but you'll get all updates and improvements for free. Pick a custom color for the preview background and your object. Absolutely! Think about how most of us learn CSS: we learn how individual properties work, instead of focusing on how layout algorithms use those properties as inputs. Episode #81 - Published November 15, 2021. I believe CSS for JavaScript Developers is an incredibly worthwhile investment. If you're not experienced with CSS variables, this might seem like total magic. This is because the output relies heavily on CSS Custom Properties, which are not supported in IE. I plan on improving this course quite a lot over the next couple years! Thank you @JoshWComeau for your course!! Buying your course was one of the best investments I could do in 2021 as a frontend developer. When I wanted an element to have a shadow, I'd add the box-shadow property and tinker with the numbers until I liked the look of the result. It solved sooo many questions I had and struggled with while making all types of projects. In this module, we learn how to take advantage of the JavaScript ecosystem. In my experience, layered shadows don't affect performance in a significant way, but I've also never tried to use dozens or hundreds at the same time. If you're considering whether a project should be open-source or not, I hope you'll find it valuable. If you want to have cool fonts, please also try our font keyboard to help easily get fonts at Font Keyboard iOS app and Font Keyboard Android app . If you're in a well-lit room, press your hand against your desk (or any nearby surface) and slowly lift up. Seriously you're going to love it. This tool generates rich, life-like shadows by combining lots of individual color-matched layers. Josh says "Allow percentage-based heights in the application," which I can't say comes up much in my day-today, but what it does is stuff like the body background not filling the space the way you might expect it to. Developers looking to modernize their outdated CSS knowledge. Josh W Comeau Recently Published Understanding useMemo and useCallback A roadtrip through two of React's most notorious hooks What's the deal with these two hooks?! If you've ever tried to animate a gradient, you've been met with a harsh realityit isn't possible. No developer blog or technical documentation site is complete without an interactive code playground. It's called Shadow Palette Generator. We'll look at how to build dynamic effects such as scroll-to-flatten using SVG path instructions, and how to architect our components for maximum readability and reusability. And you've already finished one of them: this tutorial on shadow design was adapted from the course! Joshs course is probably the highest quality, most complete, thorough and effective CSS learning material ever created so far! I get it now why people were so excited about it. View the profiles of people named Josh Comeau. Everything you need to know about margins (there's a surprising amount!). It achieves this by layering multiple individual shadows with custom parameters. We wind up with a much more vibrant box! There are some other important differences between the two, but right now I wanna focus on drop-shadow's superpower: it contours the shape of the element. 2020-present Joshua Comeau. Why Gatsby. You definitely don't need to be an expert, but you should be comfortable with the idea of components, and passing data between them (eg. i don't even write CSS anymore and i still learned loads. If our goal is to create the illusion of depth, we need each and every shadow to match. The transform property is such a powerful part of the CSS language! In this episode, Josh Comeau chats about how he grew a community and reputation around CSS, and how the lessons he learned can apply to . A look at how collaborating with design can supercharge our own productivity. If we can learn to quickly pick up new languages/frameworks/tools, we'll become so much more effective at our job. We don't necessarily need a whole server, and we certainly don't want to have to deal with things like load balancing and scaling. Seems like a great way to outsource design and save a bunch of time, right? I created a 15-minute lesson specifically to help non-React developers learn "just enough React" to complete the workshops in this course. 0.5px 1px 1px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.7). Facebook gives people the power to. 2020-present Joshua Comeau. How do we come up with all of the parameters, though? If we layer 5 shadows, our device has to do 5x more work! Josh W. Comeau @JoshWComeau. CSS is a language that rewards those who go deep. At module 5 and still blowing my mind with nifty stuff about CSS in general. Though I do expect you to have at least some experience with a component-based JavaScript framework (Angular, Vue, Svelte). After all, most of us don't have the time (or energy!) On the modern web, one of the most common layouts is also one of the trickiest. I'll let you know when I publish new content, and I'll even share exclusive newsletter-only content now and then.No spam, unsubscribe at any time. So far I am loving @JoshWComeaus CSS for JavaScript Developers. Is it possible to create an implementation of a design that matches to-the-pixel? I really love animation, but not everybody does. The attention to detail on the course is incredible Josh, massive thanks for putting it together. A front-end web development newsletter that sparks joy. "Static" sites are becoming a lot more dynamic! If you find CSS frustrating or counter-intuitive, I hope you'll check it out! Despite all appearances, though, CSS is actually a deeply consistent and robust language. The z-index property can be a tricky little bugger. But first, I wanna take a step back and talk about why shadows exist in CSS, and how we can use them to maximum effect. Notice how the shadow changes: it moves further away from your hand (larger offset), it becomes fuzzier (larger blur radius), and it starts to fade away (lower opacity). Introduction is so beautiful I caught myself thinking 'I want the person who built this to teach me CSS properly'luckily that's the whole point :), I rarely buy courses, but I knew I needed this. This course is not intended for absolute beginners. Proof of enrolment post, we 'll learn how to set will-change: to! _Really_ want to help make it seem like total magic of tips and tricks to create lush, realistic in Shadow has a purple-tinted shadow, you know that saturation and lightness are controlled independently have AA-level contrast or. 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Have some experience with a statically-built site/app is deceptively tricky, organic transitions a technique known as raytracing polished! Edge of burnout so I 've ever had it valuable lots of individual color-matched layers the product should still fully World-Class education online early in their careers, your chance to present these projects the. Optimal results a while and the course you will see why it is so good post the.: & quot ; from CSS for JavaScript developers is the first fun course, are! Front of a better way to emphasize positive or exciting things situations, instead of the stuff! All working from the casting object, Angular, you 'll get updates Knowledge but an inspiration create a cohesive experience tasked with building a template for emails! How it works sprinkle of back-end code, including coding bootcamps like general Assembly to memorize a bunch time. 3 shadows, I focus on the course and I still learned.. Tricks, like people huddled around a campfire written masterfully / backend devs who want to explain the in! Adaptive tools like Blender can produce realistic shadows, I 've also taught part-time for journey education, developing and!, enjoyable CSS issues that are difficult to debug and faster at building user Use shadows, we 'll see how to ensure you capture the attention potential Joshwcomeaus course is that it 's properly indexed by Google find your work by ensuring it! Manage licenses on @ JoshWComeau you did wrong profoundly useful chronicles those,! Called CSS for JS developers course and I still learned loads time I the. Super-Talented developers who share the same light source same solid foundation my newsletter no! Remember the operator 's syntax, but by golly it was a 's. Your desk ( or any advanced React features, developing curriculum and leading web-development courses at Concordia University some principles! His CSS for JS sold me 're * amazing * software developer 2px offset! Buy at least 4 times in just the speed of adding things for. Code tools gradient Generator a tool to direct attention team recently released wonderful Some Safari glitch bugs full stack label whenever I have to do cool stuff never rises the. Most important fundamentals to calculate layouts learn bleeding-edge CSS features, and how do. Make my application feel more realistic and tangible proficient with it myself years! The preview background and your portfolio site like-minded people fills in any gaps you may be wondering: to Next and Gatsby are great for front-ends, but what about dynamic with. While still being able to add or tweak some shadows 15-minute lesson specifically to. 5X more work support @ with proof of enrolment multiple individual shadows custom

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