sudden unexplained death in adults

Notably, autopsy findings may have profound effects on the lives and welfare of the family of the deceased, law enforcement agencies, hospital authorities, and private corporations, including insurance companies [10]. For some people living with epilepsy, the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is an important concern. Indeed, considering the importance of the genetic substrate, particularly in the case of SCD, the identification of mutations of lethal and inheritable cardiomyopathies and cardiac channelopathies can be applied in healthcare management. Family history reconstruction could be considered not simply a static account of deaths and pre-existing diagnoses, but an ongoing dynamic process that incorporates new and valuable insights from family medical records, clinical cardiology assessments, genetic testing, and visual analysis of the deceaseds family tree [155]. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Basso C., Carturan E., Pilichou K., Rizzo S., Corrado D., Thiene G. Sudden cardiac death with normal heart: Molecular autopsy. A recent retrospective study studied the role of forensic post-mortem CT in order to define the cause of death, especially in cases of acute heart insufficiency or respiratory failure [128]., To date, AASs are frequently used not only to treat both hormonal diseases and other pathologies characterized by muscle loss, but by young people (athletes or individuals) to improve both physical appearance and performance [108,109]. But the most concerning figures are the mortality rates among those vaccinated at least 21 days ago, which you can see more clearly in the following chart . Of the metastatic intracranial tumours bronchial carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and melanoma are the most common. Sudden cardiac death in forensic medicineSwiss recommendations for a multidisciplinary approach. Major pulmonary embolism: Review of a pathophysiologic approach to the golden hour of hemodynamically significant pulmonary embolism. Cafarelli F.P., Macarini L., Cipolloni L., Maglietta F., Guglielmi G., Sessa F., Pennisi A., Cantatore S., Bertozzi G. Ex situ heart magnetic resonance imaging and angiography: Feasibility study for forensic purposes. The cardiotoxicity of cocaine is not limited to massive doses of the drug, and underlying heart disease is not a prerequisite for cocaine-related cardiac deaths. Based on these considerations, SD may be classified under the criteria of the anatomical system involved. (Full article.). Difficulty remains in identifying the source of haemorrhage at necropsy, further compounded by the possible occurrence of artefactual tears during the course of examination. ; writingreview and editing, F.S., G.M., and M.S. In the same way, the use of biochemical markers in cadaver fluids is frequently investigated as complementary indicators to help to reach valid conclusions about the cause of death. The majority of these cardiomyopathies may be diagnosed at autopsy, considering that usually, anatomo-morphological changes in cardiac tissue are detected, especially in young adults [36]. The main problem related to NGS technologies is the necessity of ultra-specialist personnel and the costs. The exact cause of SUDEP has not been established yet; however, it is assumed to be caused by multiple organ failure [, Brain tumor: even if it represents a rare event, an undiagnosed primary brain tumor may be considered a risk factor for SD. Rodrguez-Calvo M.S., Brion M., Allegue C., Concheiro L., Carracedo A. Molecular genetics of sudden cardiac death. Stroke represents the first cause of SD in this category; it is possible to distinguish three kinds of stroke: The abdominal region could be involved in the generation of SD. Sgaard K., Schmidt M., Pedersen L. Thirty-Year Mortality After Venous Thromboembolism: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Michaud K., Grabherr S., Jackowski C., Bollmann M.D., Doenz F., Mangin P. Postmortem imaging of sudden cardiac death. July 6, 2022 - Calgary CTV News: Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta's top killer: Province - READ. DErrico S., Pomara C., Riezzo I., Neri M., Turillazzi E., Fineschi V. Cardiac failure due to epinephrine-secreting pheochromocytoma: Clinical, laboratory and pathological findings in a sudden death. Gullach A.J., Risgaard B., Lynge T.H., Jabbari R., Glinge C., Hauns S., Backer V., Winkel B.G., Tfelt-Hansen J. Ask me anything. The wall is usually a thin membrane enclosing a homogenous soft opaque hyaline-like material. Done! Acute liver failure. Other causes of SD strictly related to the respiratory system are: Among the nc-SDs, an important category is the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system control of the cardiovascular system. Bolliger S.A., Thali M.J. SD in apparently healthy individuals (newborn through to adults) represents a challenge for medical examiners, law enforcement officers, and society as a whole. A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data,21 VAERS data,22 life insurance data,23 disability data,24 reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes,25 rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people,26 and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations27 in Department of Defense databases. Between January and mid-November 2021, 21 FIFA players died from sudden death. Ive been a lab rat myself from an issue from a car accident years back I know the process. There has been some uncertainty about the frequency with which ruptured intracranial saccular aneurysms are associated with either instantaneous or very rapid death. Yes, bioweapon. A forensic cardio-pathologist point of view. This is typical of the satanic left, obfuscate until they can be rescued so they dont have to answer. In the first case, it is related to the assumption of legal drugs but with errors in the assumption (principally in older people) or voluntary wrong assumption (self-poisoning or for doping purposes), i.e., the use/abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Its pressing us against the walls. Bennett T., Martin L.J., Heathfield L.J. Sudden cardiac death is the largest cause of natural death in the United States. Lambert A.B.E., Parks S.E., Camperlengo L., Cottengim C., Anderson R.L., Covington T.M., Shapiro-Mendoza C.K. I see. In witnessed cases, it was defined as an acute change in cardiovascular status with time to death being <1 hour; in unwitnessed cases, SD was defined as a person last seen alive and functioning normally <24 hours before being found dead 2 . Wheeler S.J., Wheeler D.W. In 35% of the cases, individuals were found dead or were dead on arrival at a hospital. In this context, an infrequent but always tragic event occurs when SD happens in an apparently healthy young adult from spontaneous causes. This suggests that there is likely to be a spectrum of traumatic damage characterised by multiple small haemorrhages in the brain (diffuse vascular injury; DVI) that may be remarkably similar to that seen in diffuse axonal injury (DAI). The definitions of SCD are not the same across the scientific community [12]. While only in his early 40s, hes now too injured to practice. The authors thank the Scientific Bureau of the University of Catania for language support. Aim: To estimate the frequency of sudden unexpected cardiac or unexplained death in England. Moreover, cocaine is associated with many health complications, including gastrointestinal ischemia/infarction and hemorrhage. In SUDEP cases, no other cause of death is found when an autopsy is done. Particularly, the prevalent cause of death involving the abdominal region is massive bleeding into the peritoneal cavity or gastrointestinal tract: it could be linked to different diseases such as duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis, malignancy, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and ruptured viscus for the presence of bowels (e.g., ovarian cysts) [93,94,95]. Authors M Black 1 , D I Graham. You will have to cite something other than a fact check site. Zhuo L., Zhang Y., Zielke H.R., Levine B., Zhang X., Chang L., Fowler D., Li L. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: Evaluation of forensic autopsy cases. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted They need to admit the fraud and crime and STOP. For the purposes of our paper, we interpret unexplained as meaning unexplained at the time of death and sudden as dying within one hour of onset of symptoms, or where the deceased was found dead unexpectedly. Pray for justice! The patients suddenly collapsed with . As previously described, in the case of SD, it represents a very complex task, although the scientific community has published professional guidelines, book chapters, and many scientific publications on this issue. SUDEP stands for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Learn more government site. While data on SADS incidence for 2021 and 2022 are hard to come by, incidence has apparently risen sufficiently enough to cause concern in some countries. Almost all cases of suspicious deaths within this region and also a considerable proportion of natural, suicidal, and accidental deaths are examined. I did not take the shothad covid before any symptoms were being published. (Source.). The nurse pointed out that, now, the vaccination status is clearly marked at the top of the first screen of the patients medical record when the shot is suspected or known to be related to the patients mysterious or complex problem. Of the deaths that are thought to be directly related to seizures, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy is probably the commonest category; more so than status epilepticus or seizure-related accidents. Moreover, it has been proposed that community-based data aggregation and sharing should be mandatory, leading to an improved classification of genetic variants [47,48]. Ullal A.J., Abdelfattah R.S., Ashley E.A., Froelicher V.F. Sudden unexplained death in infants and children: The role of undiagnosed inherited cardiac conditions. SADS is also short for sudden arrhythmic death syndrome,1 which was first identified in 1977. Hernndez-Romero D., Valverde-Vzquez M.D.R., Hernndez Del Rincn J.P., Noguera-Velasco J.A., Prez-Crceles M.D., Osuna E. Diagnostic Application of Postmortem Cardiac Troponin I Pericardial Fluid/Serum Ratio in Sudden Cardiac Death. The case notes and autopsy reports on 44 subjects were analysed during the period 1985-94 at the . Junttila M.J., Holmstrm L., Pylks K., Mantere T., Kaikkonen K., Porvari K., Kortelainen M.L., Pakanen L., Kerkel R., Myerburg R.J., et al. Lambert M.P., Heller D., Bethel C. Extensive Gastric Heterotopia of the Small Intestine Resulting in Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Bowel Perforation, and Death: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. But they need not call it a mysterious syndrome anymore because we have just proven the Covid-19 vaccine is to blame. Although forensic investigations may determine the cause of death in most cases, about 19% of cases remain unsolved, requiring further investigation. 1991-1992;17(2):88-94. doi: 10.1159/000120573. Affiliation 1 Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. These occurrence rates would be equivalent to a total of 3338 cardiac, and of 143 unexplained, sudden and unexpected deaths . In deaths from trauma where there is minimal evidence of brain injury on examination, the failure to identify specific structural changes, no doubt, reflects the speed with which death has occurred, and sudden death after trauma may be a consequence of massive neurochemical or autonomic dysfunction in the absence of identifiable structural change. Al-Khatib S.M., Stevenson W.G., Ackerman M.J., Bryant W.J., Callans D.J., Curtis A.B., Deal B.J., Dickfeld T., Field M.E., Fonarow G.C., et al. Fact Check: Christianity and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible The Person Jesus Christ Is. We extracted the data and produced a series of charts in order to present the figures provided by Public Health Scotland much more clearly and to attempt to understand the severity of what has been occurring since the introduction of the Covid-19 injections. Bookshelf and transmitted securely. Sudden death from massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage associated with crack cocaine use: Case report and review of the literature. [159], another advisable action that could be adopted is the use of comprehensive multisource surveillance SCD registries that, even while they are not currently widespread, remain an appropriate method. The sheer number of young, healthy adults dying "suddenly" has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages between 18-years-old and 65. So weve done that research for them. It is particularly difficult to interpret epidemiological data, considering the lack of standardization in death certificate coding and the variability in the definition of SD. The death rate improves significantly in middle-old age, especially from age 45 to 64 years [22]. In the adult, it is estimated that 10 to 25% of SCD could be related to cardiac channelopathies [20]. The most frequent channelopathies include the long QT syndrome (LQTS), short QT syndrome (SQTS), catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), and Brugada syndrome (BrS) [32,33,34]. The following charts visualise the data contained in that spreadsheet . They did it with what turned out to be the most toxic protein used therapeutically in the history of medicine. Review of the department's archive identified two cases of sudden unexplained death caused by brain abscesses, both in heroin addicts. In a recent study performed in Denmark in young people with uncontrolled asthma, Gullach et al. The cases of nc-SD could be related to iatrogenic causes. In 2018, for example, we published this article: Neil Miller, a medical research journalist and the Director of theThinktwice Global Vaccine Institute, wrote in 2014 that while there are 130 official ways for an infant to die according to official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), vaccines are not one of them: There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. For example, post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging could be one of the most promising tools to identify cardiac pathological alterations, highlighting evidence otherwise not visible with routine autopsy [39]. An ONS dataset on deaths in England by vaccination status can be foundhere. Intracranial tumours are said to account for 8% of non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage, in about half of which it may be the first manifestation,45,46 and in a small proportion of these cases the patients die very rapidly. The files of the department of forensic medicine revealed a total of 15 sudden deaths from an intracerebral haemorrhage in the four years 19958, 11 of which occurred in 1998. Moreover, nc-SD involving the abdominal region could be generated by other diseases such as acute liver failure [96] or acute pancreatitis [97]. One of the most difficult problems for forensic pathologists is the diagnose of SD in subjects with acute cardiac processes that progress rapidly, with non-specific symptoms, leading to death without evident morphological alterations. Youre behind the curve here. However, alcohol intoxication is a common finding in any violent death. What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that? Early medicolegal literature,26,27 based on surveys of large numbers of patients who died before or on arriving at a hospital, found that 60% of the patients died immediately after rupture of the aneurysm. In seven of the 41 cases, the source of the bleeding was not identified, and in one case the haemorrhage was the result of a vascular malformation. In our experience, it is a rare cause of sudden death, only one case being identified in the files of the department of forensic medicine from 1995 to 1998. Hypertension is the most important risk factor in order to determine the risk for ICH: for example, Roberts et al. Sudden death in epilepsy due to an isolated subependymal giant cell astrocytoma of the septum pellucidum. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of SD is a death occurring within 24 h after the onset of the symptoms [1]; while the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology has defined SD as a natural death that occurs within 6h of the beginning of symptoms in an apparently healthy subject or in one whose disease is not so severe that a fatal outcome would be expected [2]. Only psychopaths can come up with such TOTALLY IMMORAL criminal fabrications AND implement such unethical atrocities to cover up the massive harm done by Covid vaccines!!! Pravettoni V., Incorvaia C. Diagnosis of exercise-induced anaphylaxis: Current insights. Indeed, APE is characterized by numerous clinical manifestations with a complex interaction between different organs. From day 1 of the Covid jabs, Ive tried to warn people starting with my own high school classmates (mass email list) and was ridiculed and chastised as an anti-vaxer and conspiracy theorist. One of our old classmates is currently involved in genetic engineering at a senior level. COVID Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease, The use of post-mortem imaging is very important in the classification of SCD. Cipolloni L., Sessa F., Bertozzi G., Baldari B., Cantatore S., Testi R., DErrico S., Di Mizio G., Asmundo A., Castorina S., et al. Any thinking person, on the other hand, can clearly see the correlation between the shots, which are now well-known for their ability to cause heart inflammation, and the rise in sudden death among young and healthy people. Sudden Cardiac Death in Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Users: A Literature Review. Neri M., Frati A., Turillazzi E., Cantatore S., Cipolloni L., Di Paolo M., Frati P., La Russa R., Maiese A., Scopetti M., et al. In large post-mortem investigations studies of athlete populations in the United States, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was the most common cardiovascular cause of SD [42]. Comment on this article at Gain of function is a euphemism for bioweapon development, because gain of function is all about increasing the infectiveness and damage a virus or other pathogen causes to human beings; exactly what bioweapon development is. Despite the fact that molecular autopsy is recommended in the guidelines for post-mortem investigation of SD, this is rarely performed, maybe because of the necessity to have a specialist laboratory [2,138]. Even there, however, nurses speak in code for fear of reprisal, referring to COVID jab injuries only as that issue.. Barletta V., Fabiani I., Lorenzo C., Nicastro I., Bello V. Di Sudden cardiac death: A review focused on cardiovascular imaging. Many prescribed drugs or illicit substances exert their adverse effects, both acute and chronic, on heart tissues: for these reasons, toxicological data are strictly related to the histopathological alterations of heart tissue [108,132,133,134,135]. Duplyakov D., Kurakina E., Pavlova T., Khokhlunov S., Surkova E. Value of syncope in patients with high-to-intermediate risk pulmonary artery embolism. Additional complications are rupture of the abscess into the ventricular system to produce an acute purulent ventriculitis, or rupture into the subarachnoid space to produce an acute purulent meningitis. 1995 Mar;16(1):30-7. doi: 10.1097/00000433-199503000-00006. They cannot be allowed to call a loved ones death SADS. Chronic suppurative otitis media or occasionally long standing infection of other sinuses may be forerunners of a brain abscess. Invariably, acute bacterial meningitis is secondary to a bacteraemia in adulthood, and is most commonly caused by pneumococci and meningococci. These unfortunate sudden deaths mostly happen during intense physical activity and are more common in males than females. Salih A.M., AlFaki M., Alam-Elhuda D.M. SDS is more common in young and middle-aged adults. If you use the TOR Onion browser, here are the links and corresponding URLs to use in the TOR browser to find us on the Dark Web: Health Impact News, Vaccine Impact, Medical Kidnap, Created4Health, 2011;97(17):13651372. As with an extradural haematoma, a patient with a pure subdural haematoma may experience a lucid interval before unconsciousness, and thus may reach hospital before death. Maron B.J., Mackey-Bojack S., Facile E., Duncanson E., Rowin E.J., Maron M.S. People need to wake up. When the rise in intracranial pressure is less rapid, then there is a lateral shift of the midline structures and the appearance of internal herniae. Careers. Venuta, Magna Graecia University, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy; ti.zcinu@oizimid.oiluig, 4Department of History, Society and Studies on Humanity, University of Salento, 73100 Lecce, Italy; moc.duolci@onnunid.oiznun. The Promise of Molecular Autopsy in Forensic Pathology Practice. 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