stereo camera dataset

The dataset can be also useful for algorithms not directly related to stereovision, like: structure from parallax73,96, three views geometry and trifocal tensor97,98, and multiple view geometry97,99, as well as feature matching100 and affine transformation101. $ The first one is used to obtain stereo 3D for a human observer, as for the cinema and television stereo 3D104. Hunter, D. W. & Hibbard, P. B. The scanner combines a laser range-finder with a camera, providing digitized images with accurate distance as well as luminance information for every pixel in the scene. For each of the 210915 given camera poses we obtained the left and right retinal images and the horizontal and vertical cyclopic disparity maps. ADS the depth values, computed from the depth map by following equation (13), for the cyclopic position and for the left camera. 7), the indexes have been computed on the gray level images (from 0 to 255), for the sake of simplicity. Sensing modalities include stereo camera, thermal camera, web camera, 360 camera, LiDAR and radar, while precise localization is available from fused IMU . The distance of each point in the scene from the scanner is calculated by measuring the return time of the laser signal. The zero values indicate the invalid pixels. We thus created a stereoscopic dataset: GENUA PESTOGENoa hUman Active fixation database: PEripersonal space STereoscopic images and grOund truth disparity. When the log intensity over a pixel changes above a set threshold, the camera immediately returns the pixel location of a change, along with a timestamp with microsecond accuracy, and the direction of the change (up or down). State, A., Ackerman, J., Hirota, G., Lee, J. The dataset aims to provide a unified framework useful for a number of problems relevant to human and computer vision, from scene exploration and eye movement studies to 3D scene reconstruction. Journal of Eye Movement Research 5, pp-1 (2012). Xu, J., Yang, Q. Canessa, A., Chessa, M., Gibaldi, A., Sabatini, S. P. & Solari, F. Calibrated depth and color cameras for accurate 3d interaction in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment. hdf5 is a standard format with support in almost any language . Nature 410, 819822 (2001). Ban, H. & Welchman, A. E. fmri analysis-by-synthesis reveals a dorsal hierarchy that extracts surface slant. To eliminate bias due to the disposition of the objects in the scenes, we decided also to calculate, for each fixation, the mirrored cyclopic disparity maps. Vision Research 37, 19391951 (1997). bookmark_border. Trends in Neurosciences 29, 466473 (2006). Andrea Canessa and Agostino Gibaldi: These authors contributed equally to this work. L Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in The parameter controls the balance between the motor advantage provided by LL, and the perceptual optimization for stereopsis, provided by L2. Copy to clipboard. 27 / 20 frames for two-view stereo training / testing. The Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera (MVSEC) dataset is a collection of data designed for the development of novel 3D perception algorithms for event based cameras. the views of the National Science Foundation. To emulate the behavior of a couple of verging pan-tilt cameras the complete rotation of each camera is defined composing in cascade the above rotations following an Helmholtz gimbal system103: In this way, it is possible to insert a camera in the scene (e.g., a perspective camera), to obtain a stereoscopic representation with convergent axes and to decide the location of the fixation point. Devernay, F. & Faugeras, O. D. Computing differential properties of 3-d shapes from stereoscopic images without 3-d models. If you use our DrivingStereo dataset in your research, please cite this publication. Ophthalmol. L Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. L Google Scholar. Erkelens, C. J. IEEE Transactions On Image Processing 5, 672676 (1996). Dang, T., Hoffmann, C. & Stiller, C. Continuous stereo self-calibration by camera parameter tracking. A dataset of stereoscopic images and ground-truth disparity mimicking human fixations in peripersonal space. Yet, they mainly follow a standard machine vision approach, i.e., with parallel optical axes for the two cameras (off-axis technique). ( The nose direction is the line orthogonal to the baseline and lying in a transverse plane passing through the eyes. Once we obtained the VRML models of our 3D environment, we need to model a visual system able to explore this virtual environment, making fixation movements on the objects surfaces. Recently, there was an announcement of a stereo dataset for satellite images [6] that also provides groundtruthed disparities. A dataset of stereoscopic images and ground-truth disparity mimicking human fixations in peripersonal space. Lang, C. et al. R 2). Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 23, 26252636 (2014). The large number of stereo pairs can be used to collect retinal disparity statistics, for a direct comparison with the known binocular visual functionalities5562. Event cameras have received increasing attention for their high temporal resolution and high dynamic range performance. In this paper, we present a large dataset with a synchronized stereo pair event based camera system, carried on a handheld rig, flown by a hexacopter, driven on top of a car and mounted on a motorcycle, in a variety of different illumination levels and environments. We present Holopix50k, a novel in-the-wild stereo image dataset, comprising 49,368 image pairs contributed by users of the Holopix mobile social platform. Stereo event data is collected from car, motorbike, hexacopter and handheld data, and fused with lidar, IMU, motion capture and GPS to provide ground truth pose and depth images. / Aiming to study the peripersonal space, the scenes that we considered were bounded inside a workspace 1m1m. The scenes were composed of real-world objects arranged in a cluttered way in order to have a high complexity structure. The file also contains the normalization values for the conversion of the depth map from PNG format to real depth value in mm. Those models are required for the stereo vision simulator, in order to render naturalistic stereoscopic images accompanied by ground truth disparity information. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78, 138156 (2000). Network: Computation In Neural Systems 11, 191210 (2000). Hibbard, P. B. The former relies on a ground-truth knowledge of the disparity, and computes indexes like the mean absolute error or the standard deviation with respect to the estimated map. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55, 107121 (2007). We provide the calibration paramters for both half-resolution and full-resolution images. In fact, the use of the TELE modality for the acquisition of the single scan, combined with a proper post-processing procedure allows us to obtain a spatial accuracy that is comparable to the accuracy of the device. 7) The function, compute_depth_edges takes as arguments the horizontal and vertical ground-truth disparity maps and the depth maps, and computed the and depth edge map, stored as a binary image. Z., Thakur, D., Ozaslan, T., Pfrommer, B., Kumar, V., & Daniilidis, K. (2018). Haslwanter, T. Mathematics of three-dimensional eye rotations. Google Scholar. \newcommand{\vvec}[3]{\cc{\begin{bmatrix}{#1}\\\ {#2}\\\ {#3}\end{bmatrix}}} The scene, was exported as a clean VRML file. while the cyclopic view volume is located at the origin of the head reference frame. ADS Hansard, M. & Horaud, R. Patterns of binocular disparity for a fixating observerIn International Symposium on, Vision, and Artificial IntelligenceBrain, pages 308317 (Springer, 2007). Read, J. Its primary use has been for training and testing deep learning networks for disparity (inverse depth) estimation. \newcommand{\nvec}[3]{\cc{\begin{bmatrix}{#1}&{#2}&{#3} \end{bmatrix}}} In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Overview Calibration Format Data Format Sample Code Download Change Log The author. & Hamker, F. Attentive stereoscopic object recognition. The resulting dataset has a number of outstanding qualities, required for stereo benchmark 17: (1) high spatial accuracy (0.1 mm), (2) realistic color texture with high resolution, (3). In the disparity maps, reported in pixel, hot colors represent crossed horizontal disparity and right-hyper vertical disparity, whereas blue colors represent uncrossed horizontal disparities and left-hyper vertical disparities, according to the colorbars on the right. Finally, the merge procedure allows us to obtain the full connected model of the whole object. From this perspective, the ground-truth information about three-dimensional visual space, which is hardly available, is an ideal tool both for evaluating human performance and for benchmarking machine vision algorithms. Browatzki, B., Fischer, J., Graf, B., Blthoff, H. H. & Wallraven, C. Going into depth: Evaluating 2d and 3d cues for object classification on a new, large-scale object dataset. l Sci Data 4, 170034 (2017). Neural Computation 14, 13711392 (2002). Each object was first aligned within the full scene with a point-to-point manual procedure. The horizontal disparity is close to zero at fixation, and assumes positive values for points closer than the fixation point and negative values for points farther away. given by118: where = M.F. Onat, S., Ak, A., Schumann, F. & Knig, P. The contributions of image content and behavioral relevancy to overt attention. Share via Facebook. It is a large-scale synthetic dataset that provides comprehensive sensors, annotations, and environmental variations. & Shum, H. Symmetric stereo matching for occlusion handling. The format of calibration files is similar to KITTI. For the simulations shown in the following, we first captured 3D data from a real-world scene of the peripersonal space, by using a 3D laser scanner. Effects of different texture cues on curved surfaces viewed stereoscopically. The testing dataset contains 4 sequences and 7751 frames. Somani, R. A. Durand, J. et al. A single eye/camera, like any rigid body, has three rotational degrees of freedom. PubMed Middlebury Stereo Datasets 2001 datasets - 6 datasets of piecewise planar scenes [1] (Sawtooth, Venus, Bull, Poster, Barn1, Barn2) 2003 datasets - 2 datasets with ground truth obtained using structured light [2] (Cones, Teddy) 2005 datasets - 9 datasets obtained using the technique of [2], published in [3, 4] The disparity map can be interpreted as the transformation to obtain, from a pixel on the left image, the corresponding pixel on the right image. An all-new lightweight neural network for stereo matching brings stereo depth sensing to the next level, with a wide 110 x 70 FOV. R PubMedGoogle Scholar. PubMed Central Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 25, 227237 (2014). Influence of colour and feature geometry on multi-modal 3d point clouds data registrationIn 3D Vision (3DV), 2014 2nd International Conference on volume 1, pages 202209 (IEEE, 2014). Vision Research 33, 827838 (1993). IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22, 358370 (2000). , EV-FlowNet: Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation for Event-based Cameras, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, APS (Active Pixel Sensor for frame based images). A grid of 915 equally spaced image points was projected on the 3D scene (see Fig. You can get the mathematical formula here. You obtain world coordinates through depth map from disparity maps (provided you know the distance between your stereo cameras as well as their shared focal length). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Rosenberg, A., Cowan, N. J. The first set of data consists of a stereo video sequence of person doing hand gestures in front of a stereo camera from which we accurately segment the figure using detailed background subtraction. The scenes were illuminated using a set of lamps at 6,500 K, to create diffuse illumination with white light, so to obtain texture objects as much similar as possible to the real one. The proposed approach is intended to provide an even and complete sampling of the visual space, thus we considered uniform spacing for both head position and gaze direction. Stereo Dataset: Similar to the multi-view set, we cropped each image and disparity map into 768384 pixels and obtained 154 sub-image block pairs in a two-view unit. Google Scholar. Beira, R. et al. Comparison should be made of segmentation results and of depth map. 5 / 5 multi-cam rig videos for training / testing. Kollmorgen, S., Nortmann, N., Schrder, S. & Knig, P. Influence of low-level stimulus features, task dependent factors, and spatial biases on overt visual attention. The Journal of Neuroscience 35, 98239835 (2015). The first, Disparity_computation, available both in Matlab and C++, takes as arguments a.txt info file and the associated cyclopic and left depth map PNG images and returns the following data (see Fig. Info file is provided in TXT format with all the geometrical information regarding the virtual stereo head for the actual fixation, i.e., the head position, head target and head orientation (world reference frame); the camera position and camera orientation (both world and head reference frame) for the left cyclopean and right cameras; the binocular gaze direction, expressed as version elevation and vergence (head reference frame), or as quaternion (both world and head reference frame). New notebook. Schreiber, K., Crawford, J. D., Fetter, M. & Tweed, D. The motor side of depth vision. and = Accordingly, we obtained a dataset of 5,400 binocular fixations, constituted by the left and right views and the associated disparity patterns. If the ground truth disparity is not available, it is possible to warp the right image by the binocular disparity, in order to reconstruct the left image, and compute indexes of similarity between the left (original) and right (warped) images. Agostino Gibaldi, Andrea Canessa & Silvio P. Sabatini, Scientific Data Given the projection of a 3D virtual point on the cyclopic image plane, the disparity maps were computed by the correspondent projections in the left and right image planes. A systematic collection of stereoscopic image pairs under vergent geometry, with ground-truth depth/disparity information, would thus be an ideal tool to characterize the problem of purposeful 3D vision. Cyclopic camera depth map as PNG files (1,9211,081 pixels). 6a). PLoS Computational Biology 6, e1000791 (2010). In Electronic Imaging 2005, pages 288299 (International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005). Stereo event data is collected from car, motorbike, hexacopter and handheld data, and fused with lidar, IMU, motion capture and GPS to provide ground truth pose and depth images. Moreover, the device provides not just the point cloud, but also a polygonal mesh created with all connectivity information retained, thereby eliminating geometric ambiguities and improving detail capture. Web. / On each single scan, the manufacturer of the used laser scanner guarantees a root mean square error of 1mm. The procedure was repeated for the two virtual scenes considered. angle, for the left and the right eye, respectively. Wang, J., Le Callet, P., Tourancheau, S., Ricordel, V. & Da Silva, M. P. Study of depth bias of observers in free viewing of still stereoscopic synthetic stimuli. Liu, Y., Cormack, L. K. & Bovik, A. C. Dichotomy between luminance and disparity features at binocular fixations. Data loading (Matlab and C/C++): correct loading of images, depth maps and head/eye position; Disparity computation (Matlab and C/C++): computation of binocular disparity form the depth map; Occlusion computation (Matlab): computation of the ground-truth occlusion map from the disparity map; Depth edges computation (Matlab): computation of depth edges from disparity map; Validation indexes computation (Matlab): compute the indexes for validation and testing of disparity algorithm. & Sastry, S . Binocular energy response based quality assessment of stereoscopic images. Wang, J., DaSilva, M. P., LeCallet, P. & Ricordel, V. Computational model of stereoscopic 3d visual saliency. Kim, H. & Hilton, A. R 2020-09-20: For the test dataset, the full-resolution data releases. One of the distinctive features of this dataset is the inclusion of VGA-resolution event cameras. Considering that our methodology provides the ground-truth disparity, if the geometrical projection and the rendering engine are correct, it should be possible to effectively reconstruct the left image by the right one, with negligible error. : developed software framework, writing of manuscript. The Matlab code has been developed on R2011a version and is compatible with all the subsequent versions. The UQ St Lucia Dataset is a vision dataset gathered from a car driven in a 9.5km circuit around the University of Queensland's St Lucia campus on 15th December 2010. 2. A.C.: study design, 3D data acquisition and processing, extended software framework to vergent geometry, writing of manuscript. Wismeijer, D. A., Erkelens, C. J., van Ee, R. & Wexler, M. Depth cue combination in spontaneous eye movements. Neuron 55, 493505 (2007). PubMed CHAPTER 4 : The Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset: An Event 4.3 Dataset. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pages 2330 (ACM, 2012). Early computational processing in binocular vision and depth perception. The geometry of the system is shown in Fig. the kitti vision benchmark suite. Vision Research 42, 11571163 (2002). The database is available at Dryad Digital Repository (see Data Citation 1). Stereo camera data set. Support for this work was provided in part by NSF CAREER grant 9984485 Copy API command. PloS One 9, e93254 (2014). Liu, Y., Bovik, A. C. & Cormack, L. K. Disparity statistics in natural scenes. The C/C++ code has been developed in Unix environment and has been tested with Windows OS (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010). Google Scholar. Proceedings CVPR96, 1996 IEEE Computer Society Conference on, pages 371378 (IEEE, 1996). The first dataset with synchronized stereo event cameras, with accurate ground truth depth and pose. This implies that the eye/camera could, in principle, assume an infinite number of torsional poses for any gaze direction, while correctly fixating a given target. Xia, Y., Zhi, J., Huang, M. & Ma, R. Reconstruction error images in stereo matching. Google Scholar. The number of scans for each object (20) varied according to the complexity and size of the object, and the position and orientation of the laser scanner is decided to reduce holes and occluded points in the scan data. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (Cambridge university press, 2003). Van Dromme, I. C., Premereur, E., Verhoef, B., Vanduffel, W. & Janssen, P. Posterior parietal cortex drives inferotemporal activations during three-dimensional object vision. / Those points are defined as occlusions, and can be computed by the ground-truth disparity map, since the forward-mapped disparity would land at a location with a larger (nearer) disparity. PubMed Central Neurocomputing 120, 2433 (2013). paper(s): [1] for the 2001 datasets, [2] for the 2003 datasets, L These convergence dependent changes of torsional positions (i.e., orientation of Listings plane) have been referred to as the binocular extension of LL or, in brief, L2 (ref. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 244252 (2011). Share via Twitter. The cameras are characterized by the following parameters (each expressed with respect to the head reference frame): camera orientation Shao, F. et al. The alignment was then refined using an automated global registration procedure that minimizes the distance between the high resolution object and its low resolution version in the full scene. In order to obtain perceptual advantages in binocular coordination, the proposed database is available at Dryad Digital Repository:! 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