sensitivity analysis clinical trial

Randomized clinical trials are a tool to generate high-quality evidence of efficacy and safety for new interventions. Careers. However, loss to follow-up due to dropouts induces a competing censoring mechanism that is likely to be informative. Would you like email updates of new search results? We assume that the treatment-arm-specific means of Y form the basis for treatment comparisons and that in each arm there are some study participants on whom Y is missing. <> The third possibility is to derive a summary inference that averages over values of the sensitivity parameters in some principled fashion. The third criterion assesses whether there would be uncertainty as to which analysis is to be believed if the proposed analysis leads to a different conclusion than the primary analysis. PubMed In Section 3, we discuss estimands and the problem of handling missing data within the analysis of clinical trials in more depth, followed by an outline of our general approach to primary and sensitivity analysis. Tesfaye S, Sloan G, Petrie J, White D, Bradburn M, Julious S, Rajbhandari S, Sharma S, Rayman G, Gouni R, Alam U, Cooper C, Loban A, Sutherland K, Glover R, Waterhouse S, Turton E, Horspool M, Gandhi R, Maguire D, Jude EB, Ahmed SH, Vas P, Hariman C, McDougall C, Devers M, Tsatlidis V, Johnson M, Rice ASC, Bouhassira D, Bennett DL, Selvarajah D; OPTION-DM trial group. Study Group Academic Institute Research Institute Department of Ophthalmology-Blanton Eye Institute Houston Methodist Hospital Houston Methodist Weill Cornell Medical College Formulas for standard error estimators can be derived from standard Taylor expansions (delta method), or one can use the bootstrap. Analysis of the CFTR gene in Iranian cystic fibrosis patients: identification of eight novel mutations. This tutorial provides an overview of controlled multiple imputation (MI) techniques and a practical guide to their use for sensitivity analysis of trials with missing continuous outcome data. endstream One possibility is to specify a plausible region for the sensitivity parameters and report estimates of the lower and upper bounds from this range. To address (b), one should fit a highly flexible model for the h function in the selection model. However, in doing so, one would lose valuable information on the survival experience of the study patients who remain at risk at the end of the reduced analysis interval. for h.1 Analytic formulas for consistent standard error estimators are available (e.g., Rotnitzky et al., 1998), but bootstrap resampling can be used. 3 2015. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine PubMed Central 2022 Aug 27;400(10353):680-690. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01472-6. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted After fixing , one can estimate by replacing 1 and with their sample estimators and . The .gov means its official. Example. A 90 percent sensitivity means that 90 percent of the diseased people screened by the test will give a "true-positive" result and the remaining 10 percent a "false-negative" result. A simple version of is a regression of Y1 on Y0. In this case, using (12), the mean of the missing Y1 are imputed as regression predictions of Y1 plus a shift . MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2010. 11 PDF Calculating Sensitivity Here, is the log odds ratio comparing the odds of Y = 1 between respondents and nonrespondents. <> Estimands Estimators And Sensitivity Analysis In Clinical Trials. This misconception is commonly observed in trials where a primary analysis according to intention-to-treat (ITT) principle is followed by a per-protocol (PP) analysis, which many consider a sensitivity analysis. CAS When a parameter is not identified, it would not be possible to obtain a point estimate even if the sample size were infinite. Hence, under MAR, a valid estimate of 1 is also valid for . However, in this chapter we articulate a consensus set of principles and describe methods that respect those principles. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Values of 0 reflect residual association of dropping out between visits k and k + 1 and the possibly unobserved outcome Yk+1, after adjusting for previous outcomes, and hence the belief that dropping out cannot be entirely explained by the observed recorded history . These. Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. An attractive feature of the pattern mixture approach we consider here (the one that links the distribution of outcomes between dropouts at a given time and those who remain in the study at that time) is that the special choice of link that specifies that these two distributions are the same is tantamount to the MAR assumption (i.e., the assumption that at any given occasion the past recorded data are the only predictors of the future outcomes that are used to decide whether or not to drop out of the study at that time). Share a link to this book page on your preferred social network or via email. ISBN . Results can be viewed as equivocal if the inference about treatment effects could be overturned for values of the sensitivity parameter that are plausible. These examples are meant to illustrate when and why the assumptions of type (i) and (ii) are needed. Sensitivity Analysis with Competing Causes of Censoring 1105 Table 2 Mean CD4, WBC, PCP, and percentage of subjects who took their assigned AZT Even after model fitting and sensitivity analysis, investigators have to decide about how important the treatment effect is. That said, however, the current literature suggests that MAR within pattern does not easily correspond to realistic mechanisms for generating the data. $.' In a tipping point analysis, missing data are imputed over a range of possible scenarios for the treatment effect. We have performed a blind trial of the sensitivity of SSCP analysis for the detection of mutations in fragments up to 500 bp in length under a fixed single set of electrophoretic conditions. First, the uncertainty parameters are determined. Hum Mutat. The ICH E9(R1) addendum suggests five estimand strategies. Atkinson A, Kenward MG, Clayton T, Carpenter JR. Pharm Stat. The function (Y0), which describes E(Y1 | Y0,R = 1), should be specified in terms of a model that is appropriate for binary outcomes. Randomized clinical trials are a tool to generate high-quality evidence of efficacy and safety for new interventions. T his addendum clarifies the role of sensitivity analysis" " (see Glossary) to explore robustness of conclusions from the main statistical analysis. where, say, and . FIGURE 5-2 Selection model sensitivity analysis. The process helps with long-term decision-making. Type (i) assumptions can only be justified on substantive grounds. volume36,pages 20732074 (2022)Cite this article. government site. Scharfstein and Robins (2002) proposed a method for conducting sensitivity analysis under the assumption that some but not all joint prognostic factors for censoring and survival are available. In clinical research, sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the extent to which results are affected by changes in methods [33] ). Treatment discontinuation might induce yet another informative censoring process. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal For example, a simple logistic specification is. Theory and Practice of Integrating Machine Learning and Conventional Statistics in Medical Data Analysis. Statistics in Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Location New York Imprint Chapman and Hall/CRC DOI Pages 344 eBook ISBN 9780429488825 As with the selection approach of the example with no auxiliary data, to estimate one cannot fit a logistic regression model because Y1 is missing when R1 = 0. Importantly, there is a one-to-one relationship between the specification of a selection model and specification of a pattern-mixture model. An important consideration is that modeling assumptions of type (ii), which apply to the distribution of observed data, can be supported and scrutinized with standard model-checking techniques. A novel germline PALB2 deletion in Polish breast and ovarian cancer patients. Sensitivity Analysis: A sensitivity analysis is a technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of . 8 0 obj Biomed Chromatogr. Molenberghs G, Kenward MG. Second, the range of variation is determined. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials concludes that a more principled approach to design and analysis in the presence of missing data is both needed and possible. The prevention and treatment of missing data in clinical trials. 21 0 obj The main appeal of the selection model approach is that, since it models the probability of nonresponse rather than the distribution of outcomes, it can easily accommodate vectors of auxiliary factors with components that can be of all types, discrete, categorical, and continuous. Often, sensitivity analyses are underreported in published reports, making it difficult to assess whether appropriate sensitivity analyses were performed. Copyright 2022 National Academy of Sciences. Studies of the sensitivity of SSCP analysis usually have been performed under conditions contrary to the rules of quality control trials and have produced widely different results. for , justified on similar grounds as the estimators of h functions in the previous examples. Sensitivity analysis was conducted with leave-one-out analysis (Figure S7), . Note that under our assumptions, is the difference between the mean of Yk among those who drop out at k 1 and those who remain beyond k 1, conditional on observed data history up to k 1. 13 0 obj 19 0 obj Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioural and Social Sciences Education. It can be shown that = E(YK) can be estimated by a recursion algorithm, provided the following observed-data distributions are estimated: can also be estimated. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. AZTEC-azithromycin therapy for prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity: a statistical analysis plan for clinical outcomes. This example illustrates several key ideas. One then estimates each mean separately under the adopted values of and conducts a Wald test that their difference is zero. Thus, effectiveness and safety data must confirm the effectiveness and safety of the drugs in general . In addition to the highest priority recommendations, the book offers more detailed recommendations on the conduct of clinical trials and techniques for analysis of trial data. Guidance for Industry. In this example, the assumption of linearity in the regression models, combined with an assumption that for all k, means that one does not need a model for to implement the estimation via recursion algorithm. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Epub 2020 Dec 1. TPM was responsible for writing, critical review, and feedback on the manuscript. This project has four aims. Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use. VC: advisory board member: Alcon, Roche, Bayer, Novartis; Grants: Bayer, Novartisunrelated to this study. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal This chapter focuses on (c), sensitivity to assumptions about the missing data mechanism. To be more concrete, suppose that the outcomes Y0,,Y3 are continuous. Formula for sandwich-type standard error estimators are available (see Rotnitzky et al., 1997), but the bootstrap can also be used to compute standard error estimates. 9 0 obj 2019 Nov;18(6):645-658. doi: 10.1002/pst.1954. proposed a framework to conduct such analysis [2] and suggest that a particular analysis can be classified as a sensitivity analysis if it meets the following criteria: (1) the proposed analysis aims to answer the same question as to the primary analysis, (2) there is a possibility that the proposed analysis will lead to conclusions that differ from those of the primary analysis, and (3) there would be uncertainty as to which analysis to believe if the proposed analysis led to different conclusions than the primary analysis. The advantage of this approach is purely practical: It interpolates missing data under a specified model. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. 1999 Jun;20(6):1177-85. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1522-2683(19990101)20:6<1177::AID-ELPS1177>3.0.CO;2-2. Repeat the steps #1 to generate multiple imputed data sets, with a specified shift parameter that adjusts the imputed values for observations in the treatment group, not the placebo group). #1 - One-Variable Data Table Sensitivity Analysis in Excel. 12 0 obj <> In the special case of monotone missing data, there are (K + 1) patterns representing each of the visits at which a subject might last be seen, that is, 0,,K. The data can never rule out an MNAR mechanism, and when the data are potentially MNAR, issues of sensitivity to modeling asumptions are even more serious than under MAR. 3 0 obj 18 0 obj Without additional information, one cannot usefully distinguish between such MNAR models based solely on their fit to the observed data, and so goodness-of-fit tools alone do not provide a relevant means of choosing between such models. We let R1 = 1 if Y1 is observed and R1 = 0 otherwise. 2018;1-21. We have performed a blind trial of the sensitivity of SSCP analysis for the detection of mutations in fragments up to 500 bp in length under a fixed single set of . We begin by describing in some detail the difficulties posed by reliance on untestable assumptions. SP: nothing to disclose. An example of this criterion not being met would be if a mean difference of 0 was used to impute BCVA scores for the missing patients, as it would be equivalent to re-running the primary analysis, leading to similar conclusions as to the primary analysis. The model in (6) is also equivalent to assuming that, Adopting a value of is equivalent to adopting a known link between the distribution of the respondents and that of the nonrespondents, because one. FDA Statistical review evaluation for Necitumumab ( Application Number: 125, 547Orig1s000. This missing data reduces the benefit provided by the randomization and introduces potential biases in the comparison of the treatment groups. That is, In this and the next section, we demonstrate sensitivity analysis under MNAR. The statistical analysis of clinical trial data should be aligned to the estimand. endpoints form bounds on the estimated treatment effect and would be used in place of point estimates. Single-strand conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex analysis for gel-based mutation detection. For a continuous outcome, one might choose g(u) = u, which reduces to the simple contrast in means given by (3), where represents the difference in mean between nonrespondents and respondents. <> Missing data can arise for a variety of reasons, including the inability or unwillingness of participants to meet appointments for evaluation. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches for combining type (i) and (ii) assumptions to draw inferences about the treatment-specific means: pattern mixture and selection modeling. May 14-17 - San Francisco, CA. Therefore, in situations in which there are alternative analyses as part of the sensitivity analysis that support contrary inferences to that of the primary analysis, if the associated assumptions are viewed as being fairly extreme, it would be reasonable to continue to support the inference from the primary analysis. Lately, several initiatives have aimed to advance biomedical M&S by developing and . Findings were robust to prior sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis can identify the best data . The constant h(Y0 ) is [E{exp(Y1 ) | R1 = 1,Y0}]1 , which ensures that p(Y1 | R1 = 0,Y0 ) is a density. The methods can be used to exploit the data recorded throughout the entire follow-up period and, in particular, beyond the end of the reduced analysis interval discussed above. The inverse probability weighting estimator is, where expit(u) = logit1(u) = exp(u) / {1 + exp(u)}. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. xT[O0~p' For fixed , assumption (4) is of type (i). The estimator exploits the identity . At least three possibilities can be considered. Epub 2019 Jul 15. endobj Characterization of two MHC II genes (DOB, DRB) in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). PMC For this illustration, setting = 0 implies MAR.5. government site. We use the notation to denote the history of the outcomes through visit k and to denote the future outcomes after visit k. We let Rk denote the indicator that Yk is observed, so that Rk = 1 if Yk is observed and Rk = 0 otherwise. There were 101 participants included in these 5 studies, which resulted in 5 independent effect sizes. Sensitivity analysis is an important statistical technique that assesses whether the results of phase III trials are robust and likely to be generalizable. CCW was responsible for critical review and feedback on the manuscript. We let R = 1 if Y is observed and R = 0 otherwise. The guideline for carrying out sensitivity analysis encompasses four steps. Hence, any assumption one makes about the distribution for the nonrespondents will be untestable from the data available. Join Audible Premium Plus for 60% off. Plots such as those shown in Figure 5-2 (above) can be helpful in understanding how values of the sensitivity parameter correspond to imputed means for the missing outcomes. Morris TP, Kahan BC, White IR. To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. Computational modeling and simulation (M&S) is a powerful tool for medical product design optimization, safety evaluation, clinical trial reduction, and enabling precision medicine ( Viceconti et al., 2016; Faris and Shuren, 2017; Morrison et al., 2018 ). 2 0 obj LT: nothing to disclose. endobj MeSH Austin PC, White IR, Lee DS, van Buuren S. Can J Cardiol. and transmitted securely. As it turns out, the two approaches generate equivalent estimators in this simple example, but for more complex models that rely on type (i) assumptions to model the observed data, that is not the case. The full-data mean can be estimated using a weighted average of the observed outcomes, where the weights are individual-specific and correspond to the conditional probability of being observed given the observed outcome value. Keywords Clinical trials Robustness Sensitivity analysis ASJC Scopus subject areas Epidemiology Lancet. (2007) provide estimators of the survival function under separate models for the competing censoring mechanisms, including both informative and noninformative censoring. If the results of the sensitivity analyses are consistent with the primary results, researchers can be confident that the assumptions made for the primary analysis have had little impact on the results, giving strength to the trial findings. Indeed, research on methodology has shifted from formulation of ever more complex models to methods for assessing sensitivity of specific models and their underlying assumptions. 20 0 obj To illustrate these approaches, the next four sections present four example designs of increasing complexity. et al. Because estimation of each treatment arm mean relies solely on data from subjects assigned to that arm, the problem reduces to estimation of a mean E(Y) based on a random sample with Y missing in some units. <>>>/Length 55>> Each value of corresponds to a different unverifiable assumption about the mean of Y in the nonrespondents. Assuming that a clinical trial will produce data that could reveal differences in effects between two or more interventions, statistical analyses are used to determine whether such differences are real or are due to chance. As in the preceding example, we limit our discussion to estimation of the arm-specific mean of Y1, denoted now by = E(Y1 ). Fit the model (Y0) to those with R1 = 0, and obtain the estimated function . The statistical analysis plan (SAP) of a trial is generally pre-specified and documented prior to seeing outcome data, and it is encouraged that researchers follow the pre-specified analysis plan. SP was responsible for writing, critical review, and feedback on the manuscript. Audible Holiday Deal. Because we are only interested in the mean of Y, it suffices to make assumptions about how the mean of Y among nonresponders links to the mean of Y among respondents. Nataraj AJ, Olivos-Glander I, Kusukawa N, Highsmith WE Jr. Electrophoresis. and transmitted securely. Repeat step 3 to obtain the p-value to see if the p-value is still <=0.05. Sensitivity analyses are an important tool for understanding the extent to which the results of randomised trials depend upon the assumptions of the analysis. Accompanying these bounds would be a 95 percent confidence region. From (2), MAR implies that = 1, or that the full-data mean is equal to the mean among those with observed Y. For example, one can assume that the log odds of nonresponse differs by for those who differ by one unit on Y. However, this range might be rather difficult to specify if the reasons that each censoring might occur are quite different, more so if some censoring processes are informative and some are not. Varun Chaudhary. Models for missing Y2 and Y3 can be specified similarly. The sensitivity analysis methodology consists of three steps. Assessment of (a) can be partially carried out to the extent that one can compare observed and fitted values for the observables under the model specified for the full data. The ICH E9 (R1) Addendum on Estimands and Sensitivity Analysis in Clinical Trials describes a systematic approach to thinking through the trial objectives to ensure that the study goals are both precise and transparent and that the proposed design and analysis is aligned with them.2 3 The addendum reinforces the importance of a priori defining the estimand of interest. It is key that any sensitivity analysis methodology allow the formulation of these assumptions in a transparent and easy-to-communicate manner. The first two examples involve a single outcome, without and then with auxiliary data. The key distinction ultimately arises in how type (ii) assumptions are imposed. The third and fourth examples extend the designs to those with repeated measures, with monotone and non-monotone missing data, respectively, with and without auxiliary data. A novel mutation of STK11/LKB1 gene leads to the loss of cell growth inhibition in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Since the true values of missing data are never known, it is necessary to assess the impact of untestable and unavoidable assumptions about any unobserved data in sensitivity analysis. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. One can specify, for example, that. In this paper, we discuss a recently developed methodology (Scharfstein et al., Biometrics, 2018) for conducting sensitivity analysis of randomized trials in which outcomes are scheduled to be measured at fixed points in time after randomization and some subjects prematurely withdraw from study participation. The formula for sensitivity analysis is basically a financial model in excel where the analyst is required to identify the key variables for the output formula and then assess the output based on different combinations of the independent variables. Right panel: contour of Z statistic for comparing placebo to active treatment, where is varied separately by treatment. We first address type (i) specification, illustrating a way to link distributions with those having missing observations to those with observed data. We illustrate the accessibility of these methods using data from a pediatric eczema trial and a chronic headache trial and provide Stata code to facilitate adoption. conduct a sensitivity analysis, whereby the data analysis is repeated under di erent type (i) assumptions, so as to Study Group,, Research Methodology for the Ophthalmologist. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Without making assumptions about 0, the full-data mean cannot be identified (estimated) from the observed data. Rotnitzky et al. <> As a result, there can be limitless ways of specifying models. Although not immediately apparent, once a value of is adopted, one can estimate = E[Y] consistently. Thus, a highly sensitive test rarely overlooks an actual positive (for example, showing "nothing bad" despite something bad existing). 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