openstax college algebra 2e

The index and glossary are effective. I researched this. 2.5 Solve Linear Inequalities One place where this text excels is repetition of key terms and concepts, I feel having definitions listed out in each section and again at the end of each chapter is helpful to students. I have not encountered any grammatical errors while reading through the textbook. Many of the applications in the book were stuck in time for the year approximately 2010. The content of algebra should remain the same for a long while, therefore, the book is very suitable for what are taught .As most openstax math books, the book provides very useful youtube link at end of each session, which is very appropriate for the learning habit of current students. Access, develop and share resources created by the OpenStax community that align with OpenStax Intermediate Algebra 2e. The exercise sets Steven Purtee, Valencia College Each College Algebra 2e section is paired with a thoughtfully developed, topically aligned skills module that prepares students for the course material. I have to mention, students can just click examples in blue to locate them. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. read more. Because the textbook is available online, the errata are regularly incorporated in the version that many students access. Reviewed by Brandie Windham, Mathematics Faculty, Morton College on 1/15/19, The text covers material comparable to the text I currently use. Theres certainly more than a semesters worth of material here and it would be fairly straightforward to pick and choose sections to tilt the text towards prefers topics. Sprache: Englisch. There are portions of the text that are vastly more approachable in their discussion of ideas and concepts than is common, and those, like the semi-frequent Q&A asides are where the text is at its best. The text was as blandly neutral as possible. This textbook covers all topics in college algebra, with many chapters to review pre-requisite knowledge, including solving linear equations, factoring, solving quadratic equations and graphing quadratic functions. read more, A comprehensive text I will consider using in Fall 2021. I found no instances of culturally insensitive or offensive content. College Algebra 2e (SECOND EDITION) by OpenStax (Print Version, Paperback, B&W, Complete Vol. My main concern is the arrangement of the first couple of chapters. It is complete in its coverage of the building blocks of algebra, many types of functions, their graphs and conic sections. Charles Buckley, St. Gregory's University I didn't check all the details line by line. We understand that precision and accuracy are imperatives in mathematics, and undertook an accuracy program led by experienced faculty. The index at the end of the book is also very useful, utilizing the links to quickly jump to specific pages where key terms are referenced. Prealgebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester prealgebra or basic math course. To reach the Community Hubs, visit The layout is such that the transition from topic-to-topic from within a section and between sections is non-jarring and natural. Cultural The course material is presented in a logical order with a References to sports and physics in introducing topics has the potential to be exclusionary for students without the needed backgrounds. The interface was easy to follow using the online and PDF version of the text. OpenStax - Urone and Hinrichs: OpenStax: 572 questions available: Calculus, 1st edition. This is handy for students, especially in the Be Prepared readiness quiz problems at the beginning of each section, where students can refer to previously solved problems by clicking on the recommended hyperlinks. ordered pair 2.1 The Rectangular Coordinate Systems and Graphs, 3.1 Functions and Function Notation, 3.2 Domain and Range. The text is a very comprehensive study of college algebra. Any instructor teaching a college algebra class will find this text to be the perfect level of comprehensiveness. Clarity of text is appropriate for the audience of this book. This book is very comprehensive. Real-World Applications examples vary wildly in quality, some are great and others undermine the Real-World label. For example, speaking of a new car, it might have been stating that someone buys a new car for $7000. I highly recommend this text and will use it again. The text has clear visuals. From what I see, the content is accurate, error free, and unbiased. OpenStax High School Books 30+ textbooks for math, science, business, history, and more. Each chapter begins with a list of its sections. All relevant topics considered, there are only minor differences in content depth and breadth. There are lots of tables to compare similar terminologies which students may be easily confused. AP Test Prep Questions from OpenStax College Physics, 2016 edition. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to . The introductory narratives, example and problem contexts, and even many of the names used for fictional people in the text were all reviewed using a diversity, equity, and inclusion framework. Overall the text is organized such that concepts build on each other in a logical fashion. Reviewed by David Miley, Adjunct Professor, Massasoit Community College on 6/7/21, This text provides ample material to cover an Intermediate Algebra course as well as supplemental material for remediation or extension. The The only way to really be able to state that a book is accurate is to proof-read the entire book. In particular, it would be most appropriate to use the Covid pandemic as a topic in Chapter 10 relating to exponential and logarithmic functions. Here are some specific things that the book does really well. All resources in OpenStax Prealgebra 2e. In the past, I have used at least one book where the applications in the book were based on information 10 years ago. 1 & 2), ISBN 1640323678, ISBN-13 9781640323674, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US The author does a great job with clarity. Additionally, the notation used is clear and unambiguous, leading to strong student comprehension. Khan Academy) that can be used to supplement the text in its current form however. For example, in section 4.2 many of the Real World Applications involve a prediction for a date that is in the past. It would be very easy to update these as well as any content as the book ages. Find a Dexter, MI College Algebra Tutor Juanita T. - $60.00/hr - Ypsilanti, MI - View Juanita T. >> .My approach to most subjects is to ask questions to informally find out what my students know and what they are having difficulty with. Consider a system that is bounded by two parallel lines. Intermediate Algebra, 2nd edition. Example 4 3:25 Example . The textbook should instead use Desmos or Geogebra, free resources for students. As mentioned before, the authors used clear and concise language throughout. I did not discover any culturally insensitive or offensive material. By the end of this section, you will be able to: When clicking on hyperlink for 2.1, we see the following: We recommend using a Before you get started, take this readiness quiz. Visually they did a nice job of breaking up the content with the use of headings, varying fonts, font styles, and colors. It's difficult for students to read through textbooks in general. read more. The text was clear and easy to follow with several color examples. The text is divided into chapters and therefore it would be easy to use only parts of the text. citation tool such as. Terminology is used in a consistent way throughout the chapters. Instead of saying "Please look at Figure", it should say "Please look at Figure 1". Through partnerships with philanthropic foundations and alliances with other educational resource companies, OpenStax strives to break down the most common barriers to learning as they believe that a well . The text thoroughly covers all of the topics I would expect from a College Algebra text and more. As far as I can predict, through the lens of now, the content will age well. March 30th, 2017 Edie Erickson added Bay College - MATH110 College Algebra. There should be more. These textbooks are available for free by following the links below. Solve equations with fraction or decimal coefficients The Flesch Reading Ease was 56 (0 = very difficult, 100 = easiest), meaning it was fairly difficulty to read. In College Algebra 2e, most photos and third-party illustrations contain attribution to their creator, rights holder, host platform, and/or license within the caption. These include: Systems of Equations, Conic Sections, Sequences, Counting and Probability. There are thousands of exercises in this text and I am sure they are completed with an extremely high degree of accuracy! Many contexts, scenarios, and images have been changed to become even more relevant to . The index lists the main definitions, but usually links to a section in which to find the term. Overall the textbook has an attractive aesthetic and is nearly on par with modern retail offerings. read more. The one improvement that could make it even more appealing for students would be to have alternative media, perhaps associated video content or more infographics. Edie Erickson added Bay College - MATH105 Intermediate Algebra. Michael Price, University of Oregon There were no culturally in appropriate issues that I detected. College Algebra created by Jim Helmer for Bay College. The layout/order of the various sections within the text is definitely clear and logical. Every textbook has it's flaws, however I feel that this text would be a great open resource alternative to a traditional text. The word problems are primarily general in nature and cover a wide variety of topics. In addition, all the odd numbered Exercise problems have direct hyperlinks to the Answer Key. How to Use the OpenStax Community Hub (View Complete Item Description) Tips and guidelines to help you create resources that align with OpenStax titles. Math jargon can be overwhelming and frequently the text and does extra work to clarify or define terms. I have not come across anything in the text that raises concerns or questions related to cultural relevance. The clarity of this textbook was excellent. The "How To" box is helpful in giving step by step solutions. I found it extremely easy to navigate around from various sections, to problem answers and to media with the click of the mouse. I am Legend is the top grossing horror movie of its decade? He received Teacher of the Year awards at both institutions. Again, personally, I would add more bookmarks to the PDF version. The Intermediate Algebra textbook covers 12 topics: Foundations that include all operations with real numbers, Solving Linear Equations and inequalities, Graphs and Functions, Systems of Linear Equations, including matrices, Polynomials, Factoring, including special products, Rational expressions, Roots and Radicals, Quadratic equations, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Conics, Sequences, Series and more. Algebra does not have to worry about obsolescence in quite the same way as other subjects, and theres nothing to suggest the text will suddenly need major revisions. For example, on page 690, a table is provided to help students to understand rational expression and rational functions. In todays society, I believe that the majority of educators are trained and are very keenly aware of being culturally respectful. Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, are devices that can be flown remotely. read more. The content is comparable to the text that I currently use to teach with. It is a bit repetitive to cover quadratic equations in chapter 2 and within the context of polynomial and rational functions in chapter 5, so perhaps a better curricular approach would begin with chapter 3 material on functions. The text is broken into logical sections comparable to the text that I currently use to teach with. However, with some rearranging of these topics or even omission, the rest of the text is organized logically. Just as in the classroom we must be on our best behavior to demonstrate cultural awareness and respect, we would expect that most books do not have a problem with this dimension of education.. My thoughts and hopes are that the books would not be published by companies unless they are culturally respectful. Reviewed by Jamie Wirth, Assistant Professor, Valley City State University on 1/7/16, The content of the text is quite comprehensive and certainly includes the relevant content that would be expected of a college algebra text. Material Type: . On a few occasions, I would have preferred the graphs right justified and the corresponding explanations left justified such that the size of the graph could have been increased. Jessica Bolz, The Bryn Mawr School are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written I like the Key Concepts and How to features as they help students better understand the concepts in each section by questioning their learning and memorizing the rules to solve problems. I did not find any errors in the sections of the book that I previewed. Marecek and Mathis: OpenStax: 2849 questions available. read more. Kristyanna Erickson, Notre Dame of Maryland University Colors and headings really help reader to sort out information. The textbook is therefore replete with well-designed features and highlights, which help students overcome these barriers. Elementary Algebra 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester elementary algebra course. I would not worry about the text will be obsolete or out of dated within a short period of time as College Algebra is pretty much settled subject. Sara Lenhart, Christopher Newport University I had no interface problems. The authors use terminology and symbols consistently from section to section and chapter to chapter. I will likely continue to use this textbook. Modularity is demonstrated also in the examples I have given above on Consistency. Disappointed. Modularity One inequality represents the region above the upper line; the other represents the region below the lower line. Overall the organization of the text is logical and seems pedagogically justified. Similarly, exercise problems, review problems and test problems are numbered sequentially for the entire chapter. I did report these errors and one typo in 5.2, Ex. The text carved the material into a granularity adequate to support most teaching style. There were no shifts in style, nomenclature or terminology. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The online text has too many things in gray highlighting boxes, and lacks the visual contrast of the pdf. Andrea Honeycutt Mathis, Northeast Mississippi Community College, Reviewed by Ted Jankowski, Assistant Professor, City Colleges of Chicago on 5/19/22, This textbook covers all the necessary content for a standard course in Intermediate Algebra. Reviewed by Sarah Klanderman, Assistant Professor, Marian University on 12/28/20, This textbook covers all of the main topics of a typical College Algebra course, in addition to a few topics (e.g. If Im using an electronic version, Id prefer to error on the side of readability. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Elementary Algebra, 2nd edition. The word choice of the texts authors is excellent. Each chapter consistently follows this order: Chapter Outline, Introduction, Chapter Sections, Chapter Review, Key Concepts, Review Exercises, and a Practice Test. 1111 p. ISBN 9781711494029. 2.6 Solve Compound Inequalities Hilfe +49 (0)40 4223 6096 eBooks . OpenStax Intermediate Algebra 2e. A: Table and Table define functions. Precalculus Reviewers The text appears to be very well done concerning accuracy. Imagine being a pilot, but not just any pilota drone pilot. If there are interface issues, they were ones that I had not seen. citation tool such as. Colors for text, fonts, headings are all appropriate and help to focus the reader's attention to what is truly important. I used the first edition when teaching my Intermediate Algebra course over four semesters, and I had no significant issues concerning content accuracy. Nicole Fernandez, Georgetown University / Kent State University As a litmus test, I like have a text-to-speech program narrate some passages. I believe the short sections in chapter 4 should be realigned. All resources in OpenStax Prealgebra 2e. 1999-2022, Rice University. The textbook is student-friendly. The PDF version's lesson index are all hyperlinks to the corresponding lessons. read more. The topics are organized logically and start with the easiest one. Otherwise it is a very thorough book and easy to follow with more infomation than most instuctors will need. Key terms are boldfaced, typically when first introduced and/or when formally defined. The text has a large index of terms, properties and theorems. Kathy Kovacs However, some word problems were dated. These are minor issues. There are some excellent explanations about working with integers and fractions, a lot of tables and graphs to help students understand different types of functions and how the graph changes when the function is changed. What I look for is how old are the examples in the text, if they have data then that data should be current and up to date. Also, as a personal opinion, I don't think that partial fractions belong in a college algebra text. Because we believe that everyone should and can have access to knowledge. Q&As right after new examples that illustrate potential problem areas preemptively but also in a more conversational tone. The text is very logically progressive and organized in such a way that both deductive and inductive methods of learning are present. This is because the online version assigns section 1 of each chapter to the introduction, whereas the PDF version assigns section 1 to the first section of actual content, thus causing the two versions to be one section "off" from each other. The index and glossary are effective. Reviewed by Haley Dohrmann, Assistant Professor, Kirkwood Community College on 11/15/21, The text is a very comprehensive study of college algebra. Sharon North (St. Louis Community College) developed a coordinated set of support resources, which provide review, instruction, and practice for algebra students. The structure of the text is quite consistent. The images, graphs, and charts display very well and are not distracting or confusing to the reader. The textbook has sufficient worked examples and applications that support the learning objectives, many supporting feature such as How To and Try It, and many online homework software system partners such as XYZ homework and WEBASSIGN that I did not have the chance to contact nor try yet. Join this group. Prior to coming to ASU, Jay taught at Texas State Technical College and Amarillo College. The follow this with a statement that determinants of higher dimension matrices should be done with technology due to heavy computation. This is a bit too much to asking for the mathematics text. Eugenia Peterson, Richard J. Daley College There are Extensions and Real World Applications as well. This connects previously learned topics to the new or current topics. The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. If one of them would have dark skin, and/or be a female, it would build hope for those students that they too could also become scientists. then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, David French, Tidewater Community College The examples in the homework do a great job of including problems that cater to the major areas of mathematics instruction namely: Graphical, analytical, numerical, and verbal. Per page. For example the authors introduce some simple transformations during the study of linear graphs before formally learning all of the other transformations in a later chapter. For example, the Exercises in Section 5.3 begin with problem 178 and end with problem 287. The text is well designed and organized. Several elements, each marked by a distinctive icon, contribute to and check understanding. Discussions. The online version should add numbers to hyperlinks to figures and tables. I do also wish a fully-digital text would provide a larger variety of fully-worked and explained solutions, and drop the convention of only providing answers to odd practice exercises. A click of your mouse on any index item takes you to the appropriate section. From that point in the book, the material flows nicely. The course material is presented in a logical order with a seamless transition from one topic to another. I would like the textbook to promote more active learning by requiring students engagement while reading the assigned contents. It has extensive review material as well. Simplify: 32(12x+20).32(12x+20). Mathematical content is slowly developed from previous material. This is all covered again in 4.1 Linear Functions. Accuracy Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . Since each chapter is divided into sections, a section works very favorably as a lesson plan for each class. The concepts of the textbook are clearly explained. Overall the book is very consistent. 2.4 Solve Mixture and Uniform Motion Applications The topics in the text are presented in a logical and clear fashion. I never ran into any distortions or dead ends! Elementary Algebra 2nd edition Table of Contents: Marecek, Anthony-Smith and Mathis: Sample Assignment: All Chapters Available Prealgebra 2nd edition Table of Contents . Andrea Honeycutt Mathis,Northeast Mississippi Community College. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at I have adopted this as a textbook for one semester. Knewton aligns closely with OpenStax texts for their math content and classroom worksheets in case you want to give it a try. Worksheets in case you want to cite, share, or modify this book will not obsolete A detailed solution available with the relevance of any offensive language or anything that will disturb the reader with statement. 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