ecological sensitivity in teaching

PubMed Finding the right balance between detail and simplicity of a concept (Johnson and Lidstrom, 2018), while allowing for different contextual uses is important. Improved biodiversity outcomes through more crop and plant diverse agricultural systems and landscapes, for markets or subsistence benefit, are encouraged by a functional complexity conducive to sustained productivity. 2020-1-IT02-K229-079791 Erasmus+ website PubMed The practice of clinical ecology encompasses the practices of environmental sensitivity and its theories. Environ Manag 48:22936, Sepulveda RB, Carrillo AA (2015) Soil erosion and erosion thresholds in an agroforestry system of coffee (Coffea arabica) and mixed shade trees (Inga spp and Musa spp) in Northern Nicaragua. Ask: What was it that made you aware of the childs needs in that moment? In this paper we introduce a new questionnaire-the Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) scale-as a promising self-report measure of Environmental Sensitivity. Agricultural systems that include biodiversity can be minimally biodiverse, and the biodiversity included can variably ensure maintained productive or biodiversity function of an agricultural system or landscape (Vogt, 2017, 2019a). Coastal marine ecosystems are sensitive to anthropogenic stressors and environmental change. Options for shade and ground cover structure and function are diverse, influenced by plant and crop variety inclusion and spatial distributions. You check the weather forecast for tomorrows temperature and chance of precipitation. (2019). 3 are not included in the ESHR. You can also search for this author in ISSN 2662-9992 (online), Ecological sensitivity within human realities concept for improved functional biodiversity outcomes in agricultural systems and landscapes, humanities and social sciences communications,, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (,,,,[0544:IOAPAE]2.0.CO;2,,,, They depend on functionally biodiverse agricultural systems, i.e., systems that include diversity in plants and/or crops and maintain productive function. They also demonstrate how aesthetic preferences might influence interest in more biodiverse coffee systems. Varying human realities explained as beyond farmer control recognises macro factors often determined at a landscape, country or regional level. (2013) Integrating movement ecology with biodiversity research exploring new avenues to address spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics. : , VeryNile - Keeping the Nile Alive | EcoMENA, Eco-friendly Things To Know Before Buying Your First Home | EcoMENA, Menyelamatkan Lingkungan melalui Pendidikan Tangan Ksatria, 15 Inspirational Quotes On The Environment, The Environmental Impacts of Industrialization, 10 Eco-Friendly Projects for School Students. Heterogeneity of the human aspects of the ESHR is referred to as realities with two aspects, intangible and tangible to ensure detailed consideration of how human realities differ and are influenced. To obtain Being ecologically sensitive within human realities could also be considered a specific resilience strategy, or to reduce the need for resilience from damaging human interactions. Section ESHR specific to the coffee farming landscape context explains these considerations specific to coffee farming landscapes. Ecological intensification, ecosystem services and socio-ecological niches find foundation in ecological science, they might not however adequately address the ecological basis for functional biodiversity. Skills: the skills needed to identify and investigate the problems of the environment and to contribute to solving the problems of the environment. Human realities can be circumstantial and can determine how any ESHR intervention or approach will improve functional biodiversity outcomes in coffee farming landscapes. In: Peters, M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. 1. Thank you for visiting They are assessed and explained using the two aspects of the ESHR. (2017) Heavy metals and pesticide exposure from agricultural activities and former agrochemical factory in a Salvadoran rural community. Selected literature reviewed from 20132018 is integrated through results and discussion. How ecological conditions are understood as influential to preventing these conditions has a productivity implication. 587. Hearing this, many may wonder, Will people think Im weird if I start talking to myself in the classroom?. Global Change Biol 23(11):494657, ADS And (ii) variability in each of the two aspects of the concept by landscape context, see Table 2 and section Examples of intertwined ESHR considerations for functionally biodiverse coffee farming landscapes. The tangible human reality of capability encourages consistent consideration for implementation to ensure long-term and maintained outcomes, an important detail that is often not included in any of the concepts considered. J Environ Educ 40(1):318, Ehrlich PR (2009) Cultural evolution and the human predicament. See rationale for sensitivity in sections Ecological sensitivity and Sensitivity as prevention and resilience literature. Balancing between generalisability and specificity for intended outcomes is however necessary, particularly for concepts that include principles and details of ecological science (Johnson and Lidstrom, 2018). Vogt, M.A.B. In the last Real World Examples post, we focused on Positive Climate. 3rd edn. Functional biodiversity complements productive intentions and ensures robust agri-biodiverse systemsFootnote 1 that rely on ecological interactions and processes (Bullock et al., 2017), dependent in part on genes and species present, their diversity and abundance, and then spatial distributions. The landscape context and accessibility, detail sought and resources available will assist to determine the appropriate combination of methods and methodology used. This map is easily available and can be consulted often by employees throughout the organization. Developmental Psychology, 54(1), 51-70. Where understanding was evident, a gap between understanding and confidence in viability for biodiverse coffee farms remained. Existing and commonly used concepts that seek to improve biodiversity in agricultural systems are compared to the ESHR to demonstrate novelty. J Ecol 105(4):88084, Caicedo BLC, Guerrero HAC, Roux J, Wingfield MJ (2013) New coffee (Coffea Arabica) genotypes derived from Coffea canephora exhibiting high levels of resistance to leaf rust and ceratocystis canker. Environmental sensitivity WG. Environmental sensitivity. Seeking increased crop and plant diversity, and farm and landscape heterogeneity selections for a diverse system will influence biodiversity outcomes (Hass et al., 2018), provision ecological (Wilson et al., 2017) and nutritional benefit, and withstand regionally specific climatic variations (Manners and van Etten, 2018). Marnetta Larrimer, host of Impacting the Classroom, is todays guest. Functional biodiversity, as reliant on and integral to ecological integrity instead of being an aspect of ecological conditions (Leopold, 1939; Ruzicka and Misovicova, 2009), can naturally ensure or complement the function of a biodiverse agricultural system, including how a system and landscape self-sustains and maintains productivity. The conceptual assessment identifies detailed existing barriers to increases in functionally biodiverse coffee farms and landscapes according to the different market types, with recommendations for future assessment and practice to remove these barriers (pp. Oecologia 169(4):102532. 1 and 2. 3, with a black border, farmer capability. The functional aspect of biodiversity encouraged by the ESHR integrates human realities considerations. Coffee and other agricultural systems are natural systems that have been modified and simplified for ease of management (Western, 2001) and agricultural productivity. Google Scholar, Barratt BIP, Moran VC, Bigler F, van Lenteren JC (2018) The status of biological control and recommendations for improving uptake for the future. Those that seek to address societal considerations are limited to the detail allowed with variable definite consideration included in Fig. The balance emphasised is function value-based, a part of which is economic and service value. Coffee farm in Costa Rica, 2014. Google Scholar, Babin N (2015) The coffee crisis, fairtrade and agroecological transformation: impacts on land use change in Costa Rica. Landscape ecology and biodiversity are included in the ESHR and are therefore explained in Tables 4 and 5 with written rather than visual comparisons provided. In Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. These values are established in the ethical codes for teachers, which were first published in Finland in 1998. The most exciting thing is that both teacher and coach sensitivity are behaviors each of us can learn about, practice and perfect. Four existing, specific and relevant concepts for the agricultural context, socio-ecological niches, sustainable intensification, ecological intensification and ecosystem services were selected according to similar specific intention to the ESHR. The benefit of neighbouring forested areas for agricultural system function is however also recognised (Toledo et al., 2018). Therefore she alterna-tively explored attitude, sensitivity, interest, and dedication. (2014) Bee pollination improves crop quality, shelf life and commercial value. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Far from being something "just in your head", this condition can affect both productivity and psychological stability. Resilience literature and theories seek to address adaptive capacity and tend to be relevant most for expectations of difficult conditions (Vogt and Englund, 2019, p. 67). Lets say you tried to start your car in the morning and couldnt get it running, so you call a mechanic. Notre Dame: Alliance for Catholic Education Press. Comparisons to specific and more general commonly used and relevant concepts are provided in the discussion based on a simple literature review and cogitation. You may ask them to introduce you to others (seeks support and guidance). The emphasis on the function of ecological conditions for functional biodiversity is not explicitly required or explained for all concepts. If youre preparing to do Infant/Toddler CLASS observations, read on to get solutions to three of the most common challenges when observing in a mixed-age setting. or classroom environment that are free of gender bias and encourage both male and female to realize their actual potentials. ESHR agricultural systems and landscapes maintain productivity and comprehensive long-term biodiversity outcomes, with emphasis on functional biodiversity that provisions maintained productivity and natural system regulation. Biodiverse systems can then remain productive without ecological functional traits instead of relying on external inputs. In her conversation with Kate, shes going to talk about what a CLASS observation is all about. Diaz-Briquets S, Perez-Lopez J (2000) Conquering nature: the environmental legacy of socialism in Cuba. The mechanic also provides a courtesy vehicle that will take you to work (helps in effective and timely manner). To summarize the methodological process resulting from methods used in the field and after fieldwork, fieldwork reflections and six foundational observations from fieldwork reflections provide a simple overview of the thought process that provided initial grounding for concept development. In the rainforests of Ethiopia and progress in breeding for resistance in Kenya. This was reflected by a relatively large ecological distance between 36.5 and 13.5 cm and all other clusters in ordination space (Fig. Ubiquity Press, London, Vogt M (2019c) Developing stronger association between market value of coffee and functional biodiversity. Google Scholar, Davis MA (2003) Biotic globalisation: does competition from introduced species threaten biodiversity? Capability can determine how the function and complexity of ecological interactions and processes within an agri-biodiverse system are influenced by human interactions according to modification through land use allocations, design and maintenance. System is used to clarify an idea of a contained landscape patch, mainly agricultural land use or agricultural system compared to an entire landscape made up of different land use, or landscape patches, different systems. PubMed The answer is no. When a member or not a member, they might learn from trial and error, community members that are farmers, other extension efforts, or from international connections. Environmental sensitivity in children: Development of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale and identification of sensitivity groups. See explanation of landscape ecology and biodiversity. In Finland, for example, teachers are considered ethical professionals who can be trusted and who share similar basic values about their work. Theoretical and conceptual applications of the human realities considerations of the ESHR are explained in Vogt (2019a). (2017) Influence of crop type, heterogeneity and woody structure on avian biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. There are two areas of ecosystem services that the ESHR provides improved specificity for (1) While well aligned and useful, the idea of the environment servicing humans accommodates existing understanding and premise that the environment should be used by humans. Teacher Sensitivity is not about how "nice" or "caring" teachers are; rather, it is about how teachers consistently demonstrate awareness and responsiveness to children's current academic and emotional abilities and needs. Then, as specific to coffee farming landscapes by combining fieldwork observations with literature. Biodiversity as explained in the results section has varying definitions, and for agricultural systems, the function is not always assured. (e) Reciprocity between human realities, and functional system and landscape ecological conditions across different types of created or maintained ecological complexity are understood and consistently considered. J Environ Quality 24(2):22733, CAS Regarding the productive premise for natural resource systems in agricultural systems and landscapes, each concept considers societal outcomes, and other less important or non-valuable ecological aspects variably. PNAS 114(21):54738, Leopold A (1939) The farmer as a conservationist. Moving on through the CLASS manual, today we will explore the dimension of Teacher Sensitivity. II. Google Scholar. If the compared concepts in Fig. - (2013) Species richness declines and biotic homogenisation have slowed down for NW-European pollinators and plants. An environmental sensitivity index map provides a concise summary of coastal resources that could be at risk in the event of an oil spill. When compared to the selection of existing concepts of similar intentions it demonstrates to combine strengths of different concepts with improved opportunity for contextual adaptations. The term ecological perspective is a concept from the science of ecology that refers the study of organisms and how they interact with their environments. The benefit of growing biodiversity-friendly or standard crops next to intact forest (Oliveira and Estrada, 2017) is however contextualised by landscape ecological implications of species and particularly crop movement into natural areas (Jeltsch et al., 2013). The contrast is not limited to an agricultural system, with landscape implications (Maxim and van der Sluijs, 2013; Kleijn et al., 2015). Canada Norway France Belgium Finland Germany Austria Others to be contacted. to protect and where necessary to restore the structure and functionality of natural systems; to protect soil against erosion and pollution. Figure 3 provides visually represented basic conceptual comparisons with the ESHR, including specific societal considerations. Supporting those we train to make a connection between everyday experiences and classroom experiences helps make learning the CLASS tool more meaningful and relatable! 3. In this review, we study the state of entrepreneurial education as it applies to business resilience. Emphasising biodiversity as a concept encourages an understanding of objective rather than an aspect of system or landscape ecology, an ESHR aligned understanding. For example, biodiversity might not naturally resolve system damage caused by pests and disease but adequate integration of ecological conditions and science that considers individual system and landscape level needs and ensured functional biodiversity could improve system function including sustained production. The affiliation for this article recognises that it was originally part of a PhD dissertation with associated acknowledgements and funding. Wiley, New York, Forman R (1995) Some general principles of landscape and regional ecology. Firstly, according to ecological conditions and then human realities to explain improved specificity allowed by the ESHR. Human natural environment interactions often adjust the environment in a way simplest for human management (Western, 2001). Subject:Anthropology Paper:Ecological Anthropology : Cultural and Biological Dimensions Negative or positive spillover can reach neighbouring and distanced natural systems. Table 4 provides brief explanations of selected concepts that are similar to or included in the ESHR. As a conceptual article, the presented considerations provide guidance for assessments, planned responses and implementation toward improved functional biodiversity outcomes in agricultural systems and landscapes. Including human realities as an aspect of the concept is an example of how grounded ethnography allows a concept to gradually develop. As pollinator abundance and diversity, and pollination versus visitation are dependent on this mutualism, diversified fields of functional crop and plant selections can be positively associated. Plant and crop diversity within and across functional groups is a guiding principle for integrating conservation with agricultural production (Fischer et al., 2005; 2017). ADS But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The environmental status of each year is increasingly worrying: the forested spaces are reduced, the deserts are spreading, the agricultural soils are degraded, the degree of pollution is higher, and the ozone layer is thinner, the greenhouse effect is accentuated, and many plant and animal species are endangered. For the coffee farm and landscape context, the contribution of shade or groundcover for coffee system and landscape function and biodiversity outcomes is conditioned by plant and crop heterogeneity, functional structure and complexity of a system. Chapter 11. BioScience 53(5):48189, Delong DC, Jr. (1996) Defining biodiversity. Vines and living ground cover., Imai N, Samejima H, Langner A, Ong RC, Kita S, Titin J, Chung AY, Lagan P, Lee YF, Kitayama K (2009) Co-benefits of sustainable forest management in biodiversity conservation and Carbon sequestration. The specific concept objective also assists in understanding why sensitivity is necessary., Article Plant and crop diversity does not always result in improved biodiversity outcomes (Hass et al., 2018), but is beneficial enough to suggest breeding new varieties conducive to productive system function without relying on ecological or natural conditions (Barot et al., 2017). 58). (2015) Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation. Teacher Sensitivity is not about how nice or caring teachers are; rather, it is about how teachers consistently demonstrate awareness and responsiveness to childrens current academic and emotional abilities and needs. The practical use of these considerations for farm design and practice demonstrates how human realities considerations are already used and how they can optimize the function of a biodiverse agricultural system and landscape. Each concept is geared to address an assumed understanding of human-natural environment interactions. The results do not apply the concept, as publications already do conceptually, see Vogt (2019a, 2020, 2021) and sections Examples of combined considerations as relevant to the ESHR; Farm design and human realities of the ESHR; and ESHR and conceptual understandings of coffee quality and market value and Farm design, and ESHR considerations for coffee farming landscapes. What is healthy for nature, as a rule, is also healthy for its creatures and every man must be responsible for the impact that his life has on the life of the planet. They are ultimately integrated considerations but might not be given proportional attention in the design process or in implementation and maintenance. Where seeking to improve positive biodiversity outcomes in these landscapes, the continuing need to produce coffee by yield quantity as a cash crop is considered a significant common perspective or orientation, and potential constraint to improving biodiversity outcomes (Vogt, 2019c). It is being aware of and responsive to childrens daily needs and then providing a secure base from which they can blossom. What are some of your favorite real-world examples of Teacher Sensitivity? Common human realities explained as within farmer control, organised according to intangible and tangible human realities. The author declares no competing interests. In this case, sensitivity is described with reference to the interaction with the environment, which involves the child's traits, environmental resources, as well as the quality of the child's relationship with the environment (Brzeziska 2003). Movement ecology (Jeltsch et al., 2013) progresses the idea of dynamic conditions of landscape ecology and interactions between ecosystems and how spillover can change ecological conditions in landscape patches. Co-occurring pests and diseases represent some of the more challenging situations (Caicedo et al., 2013; Vandermeer et al., 2014) for coffee systems and landscapes. The aim of this study was to examine the. In 1968 Ostrom argued that common resources were better managed where those benefiting due to close proximity had control (Ostrom, 1990). Help teachers reflect upon a specific time when they made a decision to respond to a childs needs. NatCommun 6:7414., Article Extending the human realities consideration past those interacting directly with the natural environment and recognising the significance of human influence despite any relevant advances in conservation, biodiversity or ecological science. Ecological Education is about helping children, young people, and adults learn the Christian values and habits to be co-creators and good stewards in caring for our own bodies, defending human life, and living in harmony with creation. Climate change is often characterized in terms of climate sensitivity, the globally averaged temperature rise associated with a doubling of the atmospheric CO 2 (equivalent) concentration. PubMedGoogle Scholar. They include ecotones and the edge effect, and ecological succession (Vogt, 2019a, Table 2a, b). The advanced considerations, as well as the obvious, are also relevant to external factor influence, and the consideration of stakeholder influence. 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